2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic (Vaccination 2021 Edition)

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Hey so an aside, I had a Covid-19 test today. It sucks man. The mouth swab is easy but they plunge that fucking swab deep down your nostrils It made my eyes tear up and I had to fight the urge not to pull away pretty hard.

Don't worry about me though, its almost certainly just a mundane cold, there is under only around 200 cases in my state but I still did my civic duty to report my very mild dry cough and sore throat. I'm surprised how easily I got tested for very mild symptoms without being a healthcare worker considering some other nations issues obtaining tests.

It's kinda scary but the premiere said people like me with very mild symptoms should go get tested so I'm doing it.

If I did get it I reckon it would have been during shopping on the Anzac weekend at Coles and if its a cold I probably picked it up there too. That place was packed and way too cramped.
Yes, you are very lucky to have access right now. We have had so many people die in the US while begging to be tested and being refused. The reality is here though that due to how badly this has been handled, it really isn't safe to go to hospitals and clinics in many areas here because you are more likely to contract it doing so than if you were to self treat most ailments at home.

Sadly, yes people are dying all across the US that were able to get tested when they tried.

It isn't just tests, due to the US federal government not utilizing the defense production act to provide desperately needed PPE to the front lines, so many more essential workers were denied the PPE they needed to do their jobs and the US isn't even tracking how many first responders are dying right now from this.

Even worse we have ignorant states like Florida trying to cover up how many COVID-19 deaths they have because they don't want it to make them look bad. They have forced their medical examiners to withhold COVID-19 death figures and there have been reports that the state is "picking and choosing which cases to be included in the official count" in an attempt to make it look like there are less deaths than there really are. With the combination of refusing testing AND only considering deaths that the doctors had time to fill out extensive paperwork and have it available by the time of the state review considered, they can greatly reduce the numbers they report. It doesn't change that so many more actually died due to COVID-19, it just lets the governor deny it is happening.

That is what really scares me. Usually the standard republican tactic is to turn a blind eye to what is happening, create obstacles to allow proper documentation and then deny it is a problem that exists at all. This is how they have handled homelessness, help for the poor, racial injustice, domestic abuse, and so many other issues in the past, it is just really terrifying that they would actually try to pull this BS during a Pandemic after we have lost so many lives and are going to lose so many more. Hell some of them are not even trying to hide that they are wiling to just let people die rather than properly address the problem.

It is one thing to be willing to risk your own life, but it is another matter all together for them to be willing to kill innocent people because they are unwilling to make changes to keep people safe. The entire idea that we have elected officials that view the people as somehow being disposable is terrifying.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
It was actually a drive in test, they took over a big car park for a sports centre. In general in Australia in most places we are very lucky to have a lot of open space to set up these sorts of drive through clinics in. I was even told when and when not to undo my window lol.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
I recall having heard there is a decent false positive rate for antibody tests, like 5%. Which makes it kind of useless when cases are still slow but pretty good when cases spike or something like that.

Maybe I'm wrong.
There are plenty of faulty tests on the market right now, the vast majority of the antibody tests are scams. Some register other coronaviruses, such that have the same symptoms as the common cold as a positive. Even the actual antibody tests they have right now they are working on still are not very accurate as of yet. One of the things that irritate me is people using the term "coronavirus" rather than COVID-19, since we actually have ton of coronavirus so which one are they talking about? They are not actually lying to sell a "coronavirus test" that tests for other coronaviruses, because that is what it does, but with so many people using a generic term rather than it's name has so many people not even knowing what COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 actually is allowing for people to be legally scammed easily.

On the other hand, we have false negatives prevalent on our COVID-19 tests that are a much larger problem right now. The most common COVID-19 tests we have available right now have over a 30% chance of giving a false negative, so we have people out still infecting people thinking they are negative when they are actually spreading the virus.

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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Even worse we have ignorant states like Florida trying to cover up how many COVID-19 deaths they have because they don't want it to make them look bad. They have forced their medical examiners to withhold COVID-19 death figures and there have been reports that the state is "picking and choosing which cases to be included in the official count" in an attempt to make it look like there are less deaths than there really are. With the combination of refusing testing AND only considering deaths that the doctors had time to fill out extensive paperwork and have it available by the time of the state review considered, they can greatly reduce the numbers they report. It doesn't change that so many more actually died due to COVID-19, it just lets the governor deny it is happening.
This is a good point. It'll probably be years before we know more accurately what the true cost of covid-19 is. The UK, for instance, was only including hospital deaths in official figures. This week it revised it to include care homes, and that was about a 20% increase in numbers instantly. Those sorts of differences will apply all over in terms of comparisons between different jurisdictions.

