Kamala Harris says she wouldn't trust Trump on safety of Covid vaccine before election


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Thought this was a weird one but it's been passed round a number of place

Kamala Harris said that she would not trust Donald Trump’s word on the safety of any coronavirus vaccine approved for use in America before the November election.
....the Democratic vice-presidential nominee warned of the potential for political interference by the US president over the approval of a coronavirus vaccine in order to boost his re-election chances.
Harris said she expected that medical experts would not be allowed to make decisions on a vaccine without interference from above.
So strange that now both sides have have people scaremongering over the vaccine with the right wing conspiracy lot on about Bill Gates microchipping people via the vaccine but now we have the vice presidential hopeful scaremongering that Trump will release a potentially harmful vaccine onto the populous.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
I wouldn't trust Trump to tell me the time of the day.
"I've got a watch. It's a great watch. The best watch. 110% American made. Remember when America made the best watches? That was before, and I can't say this, that was before the shadow cabal got their hands, I'm talking about their mitts, on our industry, and just took it all to China. Now the watches, people don't like to hear this, the watches are crap now. This watch, this watch here, this was a gift from Kim Jong-un. Great man, fantastic man, can't stop telling me how much he loves this country, it's the, you know, the people in the swamp, they don't want you to know just how great those people are. It's like when Putin gave me that golf set for my birthday last year, and Hillary, she was behind getting FEMA to launch an investigation about it, absolute crap, it's treason. Just absolutely treason. She should have been locked up a long time ago."

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Thought this was a weird one but it's been passed round a number of place

So strange that now both sides have have people scaremongering over the vaccine with the right wing conspiracy lot on about Bill Gates microchipping people via the vaccine but now we have the vice presidential hopeful scaremongering that Trump will release a potentially harmful vaccine onto the populous.
I want a vaccine probably more than most do right now as my life actually depends on it, HOWEVER, we should not skip and rush safety and effectiveness testing as this is necessary to ensure we do not have similar problems that we have had in the past with vaccines as well as unforeseen problems due to this being a novel virus. Trump is ignorant and talks out of his arse when it comes to just about anything there is, not just vaccines. He doesn't understand how they work. He doesn't understand scientific method., He doesn't even understand the need for testing. He needs to let them do their job to ensure we provide safe, effective vaccines to the public instead of thinking " he knows better" and we should cut corners.


lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
yeh but generally it will have been FDA tested and Trump is just relaying the news from them. If there was something up trust me news would get out one way or another.
Trump isn't relaying news from them, he is trying to pressure them to act and then he just talks out of his ass about whatever he wants to have happen regardless. It is sort of like he wanted the Big Ten to play so he told people they were, but it turns out he was just talking out of his arse again.

Trump doesn't relay anything, EVER. Trump doesn't LISTEN. Trump just says what he wants regardless of what anyone actually told him. He tries to force people to do what he wants regardless of what is safe or factual. That is how Trump rolls.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Not saying she's wrong, I just don't really trust her either. Money is going to fuck the process up. I can only trust the FDA so far. They, like everything else, is susceptible to corruption. Trump is more likely to push an unready vaccine through but it doesn't say Harris wouldn't either.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Not saying she's wrong, I just don't really trust her either. Money is going to fuck the process up. I can only trust the FDA so far. They, like everything else, is susceptible to corruption. Trump is more likely to push an unready vaccine through but it doesn't say Harris wouldn't either.
I don't think that ANYONE other than Trump and his loonies would push through an unsafe vaccine, they would just trust that the scientists, Doctors and FDA are doing the best they can to get a safe vaccine to the people as soon as possible because:

1)Because Trump is stupid and anti science. Biden and Kamela are not. Although we have a current wave of QAnon republicans and seriously messed up republicans, even Bush or McCain were not anti science either. Most conservatives are not anti science, it is juts Trump and his loonies have brought this attack on science fringe mainstream.

2) The company who gets the best vaccine first wins BIG. They are the ones who saved the day, they get the investors showering them with money and their stocks skyrocket BUT if they fail they have doomed themselves. IF people die from their vaccine or it is ineffective, it will bury their company so no legitimate company is willing to risk that. Some shady no name company WOULD do that however, and take the money and run because they have no intention of sticking around after pay day. Luckily, most companies are not going to do that who are serious contenders for getting this vaccine in time. This is why sources matter. Trump doesn't care about sources is the problem.

