Overpowered characters/weapons/items in games.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
The combination of the blood drinking sword and burning blood power in that Vampire: Redemption game. I think it was redemption? You play as a templar knight who gets turned, and then rocks fall and everyone torpors. Then he wakes up in the modern day.

Once I found that combo of blood draining my enemy with blood magic, which hurt them,a nd then when they were empty of blood, set them on fire, but the whole time I'm replenishing my own blood supply...meaning I can drain/burn their blood more. And if for some reason I get too low on blood to do the power, well I just hack them with that blood drinking sword to get enough juice, and start the cycle again. That was pretty insane combo that was OP from what I remember.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Khimari in FF 10, after I took him down...well basically every physical combat character's tree. Got him his ultimate weapon, and he easily one shotted Sin. He was my Rocks Fall Everyone Dies, but in furry form for that game. Loved that furry bastard, he inspired a D&D character shortly after playing that game.
Fully walking around the sphere grid with any character in FFX does that, it isn't really one of Kimahri's strong points.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Fully walking around the sphere grid with any character in FFX does that, it isn't really one of Kimahri's strong points.
yeah but he was the most designed to branch off into other people's trees the most. Being connected to all the physical ones, and in the center so you could branch him off any direction wanted. It was definitely easier to accomplish with him in less time.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Scouts are kind of OP in general in VC1.

But the most broken thing in general in that game is imo the Ruhm, a machine gun with only decent damage, but the accuracy of a rifle and longer range than any other anti-personel weapon save actual snipers. Slap that baby on Rosie, since she's got pretty good potentials to begin with and gives you an extra command point, so you'll be bringing her all the time anyway. Now put her in an overwatch position with long sight lines and watch her shred any and all infantry before they ever get close. Only weakness is snipers and tanks, but even the latter mostly go down in one burst when you target their weakspot with a Ruhm and an AP order.

Some of the Ace tank cannons in VC2 are also kind of ridiculous, letting you go boom headshot on infantry from across the (admittedly small) map because the aiming reticule is a dot.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
VC balance is complete crap, and sadly none of the sequel tried to fix this. Second time I went trough the game I aimed for S on every mission, it almost always just mean using the same character over and over again to rush the objective and finish on the first turn. What a waste of a perfectly good gameplay system.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Okay so Ive been playing Dragons Dogma. Pretty generic fantasy RPG, warriors with swords and shields, fighters with giant swords, archers with bows, wizards with staves and magic. And its all pretty bog standard.
Until you unlock the Magic Archer with the Magic bow. The Magic Bow is a zooming in, night vision, lock on and autotracking, no mana cost near infinite range rapid fire sniper rifle. And its abilities are basically lock onto 12 different enemies and shoot them all with a single bolt, OR lost onto any number of enemies and fire up to 12 shots, which means the larger singular monsters can be locked onto 12 times and you can just magic shotgun them with autotrackng undodgeable attacks.
Oh and another ability might as well be called 'Supernova'. Its a single shot charged magic arrow that goes a pre-determined amount of distance before lighting up like a Christmas tree, blinding mortal enemies, almost instantly killing undead and turning spooky crypts and nighttime adventures into midday sun turkey shoots.
It really feels like a weapon from a completely different game, and it just breaks the balance.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Just keep your character at low health and spam limit break (or w/e they were called). Worse later in the game you get a magic that let you spam limit break at all time and squall final limit deal a shit ton of damage. FF8 gameplay was, imo, a low point for the franchise.
Probably. I've heard some bad things about...was it 12 or 13? Regardless, it's kinda hard to top the hot mess that was the combination of:
1) Junctioning (particularly stats scaling based on how many casts of a particular magic were tied to the stat)
2) The draw system (wherein you only had magic if you directly stole a few casts of it from either monsters or special points in the environment)
3) The leveling (basically you're sabotaging yourself every time a character levels up without GFs with <Stat> Bonus equipped)
4) The level scaling (which assumed that you understood the leveling mechanics)

I respect that the Final Fantasy franchise isn't averse to trying new systems, but as much as VIII has a special place in my heart as my first Final Fantasy, the gameplay left a lot to be desired.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Probably. I've heard some bad things about...was it 12 or 13? Regardless, it's kinda hard to top the hot mess that was the combination of:
1) Junctioning (particularly stats scaling based on how many casts of a particular magic were tied to the stat)
2) The draw system (wherein you only had magic if you directly stole a few casts of it from either monsters or special points in the environment)
3) The leveling (basically you're sabotaging yourself every time a character levels up without GFs with <Stat> Bonus equipped)
4) The level scaling (which assumed that you understood the leveling mechanics)

I respect that the Final Fantasy franchise isn't averse to trying new systems, but as much as VIII has a special place in my heart as my first Final Fantasy, the gameplay left a lot
Yeah spending half an hour (not kidding for those who never played it) just drawing magic, only to then never use them because it would just weaken you was such a dumb idea, I don't understand how it ever made it trough. I remember my friend grinding to kill the T-rex early game and how that completely messed up his stats.

