Batman Gotham Knights Annoucement


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Just Now, DC annouced their new game during a live stream; Introducing Batman Gotham Knights!

After the apparent death of Bruce Wayne, the rest of the Bat-family must step up and defend the city as the new guardians. As a player, you get to play as Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood, and Batgirl. The aesthetic and presentation make it obvious, but this game is not in the Arkham series continuity. Also there's the fact that this game isn't made by Rocksteady

Gameplay-wise, you can either solo or 2 player co-op the whole game. While this sounds nice, I have to wonder why limit to 2 players when there are four playable characters?

The combat looks....alright, I guess? The enemies have level indicators and there are numbers pop-ing up when you deal damage, along with some sort of resource management. This is all screaming loot-based RPG for me, which is a huge turn-off.

Overall.... Meh


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Of course you'll also play as Batman. Some big reveal in the second half of the game that everyone will already know about before release.

Still wish we got a Batman game that actually played like Batman should. When I watch the movies or cartoons or read the comics, I don't think arcade beat-em-up.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Combat looks decent enough, but can we please stop with the loot-based RPG mechanics. Everyone stop copying Destiny, Anthem (fucking why?), Ubisoft, or Borderlands! Just because you have RPG mechanics, does not mean you're game has depth. That is why I love SOR4 and The TakeOver. They're proof you don't need run-of-the-mill "rpg elements" or DMC move upgrade mechanics to have a great game.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
So, is this a sequel to the Arkham games, or is this a new thing? There are a lot of things that point towards this being its own thing, but also a lot of things that are consistent with the Arkham series. I guess we will have to wait for an official announcement, but so far, Im leaning towards it being its own thing.

Regardless, im not sure im too buzzed by this announcement. Levels, and gear, and stats, and builds and whatever. Im just over it. Not every game needs to have raids, and dungeons, and bosses, and loot grinds and whatever. What was wrong with just having an action brawler?

I guess I will wait for the Suicide Squad game announcement later on, because hopefully that is more up my street - with it being by Rocksteady and all, and there is no way that WB has let two loot-grind Superhero games be in development at the same time.

This looks a little too much like DC's response to the Avenger's game for my liking - albeit with a lot more polish.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I suspect it's going to be sort of a hub thing? Where you join a partner from the Not The Batcave, and pick a crime going down. This will set you up to join others trying to do that same storymission, and then you guys just run through it.

That seems to make the most sense for a coop game that's online. Sort of like Payday 2/L4D2, but with plot tied to it.

Looks neat-ish, I always enjoyed the earlier Arkham games for the most part, we'll see how this one plays out.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Still wish we got a Batman game that actually played like Batman should.
Uh hello, the Arkham games. I know they vary in quality, but Asylum and City are great Batman games.

I don't think arcade beat-em-up.
Oh come on, who didn't love the Batman Forever Arcade game? Or the Final Fight style Batman Returns on SNES? Or the Batman & Robin brawler/shooter hybrid on Genesis? Ooooorrrrr..... Batman the Brave & The Bold?


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
That levelling rpg stuff ain't there to mimic depth, it's there for the microtransactions. This is WB don't forget. Orcs in lootboxes and lootbox rpg gear in fighting games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That levelling rpg stuff ain't there to mimic depth, it's there for the microtransactions. This is WB don't forget. Orcs in lootboxes and lootbox rpg gear in fighting games.
That makes me hate the leveling even more. I did mention to please stop copying Ubi, Anthem, and Destiny.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Uh hello, the Arkham games. I know they vary in quality, but Asylum and City are great Batman games.

No, they aren't. All three are good but too simplistic and automated with their combat and stealth to be great. It's easy to get really high scores.

Oh come on, who didn't love the Batman Forever Arcade game? Or the Final Fight style Batman Returns on SNES? Or the Batman & Robin brawler/shooter hybrid on Genesis? Ooooorrrrr..... Batman the Brave & The Bold?
Never played them.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
No, they aren't. All three are good but too simplistic and automated with their combat and stealth to be great. It's easy to get really high scores.
Never said they had to have the most depth. I never cared much for Arkham Knight and Origins I skipped out on too. The problem with the Arkham games was that they set a timpleate for everyone to copy the series. Which is more a of problem for the imiators than the originators. Honestly, the only games I can think of that have done the Arkham games combat just as good, or better. are Spider-Man (PS4) & Sleeping Dogs.

Never played them.
You've been missing out my friend. The Batman Forever Arcade game is so bad, it's entertaining. Batman Returns (SNES) is a 1 player Final Fight clone, so you're not missing too much, but it is fun. The Adventures Batman & Robin (Genesis) is a run n gun/brawler hybrid developed by Treasure. That team once again pushed the Genesis to its limits. The game is the toughest Batman game ever made. Blast processing, mother-fucker!



Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I love the idea, a Batman game without Batman. This is exactly what I wanted to see from the movies and TV shows.

The gameplay tho... Not very impressed. It looks fairly unpolished, pretty identical to how I see the Avengers game. Definitely not a fan of the levels and loot shit. The graphics aren't terrible, but they seem off somehow.