Someone dies with covid-19 symptoms but not a positive test for the condition, is that a covid-19 death? Someone dies whilst covid-19 positive but from other apparent causes (e.g. stroke), is that a covid-19 death - and in the same vein, how do we assess covid-19 in relation to co-moribidities? How do we factor in people who have died potentially because the health system was unable to cope with their non-covid-19 problem because it was drowned with covid-19 cases?

What I'd suggest is that the death rate is usually pretty constant for any particular area. One decent estimate is to look at the deaths this year in comparison to an average of the last few years. For instance:

It is one thing to be willing to risk your own life, but it is another matter all together for them to be willing to kill innocent people because they are unwilling to make changes to keep people safe. The entire idea that we have elected officials that view the people as somehow being disposable is terrifying.
Yes. But then, that's what government does: it decides all the time that people are disposable in many ways.

What I do think notable is the way that a lot of authoritarian right-wingers seem particularly keen on the idea of their people dying for the greater glory of the nation - the ultimate being Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. When asked recently about the mass of deaths in Brazil, he replied "So what?" Most politicians in the USA, UK etc. know they can't appear quite that uncaring, but they really are deciding that the sacrifice of thousands of their electorate is worth it. Of course part of the reason they do that is that they don't believe they'll personally be the ones doing the dying - much like the politicians who send troops out to war from the safety of their office desk whilst surrounded by elite security.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
This is a good point. It'll probably be years before we know more accurately what the true cost of covid-19 is. The UK, for instance, was only including hospital deaths in official figures. This week it revised it to include care homes, and that was about a 20% increase in numbers instantly. Those sorts of differences will apply all over in terms of comparisons between different jurisdictions.

Someone dies with covid-19 symptoms but not a positive test for the condition, is that a covid-19 death? Someone dies whilst covid-19 positive but from other apparent causes (e.g. stroke), is that a covid-19 death - and in the same vein, how do we assess covid-19 in relation to co-moribidities? How do we factor in people who have died potentially because the health system was unable to cope with their non-covid-19 problem because it was drowned with covid-19 cases?

What I'd suggest is that the death rate is usually pretty constant for any particular area. One decent estimate is to look at the deaths this year in comparison to an average of the last few years. For instance:
View attachment 94

Yes. But then, that's what government does: it decides all the time that people are disposable in many ways.

What I do think notable is the way that a lot of authoritarian right-wingers seem particularly keen on the idea of their people dying for the greater glory of the nation - the ultimate being Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. When asked recently about the mass of deaths in Brazil, he replied "So what?" Most politicians in the USA, UK etc. know they can't appear quite that uncaring, but they really are deciding that the sacrifice of thousands of their electorate is worth it. Of course part of the reason they do that is that they don't believe they'll personally be the ones doing the dying - much like the politicians who send troops out to war from the safety of their office desk whilst surrounded by elite security.
Its such a fucking joke. They think we'll just step over corpses to shop at a restaurant for a shitty expensive meal that we don't need or go for a haircut... Nope. They could reopen everything tomorrow and besides from the minority out protesting I think they'd find that very few people would actually go. The businesses would still go down the gurgler with only a third of their normal business if that and the only thing it'd achieve was spreading disease for no reason.

And they all underestimate it because they're only seeing numbers in the context of a world that shut down! Comparing it now with a shut down world to that flu season in 2015 is even more skewed in light of that.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
This is a good point. It'll probably be years before we know more accurately what the true cost of covid-19 is. The UK, for instance, was only including hospital deaths in official figures. This week it revised it to include care homes, and that was about a 20% increase in numbers instantly. Those sorts of differences will apply all over in terms of comparisons between different jurisdictions.

Someone dies with covid-19 symptoms but not a positive test for the condition, is that a covid-19 death? Someone dies whilst covid-19 positive but from other apparent causes (e.g. stroke), is that a covid-19 death - and in the same vein, how do we assess covid-19 in relation to co-moribidities? How do we factor in people who have died potentially because the health system was unable to cope with their non-covid-19 problem because it was drowned with covid-19 cases?

