Uzaki-proportioned existent woman comments on the ongoing controversy.

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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
It's nothing to do with differentiating fiction from reality. If something is idealised, then people transplant the ideal into the real world.
I'll be an anime fan's advocate and claim the ideals that anime often presents (perfect skin, perfect hair, ideal body types -- thin with large assets or just thin -- , symmetrical face) are things we would admire no matter what and thus escapist entertainment like anime shouldn't bother with realism too much.

Personally I think drawing the line there should be the end of it. Some fans just get defensive as hell.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Well sure, but those are character personality traits. They're not purely physical. There's an element of shallowness in idealising hyper-fit (or even unhealthily thin) body types.
And if one wants to #cancel a character based on their body type alone, then they're the shallow one.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I guess so, but let's take for example this board, do you have any opponents here?
Aren't you basically just saying "SEE I WAS RIGHT!" to a bunch of people that have nothing at all to do with this discussion?
That's the kind of stuff I mean, though I guess I could just be annoyed that the youtube algorithm keeps recommending me videos on the topic despite the fact that I've watched none of them and I have no interest on the topic, I don't even know in which platform this discussion is occurring.

Oh, after much thinking I guess that with M you mean masochist?
Not gonna lie it took me quite a while to understand what you meant, I guess I can sort of see what you mean now.
I mainly found it interesting which is why I posted about this. Never made a thread about this before and it's been going on for a month or two. I like the juxtaposition of the person who exists and looks like her talking about this with her own words.

M is and sorta isn't the english word mashochist. It certainly stems from it, but it has a different nuance in the context of the Japanese language and especially anime-related worlds. It's treated as not purely sexual but rather more of a general personality trait. So when someone is a mean bully who teases everyone, they call that an S, and when someone's a doormat who doesn't mind being teased and might secretly even like it, that's an M.

Watching that Inu x Boku SS episode where Sugita's character rants about it made it a huge meme and it has kinda stuck within the culture forever more.

(go to the vid description for the lyrics, also notice how in the credits of the vid everyone is also categorized)


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Is Uzaki just the latest version of Super Sonico? Why is this worth two different threads?


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Is Uzaki just the latest version of Super Sonico? Why is this worth two different threads?
Nah Sonico is just a really thicc idol who is designed to be sexy but also kinda curvy-chubby. Uzaki is just some college student who likes to hang out. Completely unaware of her own sex appeal. She doesn't (intentionally) do cute stuff and sing and play with a battalion of cats or anything.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
I had to Google Uzaki and she looks like the head of a seven-year-old boy has been stuck on the body of a big breasted woman. I've seen my share of anime and I'm perfectly used to seeing saucer-eyed waifus but this one just looks uncanny.
Yeah, huge tits don't make up for the moeblob look.

But hey, the plus in this case is that the cosplayer not only lives up to the unrealistic standard, but exceeds it. Win for 3d women.
Still won't rise Japan's birth rates, i'm afraid.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Nah Sonico is just a really thicc idol who is designed to be sexy but also kinda curvy-chubby. Uzaki is just some college student who likes to hang out. Completely unaware of her own sex appeal. She doesn't (intentionally) do cute stuff and sing and play with a battalion of cats or anything.
Mhm, is she from an anime or is she a community creation that the community apparently decided they loved?


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Mhm, is she from an anime or is she a community creation that the community apparently decided they loved?
Neither, really. She started out as a company mascot, first used for a music festival, but proved popular, so the company that runs the festival expanded her into a media franchise.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Mhm, is she from an anime or is she a community creation that the community apparently decided they loved?
Kinda neither, originally she was just a mascot for the visual novel developer Nitroplus (they did a bunch of stuff like Song of Saya and Demonbane and Soukou Akki Muramasa and so on) that was used in music videos. Think of her as a company-specific take on Hatsune Miku during the boom of vocaloids.

She was popular due to her unconventional design and had a lot of people become fans of her so they ended up making more content with her, including a ps3/pc sim where you manage her idol career and eventually an anime adaptation and she's even in a fighting game. Here's some Sonico combos:

(she's the best char in the game, much to the dismay of Saber and Homura and my poor cute Saya)

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
Neither, really. She started out as a company mascot, first used for a music festival, but proved popular, so the company that runs the festival expanded her into a media franchise.
A media franchise where this really has nothing to do with her boobs but really is just all about her boobs. XD
Let's see, for example:
Everyone on the beach is obsessed with her boobs.
Sempai is blindfolded on a beach and somehow just accidentally puts his hands up her bikini top to unknowingly fondle boob without knowing what it was.
Sempai accidentally feels her up while using virtual reality.
Sempai freaks out over her boobs shaking on the massagers and work out equipment and tries to take her out of the store.
Sempai unknowingly snuggles his face in her boobs while sleeping.
Sempai is happy not being able to see anything on her lap because the boobs are covering his face..

That is all this is about. Now I wish people would stop talking about this WEEB crap so I won't be made to go watch it just to see WTH they are going on about.

