Assassin's Creed Valhalla reveal and my thoughts


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA

Although the game looks promising and we should really wait till the gameplay footage, here are things from Origin and Odyssey that I hope Valhalla will keep, and things the game could learn from

Keep #1: Impressive looking location and landscapes

Okay, this is probably going to be a no-brainer, but I hope ACV will continue the franchise tradition of having impressive looking locations. Recreation of Northern European Seas, islands, mountains, villages, etc. Aurora will probably look like a killer during the night cycle. Now with the rise of next-gen consoles, I hope the game will take advantage of their 4k hardware. I

Fix #1: Needlessly big open world

That being said, I also hope the game won't be needlessly too big. In Origin and Odyssey, until the fast travel location is discovered, you may need to travel quite a bit. I guess the intent was to take in the location and landscapes, but come on. How many times do we need to travel same-looking scenery? and even when you unlock the next fast travel, it defeats the whole purpose of having a scenery in the big open world!

I am not saying Valhalla should be small; The game can be as big as it wants, but not too big to overwhelm the players

Keep #2: Weapon and gear varieties

Ever since AC2, the games always had a variety of weapons and gears for you to use. This was further expanded in AC Origins, where there were several weapon types for the revamped combat. I hope Valhalla will fully utilize all fo Viking weapons; Axes, swords, spears, bow, etc. Couple that with some badass-looking armor sets.

Fix #2:Loot system

On the other hand, there is the loot system. I really hate this idea where a "legendary loot" can be replaced by a low-tier gear at high level based on damage. It completely defeats the purpose of discovering a legendary in the first place! Not to mention of all the junk loots that is only good for selling and dismantling. I like discovering powerful gear, but I wish for Valhalla to tone down on junk loots, make legendary gears bit more of hassle to get not by grinding, but maybe series of activities and quests like the Altair armor in AC2.

Keep #3: Male/female choice, and dialog system

From the trailer, it looks like we might be back to a male protagonist again, but it will definitely be cool to see a female Viking warrior (see For Honor for the reference). Whatever the case, I hope there will be the dialog system giving the player how to react to what NPCs are saying. Expand upon Odyssey, and lead to alternative consequences for what was said.

Fix #3: Meeting NPCs characters that are boring

In AC3, the templar order members weren't just about controls; they actually had some personalities. I consider Haythem to be one of the best villains in the series. In origin, all of the targets felt one-dimensional. They always talk about how "control is the only way. I could've brought so much change!" before dying. Even Cleopatra, someone who I was really excited to meet, didn't leave much of an impact. And the way she treats you later in the game....Yeah, who didn't see that coming? Valhalla really should have more meaningful NPCs. I am not familiar with Viking and Northern European history, but here's hoping the historical figures you meet will be interesting.

Keep #4: Naval combat from Origins, and boss fights from Odyssey

The Naval combat in Origins was really fun. Not as good as Black flag, but still fun. Maybe I enjoyed it more due to the fact that Unity and Syndicate didn't have naval combat. If Valhalla expands upon this, and feature true Viking naval combat, it will definitely be amazing. Using arrows to damage enemy ships, and then clash onto them and board them. Odyssey decided to go bit more fantastical with boss fights compared to Origins, featuring the monsters from Greek myth. Valhalla should totally feature Norse myth monster boss fights as well (see God Of War for reference)

Fix #4: Repetitive side quests and objectives

Almost all of Origins and Odyssey side quests were repetitive. Go here and kill this person, rescue that guy, etc. All the location objectives were repetitive as well. Imagine my disappointment when I saw an enemy outpost in Origins and expecting Far Cry-style of taking over the outposts. You don't even get to take the outpost over; Just steal loots and kill captains. For ffs, I hope this repetitiveness won't be in Valhalla

Keep #5: The ability to climb almost anything

Both games did this well. The ability to scale almost any mountains, buildings, and statues is fun and can be hilarious from time to time. Although the whole climbing animation can be slow sometimes, it really does help save time to get to a certain point on a map, rather than sticking with main road and going all the way around.

Fix #5: Better parkour

I've noticed that almost all of the parkour in Origins and Odyssey comprises of climbing up, and jumping back down before being able to climb up another ledge. What happened to the smooth parkour transition of the past games? As much as unity failed, it had better parkour mechanics. You might argue that the architectures were different, but then it begs the question of what happened to the nature parkour in AC3?

Bonus: References and easter eggs to other media

Vikings TV show and Vinland Saga. Is there anything else to be said?

Wow, that got a little longer than I expected. Didn't realize I had so much to say about Origins and Odyssey. Some of the things I want might be a wish-fulfillment but hey, I can hope too


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2020
What I think that it will be same rehash of origins and odyssey.

They are not making RPG with leveling which make it even worse.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I like the flavor of this one and Odyssey was the only AC game I ever finished to the end. So I think I'll jump on this one as well. Seems dope.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I think you couldn't make a worse choice than rampaging, raping, pillaging berserkers for laser-precision assassination.

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
Love the look of the game and I'm excited to play it. I just hope they get rid of the terrible level-scaling system, which they seemed to indicate is the case via an interview over on Gameinformer. They're tying it more to "power" now via your skill unlocks and stuff, which sounds great to me.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
I think you couldn't make a worse choice than rampaging, raping, pillaging berserkers for laser-precision assassination.
See, the more I think about it, the more the Viking raids (especially during their early-mid years before they really hit their stride and before coastal colonisation became a thing) make sense as a setting for a stealth based open world game. The stereotype is the berserker and Norse warriors/raiders coming ashore from their longboats and cutting a swathe across the landscape, nicking anything shiny not nailed down and running off with it.