3)The FDA CAN be pressured by Trump. That is a problem, however, even then they may not be willing to go down with the ship and will likely resist Trump's pressure in the end in order to save themselves.

ALSO Harris has never given anyone, including you a reason to think she would do ANYTHING the same as Trump. Trump is just an idiot.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Super, because Corona Virus hasn't been politicized enough at this point...
It shouldn't be happening at all. IF Trump would just listen to his own pandemic advisors, we would be like most the other nations who are doing so much better right now. Trump being anti science and trying to profit from the pandemic instead caused all of the problems we are having right now with this. If we had Bush in office, this would not have happened. If we had Romney this would not have happened. If we had ANYONE other than Trump and his loonies calling the shots here, none of this would have happened. It isn't about conservatives vs liberals vs progressives or any of that. It is just Trump and his anti science loony conspiracy nuts are unfit for office and now we have a crap ton of people dead that should not have died and Trump trying to interfere with the process that is required to get a safe, effective vaccine to the public when it would be better if he just let the professionals do their job and only help when they request it.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Thought this was a weird one but it's been passed round a number of place

So strange that now both sides have have people scaremongering over the vaccine with the right wing conspiracy lot on about Bill Gates microchipping people via the vaccine but now we have the vice presidential hopeful scaremongering that Trump will release a potentially harmful vaccine onto the populous.
I hope you do realize this isn't actually saying anything bad about Kamala. She is saying don't Trust anything Trump says or does. That isn't fearmongering, that is what any reasonable person should do given Trump's actions. Trump isn't relaying what the FDA is telling him. The FDA has been disputing Trumps claims for months now. It works like this:

Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say that no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say that no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say that no that is not correct.

You get this idea yet?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I hope you do realize this isn't actually saying anything bad about Kamala. She is saying don't Trust anything Trump says or does. That isn't fearmongering, that is what any reasonable person should do given Trump's actions. Trump isn't relaying what the FDA is telling him. The FDA has been disputing Trumps claims for months now. It works like this:

Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say that no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say that no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say no that is not correct.
Trump says something stupid.
The FDA has to say that no that is not correct.

You get this idea yet?
You get the idea that Trump won't be the one somehow Oking the vaccine right?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
You get the idea that Trump won't be the one somehow Oking the vaccine right?
You get that Trump has been attacking the FDA for a long time and could use that to leverage an outcome he wants. He doesn't need to okay it, he just needs to control the people who do.

It's why he attacks everyone, so he can use it as leverage later


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You get that Trump has been attacking the FDA for a long time and could use that to leverage an outcome he wants. He doesn't need to okay it, he just needs to control the people who do.

It's why he attacks everyone, so he can use it as leverage later
and you don't get how much trouble Scientists will cause if they want lol. If they don't think their vaccine is safe they will run rings round people to avoid having it pushed out there.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
yeh but generally it will have been FDA tested and Trump is just relaying the news from them. If there was something up trust me news would get out one way or another.
Except when trump just makes up random stupid shit to make him look good, which is often, and sometimes for reasons nobody understands(like that time he insisted his dad was from Germany, which is blatantly false and bizarre), just as often. It's basically if the crazy homeless guy on the bus got elected president. So now the rest of us are stuck on the bus forced to listen to his inanity and watching in horror as he repeatedly steers the bus into the oncoming traffic while 40% of the passengers keep insisting we're just hating on his style.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
and you don't get how much trouble Scientists will cause if they want lol. If they don't think their vaccine is safe they will run rings round people to avoid having it pushed out there.
Yep, scientist can be money hungry. The FDA was specifically designed to be a check against that. It's very flawed but also created in response to a lot of things like Radium Girls or frying elephants. And I'm going to be pointing out anyone trying to corrupt it


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
and you don't get how much trouble Scientists will cause if they want lol.
Scientists "causing trouble" hasn't stopped millions of Trump supporters from believing COVID-19 is a liberal hoax.

Scientists "causing trouble" hasn't stopped the Trump administration from gutting EPA protections.

Scientists "causing trouble" hasn't stopped Trump from threatening to fire NOAA employees for contradicting his own personal weather forecasts.

Scientists "causing trouble" hasn't stopped Republicans politicians and voters from claiming global climate change is a hoax for over two decades and counting.
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