Other FF also had issues, but at least they tried to introduce interesting idea. FF12 gambit system (simple logic for your AI companion) was pretty nice, but the basic gameplay was just too simple to support it. Instead of using the player time/focus freed up by automating companion to introduce some interesting gameplay mechanic they just... didn't do anything, so the combat was just watching your character do simple stuff. FF13 had some sort of good idea with letting you switch class on the fly in combat and there are actually a few battle that are interesting, but 90% of fight are literally just pressing x to auto attack and winning without doing anything.

Ghostrick Dorklord

Ordinary High School Girl
Oct 2, 2009
Through the Looking Glass
Castlevania Symphony of the Night has a ton of gamebreakers. Need to do damage as fast as possible on a boss? Spam Holy Water. Need a sword that gets stronger overtime? Muramasa. Want a sword with massive range and attacks very fast that you can stroll by rooms like a walk in the park? Crissaegrim. Want invincibility and being able to cause damage while healing yourself by touching your enemies? Shield Rod + Alucard Shield.

I know other Castlevanias have their own game breakers in the game but I think SotN has the most out of all them that easily trivalize the game. They are harder to come by but its worth the effort if to make the forces of Dracula look like a joke after floundering around when Death takes your gear.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Haha, I remember grinding that exact mission to level of other classes or characters (I forgot exactly how the leveling worked) just to see everyone's unique abilities that could trigger. It obviously didn't take very long as you could be that mission so fast.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
Just keep your character at low health and spam limit break (or w/e they were called). Worse later in the game you get a magic that let you spam limit break at all time and squall final limit deal a shit ton of damage. FF8 gameplay was, imo, a low point for the franchise.
Yeah, It was a long time ago now, I can't remember when it came out but I think I was an actual child and really bad at videogames still.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
Just keep your character at low health and spam limit break (or w/e they were called). Worse later in the game you get a magic that let you spam limit break at all time and squall final limit deal a shit ton of damage. FF8 gameplay was, imo, a low point for the franchise.
Yeah, it was really fun to hit the button just as you hit with gunblade for extra damage though. That was cool that it gave extra damage for limit breaks.

If I remember correctly now I think you even got extra free temporary hitpoints because the summon had hitpoints that replaced your own, like if it died it would be useless so it was supposed to be a risk but it wasjust like hey free hitpoints.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
VC balance is complete crap, and sadly none of the sequel tried to fix this. Second time I went trough the game I aimed for S on every mission, it almost always just mean using the same character over and over again to rush the objective and finish on the first turn. What a waste of a perfectly good gameplay system.
I only played the first and the forth game because I never owned a PSP. But Valkyria Chronicles 4 added the grenadiers which would rain grenades down on your infantry which would do massive damage if you tried rushing. Certainly slowed me down anyway.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I only played the first and the forth game because I never owned a PSP. But Valkyria Chronicles 4 added the grenadiers which would rain grenades down on your infantry which would do massive damage if you tried rushing. Certainly slowed me down anyway.
iirc you can easily bait them or avoid the shoot. Plus I think they were pretty rare.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Wumpa bazooka in Crash 3. Once you get that 3/4 in to the game, it makes nearly everything trivial aside from a few exceptions here and there.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Once you have leveled up "Blink" in Dishonored, that's all she wrote:



Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I remember just using timestop to run through the entire last level of the first Dishonored. That was a completely silly power. I also abused the hell out of the rat summons. The guards don't realize they are being summoned since they are also a natural occurrence. They get eaten and no corpses are left behind. Since no alarms are raised, they don't seem to increase chaos either? I at least got a low chaos ending for the stupid amount of people eaten by rats.

On the topic of Arkane Studios - Prey. Psychoshock is absurdly OP. Abilities are what makes enemies threatening, so being able to just hitscan silence + damage them is pretty amazing. It's easy enough to get a massive supply of Psi Hypos to abuse powers flagrantly and after you do the sidequest to make the water supply restore psi... things get pretty whacky. I did a low Typhon mod run for my first playthrough on normal difficulty and found it pretty challenging. I tried playing it again on hard going crazy with Typhon mods and Psychoshock trivialized the game so much.

Bioshock - The electric gel basically trivialized all Big Daddies and the final boss. As long as you had enough gel, you could keep the final boss in a permanent state of stunlock until he died. Big Daddies were also super trivialized by the crossbow trip wires. You did get those pretty late in the game I suppose.
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