RE3MAKE REview - Faster than a ray of light


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Resident Evil 2 Remake was my game of 2019, I thought the way they handled the update from 1998 gameplay and graphics to a 2019 standard was incredible. It took away the set camera angles and tanky controls and remade the entire game into an even more modern version of how Resident Evil 4 played (stay tuned for that Remake apparently). Then we sit here a little over a year later, and they've already managed to make and release Resident Evil 3 Remake. Which is pretty fucking fast, even for Ubisoft games, let alone Resident Evil games. Supposedly this was in development along side the RE2Make, but I'm not entirely sure about that.

What I will say is that Resident Evil 3 has exactly 1/4 the content of RE2 so maybe you can just make a game that fast when your game only has to last for an hour and you get to reuse assets. Because I'll be perfectly frank, Resident Evil is very very short. I have beaten the game with S ranks on all three of the starting difficulties now, for a grand total of 6 hours of play time.

While the first playthrough takes about 3 hours if you have any familiarity with the Resident Evil games thus far (not killing everything, how to fight enemies, solve puzzles, etc etc) it only takes one playthrough to memorize the route. RE3 lacks one thing that many other RE games have....puzzles. There are no puzzles in this game, unless you count find a thing to put in another thing, but I don't. Every little problem you encounter in RE3 has it's solution directly in your path, and the levels are designed in such a way that once you get the "key" the level circles right back around to the "lock" and frankly it is good level design, but it doesn't test the player's mind or memory in any way. You'll never have to remember which key unlocks which door because the answer to those riddles are solves immediately and never brought up again.

The game is simply the most linear game in the Resident Evil series and that is what i think makes it feel so bad for a lot of fans. You'll never get a chance to get lost, though the city streets look big, they are blocked off in a clear, direct, and small fashion you never really get too or have any reason to explore. The enemies are mostly mundane as well. Zombies, spider-crabs, sewer dinosuars, and hunters are all you'll find.....err two lickers and 1Nemesis. And each time you fight an enemy, except zombies, you'll never fight them again once the section is done. Maybe it's normal enemy variety for an RE game, but because you are done with each section in 15 minutes it feels like there isn't a lot going on here.

The game does have some positives though. Jill is a cool character who plays her role like a snappy ***** but 99% of her interaction is with Umbrella people who she knows caused the zombie virus in the first place, so it makes sense. When it comes to Brad, and the gun shop guy, she is cool and friendly with them. Despite her hatred and distrust for the Umbrella Soliders, she does everything she can to help them in their mission to save survivors, even putting herself in harms way against Nemesis to do so. Carlos is a good character who goes through an interesting arch as he learns that he works for shitty people. The villians are comic book villains and ham their roles up just fine. The actual plot here I felt was fine, it's just so short that it feels disappointing in the end.

The areas look great, even if you disregard the police station because it's reused directly from RE2, the city, the hospital, the lab, all the locations here look really good. The sound is great, the guns feel good, though the dodge roll doesn't work nearly as much as I feel it should.

Ultimately RE3 isn't rewarding the way RE2 was. Re2 has six different campaigns to play though, half a dozen costumes, tons of unlocks and rewards. And Re3.....has nothing. No extra campaign, only 1 alternate costume for Jill and Carlos, and the unlocks are present to you in a shop. When you beat the game, you are given a currency that you can use to unlock things from a store in the menu. This store is where you unlock infiinite ammo weapons, starting the game with the lockpick and extra inventory space, and a roster of other fairly decent rewards. So long as you don't mind playing the same 60-90minutes of game over and over again.

RE3 is worth playing still, but only if you get it at a deep deep discount.The multiplayer is bullshit and doesn't add any value to the game imo. Wait until it's 20 bucks or less.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I have a RE3 Remake review thread up, FYI. Oh, well. I liked RE3 and was worth the full price for the campaign alone. Did not give a shit about Resistance. I understand the flaws, but I keep coming back for the unlockable weapons and the harder difficulties.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
RE3 is worth playing still, but only if you get it at a deep deep discount.The multiplayer is bullshit and doesn't add any value to the game imo. Wait until it's 20 bucks or less.
Ohhh you don't say! Quick, we need to have a master list that all devs should be referencing whenever they have shoehorned ideas like this.