2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic (Vaccination 2021 Edition)


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
So have all you foreign devils heard about our tracing app? Australias going full big brother at 6 pm tonight to fight Covid-19. If enough people join in since the whole thing is optional anyway. Also they've passed a law saying this app cannot be used for any kind of immunity or disease free 'passport' where businesses can refuse you for not having it.

Crazy stuff I never would have thought I'd want a year ago, but I'm signing up for it. Because fuck it my privacy willingly given is worth stopping a plague. The biggest question for the people behind the app is how many people are willing to let their government trace them, if nobody uses it then the app will be pretty much worthless.
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Elite Member
Feb 13, 2009
United Kingdom
Does it really matter?
Finally qualified for a test this week and got a negative result.

How's that for an inaugeral post? Now who do I talk to about confirming my account as one of the old ones?

Hooray for being negative!
There are two tests being use for COVID-19:
  • The PCR test: Uses a enzyme reaction to change the viral RNA, to DNA which then can be detected using a dye. Because this test is testing for the presence of the virus, its best used to determine if someone is actually ill with COVID-19, the flu, or the myriad of other diseases/virus that we humans get that causes a cough and fever, so a negative result just means you don't currently have it.
  • The Antibody test: Tests a sample of blood for the presence of antibodies against COVID-19. As this is testing for the presence of antibodies, a negative result means you've never had the virus.
Results from either are good and bad depending on your point of view, but until there is a reliable vaccine readily available or everybody, testing means very little in the long run. There quite simply isn't enough resources to give everybody a PCR test every week.

If anything testing will more than likely send up giving people a false sense of security if they test negative on the PCR test, or even a sense of entitlement/privilege if they test positive on the antibody test.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
So have all you foreign devils heard about our tracing app? Australias going full big brother at 6 pm tonight to fight Covid-19. If enough people join in since the whole thing is optional anyway. Also they've passed a law saying this app cannot be used for any kind of immunity or disease free 'passport' where businesses can refuse you for not having it.

Crazy stuff I never would have thought I'd want a year ago, but I'm signing up for it. Because fuck it my privacy willingly given is worth stopping a plague. The biggest question for the people behind the app is how many people are willing to let their government trace them, if nobody uses it then the app will be pretty much worthless.
I don't know whether I'm comfortable letting ScoMo having my information


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
I don't know whether I'm comfortable letting ScoMo having my information
Well just downloading the app doesn't give them anything much beyond your phone number and name which they already should have. Its only when you press the big 'upload data' button willingly but at the encouragement of a doctor that they get the data and only health officals should see it as far as I know not Mr ScuMo.

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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I don’t have a link handy, but I did read that a bunch of protesters just sort of muscled their way into the Michigan House of Representatives. Some of them armed. That true?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
It's crazy that these people are just allowed to do this in the same America where they'll blast another protestor with rubber bullets and pepper spray.
Unarmed hippies, maybe, not gun-toting neo-Nazis. I guess the 2nd Amendment must work.

Also, people are calling covid protestors the Flu Klux Klan.:D


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I don’t have a link handy, but I did read that a bunch of protesters just sort of muscled their way into the Michigan House of Representatives. Some of them armed. That true?
Some of those guys really don't seem to understand principles of peaceful, reasoned dispute resolution: angry people with guns shouting looks an awful lot like threatening people.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Oh dear. This will get messy.
Messy in terms of what? Messy in terms of what will happen with the Protesters in this case? I don't think so.

Will this start similar incidents? Oh yeah, I can see that. The police and the government were accommodating enough.

Some of those guys really don't seem to understand principles of peaceful, reasoned dispute resolution: angry people with guns shouting looks an awful lot like threatening people.
It's been my understanding about humanity that they only listen to what speaks to them more.

It's pointed out by numerous sources that the situation would have not have been tolerated if it was Muslims coming to our state legislature as such. Hell, the NRA itself supported the Mulford Act when the Black Panther's peacefully protested the treatment of African Americans against a corrupt government.

I think it would be so very interesting to have an interview with many of these largely conservative protesters and see if they differentiate themselves from what they are doing today and what the Panthers did in the past. Hell, I wonder if they support the actions taken by the California which was largely in fear of an action taken up by a handful of Black Panthers (An action that wasn't illegal when done, but made so after because they were deathly afraid of a Black Uprising), and make separations of what they are doing today. In the end, it's still a group of people who believe they were treated unfairly at the hands of the Government.

