Jakes' campaign is Cygnar, but it also focuses a lot on Deneghra in the Haley Twins' campaign (it swaps between the sisters).So its only got a Cygnar campaign?
Neat, I have been meaning to get back into the lore for Warmachine, I recall it being really good but I haven't kept up with things since I stopped playing.
Re: Lore of Warmachine, with Doug Seacat's departure from Privateer Press, it's slowed down a lot, and COVID's done a number on their development & production process, a bit of a period of upheaval atm, unfortunately (pressing ahead with their equivalent of GW's Specialist Games and they're doing pretty well). In terms of fan created content, there isn't much since the IK audience is the diametric opposite of GW's customer base (interest is highest in competitive play, then casual play, then narrative play, then lastly the lore completely unlike the lore/narrative/casual/competitive dynamic for GW). It's out there, but it takes a bit of digging to find, and because of the lack of audience, channels (& wikis, come to think about it) come and go or concentrate on something else and output only occasional lore content. Regrettable though it is, given what I'm trying to do, though WMH has one of the best rule-sets in the miniatures gaming niche, its setting and background does not have the support from the community (whether by apathy or ignorance (willful or otherwise), the vast majority of WMH players fall into one of those categories) to properly thrive unless its forced on them by the developers (since the creative team is a shadow of what it used to be).