What I'd suggest is that the death rate is usually pretty constant for any particular area. One decent estimate is to look at the deaths this year in comparison to an average of the last few years. For instance:
View attachment 94

Yes. But then, that's what government does: it decides all the time that people are disposable in many ways.

What I do think notable is the way that a lot of authoritarian right-wingers seem particularly keen on the idea of their people dying for the greater glory of the nation - the ultimate being Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. When asked recently about the mass of deaths in Brazil, he replied "So what?" Most politicians in the USA, UK etc. know they can't appear quite that uncaring, but they really are deciding that the sacrifice of thousands of their electorate is worth it. Of course part of the reason they do that is that they don't believe they'll personally be the ones doing the dying - much like the politicians who send troops out to war from the safety of their office desk whilst surrounded by elite security.
When comparing death tolls from previous years however, they have to be sure to adjust to remove unnatural deaths from homicides, accidents, ect in order to have a more accurate picture. The sheer number of people dying from this suddenly in their own homes is scary due to how fast it can kill, and yet they are not even counting those deaths in many cases. I am afraid the numbers are so much higher than being reported right now due to severe under reporting. Granted, in some regions all of their services are overwhelmed while at the same time they are growing more short handed by the day as the people on the front lines fall ill as well, they are putting bodies in mass graves and are the coroner's who have bodies piling up in vans outside even capable of keeping track of it all? I honestly do not think so. We have numerous reports of lost bodies during this nightmare, what about all of those who didn't have family looking after them? I don't know if we will ever have the real numbers here.


lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Its such a fucking joke. They think we'll just step over corpses to shop at a restaurant for a shitty expensive meal that we don't need or go for a haircut... Nope. They could reopen everything tomorrow and besides from the minority out protesting I think they'd find that very few people would actually go. The businesses would still go down the gurgler with only a third of their normal business if that and the only thing it'd achieve was spreading disease for no reason.

And they all underestimate it because they're only seeing numbers in the context of a world that shut down! Comparing it now with a shut down world to that flu season in 2015 is even more skewed in light of that.
That and force stricter lockdowns for longer periods of time. All these numbskulls are accomplishing is making an already bad situation worse for everyone. As I said before, our best hope is in finding better means to treat it, I am not holding my breath for a vaccine. I am hoping for a breakthrough in finding something that can disrupt the pathways that the virus uses to attack cells. Yes, this usually takes a long time, but with enough money and manpower thrown at it, hopefully this can happen faster with teams working together around the world to accomplish the same goal and sharing information. Recently Bill Gates has been funding much of this research as well including expanding global viral databases that will help speed up research around the world. With more money and manpower I see this as our best bet right now tbh. It is scary how many hospitalized in the US go on to eventually die from this and we desperately need to have more tools available to help them.

I would love for a vaccine to soon be reality, I am just not holding my breath as I have had my hopes diminished time and time again when we thought we had " breakthroughs' for previous vaccines.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Its such a fucking joke. They think we'll just step over corpses to shop at a restaurant for a shitty expensive meal that we don't need or go for a haircut... Nope. They could reopen everything tomorrow and besides from the minority out protesting I think they'd find that very few people would actually go. The businesses would still go down the gurgler with only a third of their normal business if that and the only thing it'd achieve was spreading disease for no reason.

And they all underestimate it because they're only seeing numbers in the context of a world that shut down! Comparing it now with a shut down world to that flu season in 2015 is even more skewed in light of that.
IANAL, but I have read that, at least in parts of the US, officially allowing things to reopen means it's the businesses fault that they go under due to no customers, whereas if they are officially closed someone else has to pay.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
IANAL, but I have read that, at least in parts of the US, officially allowing things to reopen means it's the businesses fault that they go under due to no customers, whereas if they are officially closed someone else has to pay.
It also gives some governors an "out" by letting them deny unemployment benefits for workers who refuse to go to work out of fears for their health.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
IANAL, but I have read that, at least in parts of the US, officially allowing things to reopen means it's the businesses fault that they go under due to no customers, whereas if they are officially closed someone else has to pay.
Yep. For instance, insurance can't be claimed in many circumstances if the government hasn't ordered restrictions, because it's deemed the decision of the business. But then, if there's no other funding from government or insurance to cover whatever residual costs, the businesses risk going down anyway.

