I would like to add the pre-nerf boltshot from Halo 4's multiplayer mode.
Halo 4 is the black sheep on Halo multiplayer, because it really tried to CoD-ify the Halo formula.
Whilst Halo traditionally has equal spawns, with set weapons/equipment, Halo 4 allowed the player to select their starting weapons, grenades, armour abilities and perks (oh, how Halo had fallen).
One of the new weapons in Halo 4, was a Promethean weapon called the boltshot, which was this faction's equivalent of the pistol.
It was fairly weak per-shot, and whilst it could headshot, the standout feature was the secondary fire. Like the Plasma Pistol, if you held down the trigger, this gun would charge up. Unlike the charged plasma pistol, which would only take out an enemy's shields, the Boltshot would turn into a one-shot shotgun, that completely (and literally) melted your opponent, with surprising range.
Players could respawn with this weapon.
So, whilst Halo was a game about multiple precision headshots, or sustained automatic fire, or map control for power weapons, for this period of time, most fights on small maps basically turned into who could Boltshot who, first.
It was tiring.
I can still hear the noise.