Bolivia's Jenine Áñez finally allows election effectively at gunpoint, loses and is going to jail


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008

Jenine Áñez, puppet dictator for America, continues to deny democracy after being installed by America ostensibly to protect democracy. Áñez has been using her office to persecute leftists and indigenous peoples as well as to stack the various offices of the government against leftism taking over again. Despite all this, MAS (the left party) is still very strong and considered a likely winner in any election run, thus the country does not have elections.

Aegix Drakan

♪ Megalovania is a genre ♪
Apr 30, 2020

Jenine Áñez, puppet dictator for America, continues to deny democracy after being installed by America ostensibly to protect democracy.
When it comes to nations that have any resources the US wants, the US doesn't care a whit about democracy. All they care about it "Are you going to keep givign us the stuff for as dirt cheap as possible?"

So this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
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Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Most of modern Latin American history boils down to "How will the US fuck us up today?" and Bolivia is a reminder that the end of the Cold War doesn't mean the end of the US pulling its old tricks. After all, bringing down "Communists" and barking about "iillegitimate elections" in LA has always been just another excuse to exercise hegemony.


Elite Member
May 19, 2020
I cannot wait for the inevitable fallout of this year to mean the US can’t back her anymore and she winds up swinging from a signpost like the dictator she is.
I think the US will just pretend Bolivia doesn't exist for a while (at least in public). I mean if the US can be best friends with an Islamic Theocracy which orders the decapitation of journalists surely this should be easy.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I cannot wait for the inevitable fallout of this year to mean the US can’t back her anymore and she winds up swinging from a signpost like the dictator she is.
As long as she's keeping the quinoa and coffee shipments heading out and the US investment coming in, I think the USA will be fine to leave her there indefinitely.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I cannot wait for the inevitable fallout of this year to mean the US can’t back her anymore and she winds up swinging from a signpost like the dictator she is.
Stop advocating for murder everywhere you go, please.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Don’t worry guys, the exact people who praised the mess that led to this scenario are sure she’ll eventually have to give in and that maybe a moderate will win. Unfortunately if MAS wins the election we might have to coup them again until their democracy stops electing these darn anti-democratic social democrats.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I'll make you a deal. When the US oligarchy stops installing murderous authoritarian dictators for their economic self-interest, we'll stop calling for the overthrow of murderous authoritarian dictators.
I already gave this a like but I’m quoting this to emphasis how important this is.

If you want to know why Socialism and Communism is on the rise, this is the exact issue. Capitalism kills millions per year. If you want to be THE economic system, you have to fix it. And I’m aware that I’m not really talking to anyone here. Even pro-Capitalists hon this forum recognise that it has flaws


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I already gave this a like but I’m quoting this to emphasis how important this is.

If you want to know why Socialism and Communism is on the rise, this is the exact issue. Capitalism kills millions per year. If you want to be THE economic system, you have to fix it. And I’m aware that I’m not really talking to anyone here. Even pro-Capitalists hon this forum recognise that it has flaws
Yeah, no.

Reminder: the current political troubles in Bolivia started because a socialist wanted indefinite executive power. The person currently having death wished upon her was 4th in line when he resigned and was just the first person not to run from the office. The violence in the country came about because people like those who you're agreeing with here get violent at an idea as reasonable as term limits.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Yeah, no.

Reminder: the current political troubles in Bolivia started because a socialist wanted indefinite executive power. The person currently having death wished upon her was 4th in line when he resigned and was just the first person not to run from the office. The violence in the country came about because people like those who you're agreeing with here get violent at an idea as reasonable as term limits.
No, the political troubles in Bolivia are due to it being an unstable country with excessive reliance on violence to settle political disagreement. We can see this very clearly in the current, interim, tinpot tyrant of Bolivia.