We've been trying to support a lot of the local independent restaurants through the lockdown as many have shifted to deliveries of take-outs or prepared meals. There's even a Michelin-starred restaurant doing that. I'm in higher education and my wife in healthcare so we're still working full-time on full salary, which means we can do that sort of thing, though.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
By the way. I received a text message saying I am NOT Covid positive. So that's it with my Covid negative result I'm allowed to go out again.

I got the test 11am Saturday and received my result 7pm Sunday. Poor bastards are putting in major overtime in a lab somewhere I guess.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
By the way. I received a text message saying I am NOT Covid positive. So that's it with my Covid negative result I'm allowed to go out again.

I got the test 11am Saturday and received my result 7pm Sunday. Poor bastards are putting in major overtime in a lab somewhere I guess.
I hope your test is accurate, though you should STILL behave as though you do while out, to help keep you and others from getting sick as well, but I am guessing you already know that. :)

I posted this on the Biden thread, but it probably should be here so I am putting it here.

Meanwhile, we have Republicans like Lindsey Graham building a coalition to shut off unemployment benefits in the middle of a pandemic.

If he succeeds in his goals while his party still maintains control, millions of people will not survive this. I really do not think people understand exactly what is at risk here if we cannot get the idiots in charge out of power.

Oh and Trump just fired another Official for trying to put the people first again...

If anyone is even remotely confused about how this has been going, let me lay it out for you:

*When the world found out that COVID-19 was coming, diligent nations stockpiled PPE and equipment to deal with it while Trump said it was a hoax.
*When First responders accross the US started to plead for PPE, Trump said it was the states responsibility and that the federal government was not a " shipping service"
*In other nations, they were providing not only first responders with PPE, but all public workers, even those cleaning the stores had PPE, but our Paramedic, Police, Doctors and Nurses on the front lines could not obtain the PPE they needed.
* Trump still refused to enact the Defense production act to make PPE for first responders and the general public and instead told them to reuse single use PPE that has already been proven repeatedly to put both the wearers and those they are treating lives at risk and proposing they use bandanna's instead of actual protection and accused First responders of stealing PPE.
* States were desperately scrambling to get PPE to the front lines, bidding for PPE against other states and the federal government.
* After Trump was being called out for on his lack of maintaining government stockpiles, instead of obtaining PPE from Defense production act and other sources, Trump's Fema director stole the PPE that states had purchased for the first responders intercepting their orders as they came in and in route to where they needed to go and putting them in the national stockpile, leaving the states without what they needed on the front lines. So yes, Trump told states to fend for themselves then stole what they did manage to obtain and withheld it from those needing it on the front lines and in care homes.
*Instead of trying to keep accurate numbers of those becoming infected and dying, they are not even recording how many first responders are becoming infected or dying of COVID-19 making it even more difficult to track where we need further resources allocated.
*Trump moves to silence and fire officials who report the truth about what is happening, more worried about making him look bad than actually supplying the front lines with what they need to survive this and help others survive. Yes, that is correct, they took away PPE from the front lines to put in the national stockpile not to be used right now instead of increase their stockpile from the defense production act to get enough for everyone, and yes, those putting their lives on the line right now to save others have been paying the price for it, as we have a barrage of stories coming in about healthcare workers, police and paramedics being killed by this virus that could not obtain simple equipment that should have been provided by the federal government in a national emergency to protect themselves. Somehow China can provide even their grocery workers and street cleaners with Hazmat suits, but we cannot even get our doctors masks under our current administration.

Yet we have armed idiots charging the capital to protest states for trying to SAVE lives, you would have thought they would be angry about Trump being responsible for more first responder deaths due to his incompetence, but no, trying to save lives is somehow worse. Unreal.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
By the way. I received a text message saying I am NOT Covid positive. So that's it with my Covid negative result I'm allowed to go out again.

I got the test 11am Saturday and received my result 7pm Sunday. Poor bastards are putting in major overtime in a lab somewhere I guess.
BTW, I wanted to respond to your shoes comment on the old forums, but they were shut down. You are correct about the shoes. I grew up on a farm as well and pretty much everything you were wearing came off in " the mud room" the second you got to the door. Hell, sometimes you undressed outside and soaked your naked body with a water hose before ever stepping foot in the house if it was really bad. HAHA

(or in my brother's case, we dumped tomato juice all over him outside after he was sprayed by a skunk, his clothes went to the burn pile.)