I wonder how they will react if Michigan drafts laws to ban firearms in state buildings after this.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I think it would be so very interesting to have an interview with many of these largely conservative protesters and see if they differentiate themselves from what they are doing today and what the Panthers did in the past.
Of course they do, because they believe they are legitimate protestors and the Black Panthers were not legitimate protestors. The fact that their conception of legitmacy is completely subjective won't occur to or interest them - that's what self-righteousness does.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
Of course they do, because they believe they are legitimate protestors and the Black Panthers were not legitimate protestors. The fact that their conception of legitmacy is completely subjective won't occur to or interest them - that's what self-righteousness does.
Basically this. The Panthers were terrorists. These guys are freedom fighters. That's all that goes through their mind. Critical thought doesn't come into it, just whatever easy justifications they can latch on to for their selfish desires.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Basically this. The Panthers were terrorists. These guys are freedom fighters. That's all that goes through their mind. Critical thought doesn't come into it, just whatever easy justifications they can latch on to for their selfish desires.
Yup. For many of these guys, it isn't about what is actually right or wrong it is all about what they want to do and they could care less of the impact it has on anyone or anything else. It is scary how badly so many places in the US have been handling this. How many of these people are asymptomatic spreading this while they refuse to social distance? When we even have the organizers of these things testing positive for COVID-19, how much worse is this going to get because they simply do not care who gets hurt from their actions?

Meanwhile we have over 63,000 people dead in the US already from this and we still have a very long way to go.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Of course they do, because they believe they are legitimate protestors and the Black Panthers were not legitimate protestors. The fact that their conception of legitmacy is completely subjective won't occur to or interest them - that's what self-righteousness does.
Oh, I'm most assured of that.

But when I talk about being interviewed, I'm not talking about asking a question and being ok with the answer. I'm talking about actually delving. I'm talking about having to define the differences beyond just words. Because any freedom fighter is a terrorist to someone else. I think that is a level of day to day life in the Star Wars Galaxy that I wish to see addressed more.

But this is beat for beat the same thing. Group that feels oppressed makes a show of force to give legitimacy to their complaints. The interview would be about them having to explain with more than just slogans and ideals why we should not consider them as they consider the Black Panthers.

You can not just take actions. You can not just live in your own justifications. You have to have your actions justified to the public. They did the action. Now they have to spin the narrative to the rest of us, not just the choir they were already preaching in front of.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Basically this. The Panthers were terrorists. These guys are freedom fighters. That's all that goes through their mind. Critical thought doesn't come into it, just whatever easy justifications they can latch on to for their selfish desires.
Remember when Clinton called Climate Change activists terrorists. Then we wonder why, 25 years later, America doesn't believe in it. Government supression


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
Hey so an aside, I had a Covid-19 test today. It sucks man. The mouth swab is easy but they plunge that fucking swab deep down your nostrils It made my eyes tear up and I had to fight the urge not to pull away pretty hard.

Don't worry about me though, its almost certainly just a mundane cold, there is under only around 200 cases in my state but I still did my civic duty to report my very mild dry cough and sore throat. I'm surprised how easily I got tested for very mild symptoms without being a healthcare worker considering some other nations issues obtaining tests.

It felt kinda scary just putting my name into the system you know but the premiere said people like me with very mild symptoms should go get tested so I'm doing it.

If I did get it I reckon it would have been during shopping on the Anzac weekend at Coles and if its a cold I probably picked it up there too. That place was packed and way too cramped.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Hey so an aside, I had a Covid-19 test today. It sucks man. The mouth swab is easy but they plunge that fucking swab deep down your nostrils It made my eyes tear up and I had to fight the urge not to pull away pretty hard.

Don't worry about me though, its almost certainly just a mundane cold, there is under only around 200 cases in my state but I still did my civic duty to report my very mild dry cough and sore throat. I'm surprised how easily I got tested for very mild symptoms without being a healthcare worker considering some other nations issues obtaining tests.

It's kinda scary but the premiere said people like me with very mild symptoms should go get tested so I'm doing it.

If I did get it I reckon it would have been during shopping on the Anzac weekend at Coles and if its a cold I probably picked it up there too. That place was packed and way too cramped.
It's recently been found out via the antibody testing surveys (testing a few thousand people in certain areas) that about 50x the amount of people have been infected than the official numbers have shown (at least in the US). So, that means that the fatality rate is actually somewhere between 0.12-0.20%. You should be totally fine as long as you don't have any of the conditions that cause it to be worse. Good luck and good health to you.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
It's recently been found out via the antibody testing surveys (testing a few thousand people in certain areas) that about 50x the amount of people have been infected than the official numbers have shown (at least in the US). So, that means that the fatality rate is actually somewhere between 0.12-0.20%. You should be totally fine as long as you don't have any of the conditions that cause it to be worse. Good luck and good health to you.
I recall having heard there is a decent false positive rate for antibody tests, like 5%. Which makes it kind of useless when cases are still slow but pretty good when cases spike or something like that.

Maybe I'm wrong.