It really kicked off because the Bolivian right thought they had a good chance of beating Morales in the 2019 election. When it turned out they still seemed short of enough votes, they used a claim of fraud by OAS monitors to do what democracy couldn't and force him out, with the heads of the army and police applying the coup de grace when political pressure failed. I find it hard to believe that the next people in official line to succession (all from Morales's party) weren't similarly threatened to step aside.

The stupid thing is, Morales was a reasonable leader who was willing to compromise. He delivered stable economic growth, reduced poverty, and considerably improved general human development such as literacy standards in Bolivia. But even a moderate leftist is too left for some, and even worse he was a successful one: that could not be tolerated.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
No, the political troubles in Bolivia are due to it being an unstable country with excessive reliance on violence to settle political disagreement. We can see this very clearly in the current, interim, tinpot tyrant of Bolivia.

It really kicked off because the Bolivian right thought they had a good chance of beating Morales in the 2019 election. When it turned out they still seemed short of enough votes, they used a claim of fraud by OAS monitors to do what democracy couldn't and force him out, with the heads of the army and police applying the coup de grace when political pressure failed. I find it hard to believe that the next people in official line to succession (all from Morales's party) weren't similarly threatened to step aside.

The stupid thing is, Morales was a reasonable leader who was willing to compromise. He delivered stable economic growth, reduced poverty, and considerably improved general human development such as literacy standards in Bolivia. But even a moderate leftist is too left for some, and even worse he was a successful one: that could not be tolerated.
You know that he ran for office in '19 despite the constitution forbidding him from doing it. He tried to appeal it through the courts and lost. He went on despite everything. He even had to change the country's name in '9 (and snuck in a clause to allow for two terms) to justify resetting the counter on his presidency terms.
The Bolivian army was the safeguard of the Bolivian constitution.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I already gave this a like but I’m quoting this to emphasis how important this is.

If you want to know why Socialism and Communism is on the rise, this is the exact issue. Capitalism kills millions per year. If you want to be THE economic system, you have to fix it. And I’m aware that I’m not really talking to anyone here. Even pro-Capitalists hon this forum recognise that it has flaws
Every political system killed people. As a percentage of world population killed, capitalism is by far the best system of any that's ever been tried in humanity history.

Communism is on the rise because the last time it's been tried is becoming distant in people memory and most place who didn't have to deal with it aren't aware of what it was really like. How many did Mao kill? Stalin? Pol Pot? Capitalism has a lot of issues, but one where it's in-attackable by communism is for killing people (Oh and the soviet also propped up their own dictator, never mind the fact that most former communism country transition into dictatorship after the fall, just look at the current problem in Belarus).


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You know that he ran for office in '19 despite the constitution forbidding him from doing it. He tried to appeal it through the courts and lost. He went on despite everything. He even had to change the country's name in '9 (and snuck in a clause to allow for two terms) to justify resetting the counter on his presidency terms.
The Bolivian army was the safeguard of the Bolivian constitution.
"Tried to appeal it through the courts and lost"? The highest court in Bolivia struck down term limits. It sided with Morales and the MAS.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
You know that he ran for office in '19 despite the constitution forbidding him from doing it. He tried to appeal it through the courts and lost. He went on despite everything. He even had to change the country's name in '9 (and snuck in a clause to allow for two terms) to justify resetting the counter on his presidency terms.
The Bolivian army was the safeguard of the Bolivian constitution.
You should actually look up that ruling, even Putin is not that brazen.
The Bolivian Supreme Court removed term limits and cleared him to run.

I'll be honest when I say that having lost the referendum to remove term limits, I do not think Morales should have gone to the Supreme Court to do what a vote couldn't, and it did not put him in a good light. Nor do I think the Supreme Court's rationale for removing presidential terms limits particularly convincing - but in the end it was their decision, and legal under Bolivia's constitution. I think there is a valid point to be made that Bolivia's constitution is potentially weak in terms of the Supreme Court being open to political bias.

After that, if the people really didn't like it, they could have voted him out in 2019. And he was well ahead at the point it all collapsed even with the fraud.