I still take off my shoes at the door, so I didn't think about people not doing that. They should do that anyhow, otherwise they are tracking whatever gross stuff, whether it is dog poo, spit or chemicals into their home and that is pretty nasty when you think about how it gets spread from there. That should be a habit everyone should start if they do not do it already regardless of pandemic. Who wants their baby or even their niece, or best friends kid playing in that on the floor? Having it spread to their bed when it gets on their feet when they step out of the shower onto the same floor they tracked it into the house when they went to the toilet? The icky stuff will find it's way all over the place if people don't keep it out to begin with.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
* Trump still refused to enact the Defense production act to make PPE for first responders and the general public and instead told them to reuse single use PPE that has already been proven repeatedly to put both the wearers and those they are treating lives at risk and proposing they use bandanna's instead of actual protection and accused First responders of stealing PPE.
And let's put this in perspective: Trump enforced the Defense Production Act to keep meat-processing plants in operation (and vowed to protect them from lawsuits by workers) but not to get more personal protective equipment where it was needed in order to save lives.

Hamberders > humans.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
By the way. I received a text message saying I am NOT Covid positive. So that's it with my Covid negative result I'm allowed to go out again.

I got the test 11am Saturday and received my result 7pm Sunday. Poor bastards are putting in major overtime in a lab somewhere I guess.
If you've experienced symptoms, isolate anyway for several days after the symptoms break irrespective of a negative test result.

These sorts of tests are liable to generate a relatively high degree of false negatives - potentially as high as 20%. (Some coronavirus tests released have been so unreliable that they are basically useless, although that's probably more from the early days).

I was actually horrified to hear what's going on in some UK "drive-in" test centres. They just chuck a kit into your car window and tell you to do the swabs yourself. I cannot express how inadequate this is, as lots of people having no experience in the proper swabbing procedure will be likely to make errors collecting the sample, thus probably resulting in a huge decrease in reliability.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020

Not a lot I can say about that, really, but I thought it might be worth posting.
This is so stupid and scary at the same time. Due to the lack of government enforcement, they are putting anyone who services the public at great risk. If this was a national policy right now and have police enforcement, stores where the virus can be spread easily and for longer periods of time would not be put in harms way like this. Trump is making this so much more dangerous than it should have ever been.


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
I hope your test is accurate, though you should STILL behave as though you do while out, to help keep you and others from getting sick as well, but I am guessing you already know that. :)

I posted this on the Biden thread, but it probably should be here so I am putting it here.

Meanwhile, we have Republicans like Lindsey Graham building a coalition to shut off unemployment benefits in the middle of a pandemic.

If he succeeds in his goals while his party still maintains control, millions of people will not survive this. I really do not think people understand exactly what is at risk here if we cannot get the idiots in charge out of power.

Oh and Trump just fired another Official for trying to put the people first again...

If anyone is even remotely confused about how this has been going, let me lay it out for you:

*When the world found out that COVID-19 was coming, diligent nations stockpiled PPE and equipment to deal with it while Trump said it was a hoax.
*When First responders accross the US started to plead for PPE, Trump said it was the states responsibility and that the federal government was not a " shipping service"
*In other nations, they were providing not only first responders with PPE, but all public workers, even those cleaning the stores had PPE, but our Paramedic, Police, Doctors and Nurses on the front lines could not obtain the PPE they needed.
* Trump still refused to enact the Defense production act to make PPE for first responders and the general public and instead told them to reuse single use PPE that has already been proven repeatedly to put both the wearers and those they are treating lives at risk and proposing they use bandanna's instead of actual protection and accused First responders of stealing PPE.
* States were desperately scrambling to get PPE to the front lines, bidding for PPE against other states and the federal government.
* After Trump was being called out for on his lack of maintaining government stockpiles, instead of obtaining PPE from Defense production act and other sources, Trump's Fema director stole the PPE that states had purchased for the first responders intercepting their orders as they came in and in route to where they needed to go and putting them in the national stockpile, leaving the states without what they needed on the front lines. So yes, Trump told states to fend for themselves then stole what they did manage to obtain and withheld it from those needing it on the front lines and in care homes.
*Instead of trying to keep accurate numbers of those becoming infected and dying, they are not even recording how many first responders are becoming infected or dying of COVID-19 making it even more difficult to track where we need further resources allocated.
*Trump moves to silence and fire officials who report the truth about what is happening, more worried about making him look bad than actually supplying the front lines with what they need to survive this and help others survive. Yes, that is correct, they took away PPE from the front lines to put in the national stockpile not to be used right now instead of increase their stockpile from the defense production act to get enough for everyone, and yes, those putting their lives on the line right now to save others have been paying the price for it, as we have a barrage of stories coming in about healthcare workers, police and paramedics being killed by this virus that could not obtain simple equipment that should have been provided by the federal government in a national emergency to protect themselves. Somehow China can provide even their grocery workers and street cleaners with Hazmat suits, but we cannot even get our doctors masks under our current administration.