OT: I don't have a problem with the depiction of her body type. I am large breasted with a small waist so I relate to that, however, I have a problem with them portraying people as stupid and kidlike in sexual situations which that is the entire theme of this show and numerous others. Like it is not somehow going to be sexual for two college students to be all over each other like this, like when she is digging in the bushes for the cat with her exposed panties out and he just happens to have her by the waist pounding her from behind but it wasn't sexual and the guy was somehow mortified for people thinking it was ? YEAAA. no one on the planet is THAT stupid. In RL the guy would be the Eiffel tower and no way he wouldn't be thinking about that in any of the real situations so the entire theme and premise of this show is just idiotic to begin with and caters to people attracted to child like qualities.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
A media franchise where this really has nothing to do with her boobs but really is just all about her boobs. XD
Let's see, for example:
Everyone on the beach is obsessed with her boobs.
Sempai is blindfolded on a beach and somehow just accidentally puts his hands up her bikini top to unknowingly fondle boob without knowing what it was.
Sempai accidentally feels her up while using virtual reality.
Sempai freaks out over her boobs shaking on the massagers and work out equipment and tries to take her out of the store.
Sempai unknowingly snuggles his face in her boobs while sleeping.
Sempai is happy not being able to see anything on her lap because the boobs are covering his face..

That is all this is about. Now I wish people would stop talking about this WEEB crap so I won't be made to go watch it just to see WTH they are going on about.

OT: I don't have a problem with the depiction of her body type. I am large breasted with a small waist so I relate to that, however, I have a problem with them portraying people as stupid and kidlike in sexual situations which that is the entire theme of this show and numerous others. Like it is not somehow going to be sexual for two college students to be all over each other like this, like when she is digging in the bushes for the cat with her exposed panties out and he just happens to have her by the waist pounding her from behind but it wasn't sexual and the guy was somehow mortified for people thinking it was ? YEAAA. no one on the planet is THAT stupid. In RL the guy would be the Eiffel tower and no way he wouldn't be thinking about that in any of the real situations so the entire theme and premise of this show is just idiotic to begin with and caters to people attracted to child like qualities.
The poster you're quoting is talking about Sonico not Uzaki.

The joke of the show is that she's not aware of her boobs being big or hot so she inadvertedly ends up being alluring unintentionally and is unaware. That's basically the main thing this entire series revolves around. It's a staple for romcoms intended for male audiences basically. And yeah of COURSE in Real Life it wouldn't go like that. That's why we watch anime. So that it will go like that. You just almost got the point but then rejected it at the very end XD.

People have this huge misunderstanding of weebs wanting to mold reality after their anime when in truth weebs just reject reality and just focus on their anime and have fun in that context while ignoring how it'd really play out. The less like reality anime is, the more preferable.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
That is all this is about. Now I wish people would stop talking about this WEEB crap so I won't be made to go watch it just to see WTH they are going on about.

OT: I don't have a problem with the depiction of her body type. I am large breasted with a small waist so I relate to that, however, I have a problem with them portraying people as stupid and kidlike in sexual situations which that is the entire theme of this show and numerous others. Like it is not somehow going to be sexual for two college students to be all over each other like this, like when she is digging in the bushes for the cat with her exposed panties out and he just happens to have her by the waist pounding her from behind but it wasn't sexual and the guy was somehow mortified for people thinking it was ? YEAAA. no one on the planet is THAT stupid. In RL the guy would be the Eiffel tower and no way he wouldn't be thinking about that in any of the real situations so the entire theme and premise of this show is just idiotic to begin with and caters to people attracted to child like qualities.

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
The poster you're quoting is talking about Sonico not Uzaki.

The joke of the show is that she's not aware of her boobs being big or hot so she inadvertedly ends up being alluring unintentionally and is unaware. That's basically the main thing this entire series revolves around. It's a staple for romcoms intended for male audiences basically. And yeah of COURSE in Real Life it wouldn't go like that. That's why we watch anime. So that it will go like that. You just almost got the point but then rejected it at the very end XD.
Yea of course there is no way a large breasted woman is going to be unaware of their large breasts. It affects every single thing you do. You can't even swing a bat like you used to and have nightmares they will never stop growing. So of course real life wouldn't go like that either. And yea, I got the point exactly. They are pandering to Cretins who get off on child like qualities. It is like men who are attracted to mentally handicapped women to exploit them. I rejected it for a reason..


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
And if one wants to #cancel a character based on their body type alone, then they're the shallow one.
OK, but the interview that this whole discussion is based on just talked about some criticism, not demands that the manga be cancelled or whatever.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
OK, but the interview that this whole discussion is based on just talked about some criticism, not demands that the manga be cancelled or whatever.
The interviewer is being polite. When it comes to the internet, it's always more than "some criticism".


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
The interviewer is being polite. When it comes to the internet, it's always more than "some criticism".
So you're condemning some people that you... presume to be making an argument somewhere?


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
So you're condemning some people that you... presume to be making an argument somewhere?
Whenever a cartoon or an anime or a comic book character happens to be an attractive woman, you always hear the same "unrealistic standards" argument, and this is just the latest battleground. Even in this very topic lil devils is calling people "cretins" and implying that they're pedophiles.
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