Logically speaking, however, to be as successful as they were, the Viking raids had extensive scouting parties and reconnaissance procedures as well as favouring ambush tactics and small-scale skirmish encounters over set-piece battles, all for various levels of obvious reasons. Consequently, if the player character starts out as a youngster who goes through his (or her) rite of passage joining a raiding party as a pioneer with promotions over the course of the game (personal engagement in scouting missions late-game make sense because of the value the Norse warrior culture placed on the individual's honour and fame), the basic concept of the Assassin's Creed gameplay works and makes sense, a lot more so than in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which is the other game in which the PC is, ostensibly, a paragon of the society's martial prowess.

What I'm not looking forward to is the lack of verticality, which I felt missing from Odyssey, too.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Will be interesting to see how close gameplay will be to what was shown there. Considering we’re almost done with a generation that’s touted real time cutscenes, I’d personally prefer it if they put more of their time, energy and budget towards hyping games based on what we’d actually be playing.

Having said that, RTS games for one still kinda need movies if they’re trying to promote a narrative.
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Adam Jensen

Elite Member
Apr 3, 2020
They're tying it more to "power" now via your skill unlocks and stuff, which sounds great to me.
It probably isn't. If there's one thing that's clear, it's that Ubisoft's game design philosophy is built around microtransactions. They're constantly trying to find new ways of shoving MT's in our faces. Even this power mechanic isn't a new thing. The rather abysmal and microtransaction ridden Ghost Recon: Breakpoint had a similar system. That game was all about grinding to incentivize MT's.

It would be foolish to think that Ubisoft would refrain from doing the same to Assassin's Creed. Mark my words, after they butter up the fans with a couple of gameplay videos, they'll start touting the "games as a service" side of the latest Assassin's Creed. They probably won't use those exact words, but they'll advertise game mechanics that absolutely require a constant internet connection because of immersion and other buzzwords.

Long story short, it's a microtransaction con.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I know its unpopular, but the newest AsCreed games are WAY better than the old ones. Micro-transactions aside, which I grant is a serious black mark, the games are more open, have more variety, more missions, more customization, better graphics and gameplay, better stories and villains and the assassinations feel all the more special for how complex they are vs. the old ones of just walking slowly and throwing change every now and then. Oh and they barely even acknowledge the whole time-travel space magic VR DNA subplot anymore, which is like ignoring The Mads in an episode of MST3K. Simply a positive.

Black Flag and Odyssey were great. To be fair I've only played 1, 2, Revelations, Brotherhood, Black Flag and Odyssey, so perhaps Unity really nails what the old ones were shooting for in a way the new ones can't keep up

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
It probably isn't. If there's one thing that's clear, it's that Ubisoft's game design philosophy is built around microtransactions. They're constantly trying to find new ways of shoving MT's in our faces. Even this power mechanic isn't a new thing. The rather abysmal and microtransaction ridden Ghost Recon: Breakpoint had a similar system. That game was all about grinding to incentivize MT's.

It would be foolish to think that Ubisoft would refrain from doing the same to Assassin's Creed. Mark my words, after they butter up the fans with a couple of gameplay videos, they'll start touting the "games as a service" side of the latest Assassin's Creed. They probably won't use those exact words, but they'll advertise game mechanics that absolutely require a constant internet connection because of immersion and other buzzwords.

Long story short, it's a microtransaction con.
I've played both Origins and Odyssey, and while the micros are there, I never felt enticed to actually do anything with them. And time-saver packs have been around since forever, I remember one of the first was for Burnout Paradise.

They can market that stuff all they want, really, it's not integral to the experience. They did even offer level-scaling options in Odyssey and Origins which helped too. For the money those two games are absolutely filled to the brim with content and things to do, so I really don't have much to complain about with Ubisoft. I think out all the major publishers, Breakpoint aside, they do the live model right.

It's been good with Siege and For Honor, the Assassin's Creed games got some great add-ons and DLC. Not really any complaints from me besides level-gating.


The Shape of Water was the worst movie of 2017.
Apr 8, 2020
I'm kinda excited to see more about the gameplay for AssCreed:Vallhöll. I was actually kinda surprised when I saw the cinematic trailer and the tone they were going for, since it didn't go for traditional depiction that you might see in the Viking tv show or anything like that.

I'm also from one of the Nordic countries and I'm pretty versed in viking history, so it will be interesting to see what Ubisofts take will be on it, since it's already known that their developer go kinda crazy into history research for their AssCreed franchise.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm not impressed. It's once again, nothing more than a CG trailer. Wake me up when there's actual gameplay. As far as I'm concerned right now, it's the same shit as always. I stopped buying from Ubisoft after the Rayman Legends fiasco.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
One more thing I forgot to add to the list; The present timeline story

Ever since the death of Desmond in AC3, I found incredibly hard to follow wtf is going on in the modern-day. Something about Juno coming back? I like Layla as a character, but still feel she came out of nowhere. Desmond at least had some backstory in the first AC game. Like, what happened to Shaun, Rebecca, William, and other modern-day assassins and templars?

Ghostrick Dorklord

Ordinary High School Girl
Oct 2, 2009
Through the Looking Glass
The trailer does look neat. I do like how Odin is involved and they got his look more or less right and I'm a big fan of mythical stuff like that. But while yeah it looks neat but there isn't any gameplay so I'm worried this might be a movie instead of a game.

I do love how funny it is they posted the video on Thursday.