Overall, the story will determine if I get this game. 3 of the 4 playable characters are my favorite DC characters, so I'm invested in what they'll do with their storylines. Especially when they're tackling something as big as the Court of Owls saga.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
So, is this a sequel to the Arkham games, or is this a new thing? There are a lot of things that point towards this being its own thing, but also a lot of things that are consistent with the Arkham series. I guess we will have to wait for an official announcement, but so far, Im leaning towards it being its own thing.

Regardless, im not sure im too buzzed by this announcement. Levels, and gear, and stats, and builds and whatever. Im just over it. Not every game needs to have raids, and dungeons, and bosses, and loot grinds and whatever. What was wrong with just having an action brawler?

I guess I will wait for the Suicide Squad game announcement later on, because hopefully that is more up my street - with it being by Rocksteady and all, and there is no way that WB has let two loot-grind Superhero games be in development at the same time.

This looks a little too much like DC's response to the Avenger's game for my liking - albeit with a lot more polish.
Not sure about this game is in the Arkham universe. For example, the character models look so different from the Arkham games, and I don't mean that as "Many years have passed and they look older" different; I mean they look different enough to be in another whole universe. Also, the premise seems not align with the ending of Arkham knight. Jason doesn't have the "J" branding on his face, Commissioner Gordon apparently died before batman, and Robin (can't tell if its Tim or Damian) looks younger than the Robin in Arkham Knight


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2020
Disappointed its not Batman game. another group of super hero game gaas like avengers and suicide squad.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Looks OK

+ Decent enough costume designs
+ Differentiating characters
+ Nice to see the Court of Owls make it into game

- RPG mechanics / Loot game mechanics, I don't care how much you try and spin it as "Oh this won't impact the game" or "This will make sure there's a consistent challenge" No it's too easy to turn said mechanics into easily monitisable systems to push people to pay to skip a grind or be forced to grind more.

So, is this a sequel to the Arkham games, or is this a new thing? There are a lot of things that point towards this being its own thing, but also a lot of things that are consistent with the Arkham series. I guess we will have to wait for an official announcement, but so far, Im leaning towards it being its own thing.

Regardless, im not sure im too buzzed by this announcement. Levels, and gear, and stats, and builds and whatever. Im just over it. Not every game needs to have raids, and dungeons, and bosses, and loot grinds and whatever. What was wrong with just having an action brawler?

I guess I will wait for the Suicide Squad game announcement later on, because hopefully that is more up my street - with it being by Rocksteady and all, and there is no way that WB has let two loot-grind Superhero games be in development at the same time.

This looks a little too much like DC's response to the Avenger's game for my liking - albeit with a lot more polish.
It's half and half I think.

Think a flashpoint alternative.

Arkham Knight finished with

Batman blowing up the Wayne mansion and the Batcave after being revealed to be BAtman. However it also had as part of the ending Barbra Gordon (who is Oracle in the Arkhamverse) still in her Wheel chair and about her marrying Tim Drake at the end, also Jim Gordon becomes Mayor of Gotham

Some of the stuff lines up with Arkham Knight but as you can probably see some of it really doesn't.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Yeah, it has been confirmed that this game is not connected to the Arkham games, and is something completely new.

Arkham Knight spoilers:
It just seems so strange, then, that this game's version of Batman seemingly dies the exact same way that Arkham series' Batman died(?).

Surely there are lots of different ways to have Batman killed off, and having him explode in his mansion, seemingly by his own doing, is an oddly specific way to do it, if this isn't supposed to be connected at all.

Im not suggesting that there is some kind of conspiracy here - if they aren't connected, then that is fine - it just seems weird to me.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
I choose to interpret this as meaning Adam West-era Batman, with "POW" and "BAM" graphics popping up every time you land a hit.
I'm sure if they bothered, there'd be a solid enough market for a Blood Dragon esque standalone done on the same engine done that way.

Going back to the oriignal post. Yeah, Arkham is not something I'm really seeing being improved by stat-upgrading loot mechanics. Nor does it really make sense in universe. The Batfamily has WayneTEch R&D and prettymuch the best toys in the world available to them.

At least in the AC turnaround, you did tend to start as the nobody, so finding better gear made sense. For Batman its much like the Witcher syndrome with looting.... we're supposed to be the ultimate veteran badass dude, how are we finding better gear off street toughs.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Never said they had to have the most depth. I never cared much for Arkham Knight and Origins I skipped out on too. The problem with the Arkham games was that they set a timpleate for everyone to copy the series. Which is more a of problem for the imiators than the originators. Honestly, the only games I can think of that have done the Arkham games combat just as good, or better. are Spider-Man (PS4) & Sleeping Dogs.
No, the problem with them was that their core mechanics weren't very good. Batman isn't the Flash. He doesn't zigzag-warp from one corner of a room to another punching baddies and he can't fight fifty at once. The Arkham games are streamlined to allow this type of ridiculous combat. It HAS to be shallow or the player COULDN'T rack up five hundred chain combos. But that's not Batman. I'm also miffed Splinter Cell's darkness mechanic never made it into the Batman games. Arkham's stealth is so simplistic and so poorly integrated with combat.