Yet we have armed idiots charging the capital to protest states for trying to SAVE lives, you would have thought they would be angry about Trump being responsible for more first responder deaths due to his incompetence, but no, trying to save lives is somehow worse. Unreal.
If you've experienced symptoms, isolate anyway for several days after the symptoms break irrespective of a negative test result.

These sorts of tests are liable to generate a relatively high degree of false negatives - potentially as high as 20%. (Some coronavirus tests released have been so unreliable that they are basically useless, although that's probably more from the early days).

I was actually horrified to hear what's going on in some UK "drive-in" test centres. They just chuck a kit into your car window and tell you to do the swabs yourself. I cannot express how inadequate this is, as lots of people having no experience in the proper swabbing procedure will be likely to make errors collecting the sample, thus probably resulting in a huge decrease in reliability.

Yeah I can't claim to have been that good of a citizen already. I did go out to the supermarket (after the all clear from my doctor) yesterday but I did it with a mask on. Might as well try not to spread a cold either because why spread any virus right?

I mean I was considered low risk because I'd never been to the northwest of the state(Tasmania got briefly cut in half with soldiers and cops guarding roads!), where an outbreak happened and I was not a healthcare worker. After I got the text message I still waited until I got the daily call from my doctor(which apparently was considered an appointment so I guess my GP is getting rich making daily calls for anyone with a cold) and then when the doctor told me I was allowed to go out.

Not even my parents were required to self isolate by law as there was a specific authority that had to specifically state if they were required to isolate and they did not say so(and I checked), they still tried to but my dad did have to go get my medication.

It was a drive in test with 1 cop and 3 people in surgical gear, I believe the two testing me were doctors but could be wrong. It was good I didn't have to swab myself like Agema mentioned in the UK, because anybody who was given a kit to test themselves, no way they're doing it right because when the nasal swab is done right it is absolutely brutal and I imagine the discomfort would make anybody think they're doing it wrong. The throat swab is easy but the nasal swab is deep.

Funny I've started noticing they don't show the nasal swab on tv on the news when they show testing, just the throat swab then a quick cut. Probably the media deliberately making it look more pleasant so that people don't get scared of going to get nasally deepthroated.:unsure:

I had a PCR test by the way. That's what my Gp said it was.

I haven't seen anything saying that it is illegal to distribute so maybe later I'll scan the information sheets I received then upload them. Maybe do a nice post with some history of whats going on here as and the map of the state being cut in half. Lot of interesting unprecedented things happening in Tasmania.
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Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
BTW, I wanted to respond to your shoes comment on the old forums, but they were shut down. You are correct about the shoes. I grew up on a farm as well and pretty much everything you were wearing came off in " the mud room" the second you got to the door. Hell, sometimes you undressed outside and soaked your naked body with a water hose before ever stepping foot in the house if it was really bad. HAHA

(or in my brother's case, we dumped tomato juice all over him outside after he was sprayed by a skunk, his clothes went to the burn pile.)

I still take off my shoes at the door, so I didn't think about people not doing that. They should do that anyhow, otherwise they are tracking whatever gross stuff, whether it is dog poo, spit or chemicals into their home and that is pretty nasty when you think about how it gets spread from there. That should be a habit everyone should start if they do not do it already regardless of pandemic. Who wants their baby or even their niece, or best friends kid playing in that on the floor? Having it spread to their bed when it gets on their feet when they step out of the shower onto the same floor they tracked it into the house when they went to the toilet? The icky stuff will find it's way all over the place if people don't keep it out to begin with.
Yeah, after I mentioned this point in a few places I think I kind of exposed how everybody else told me they just always take their shoes off to walk inside but my family never did so I guess we're dirty people haha. We only took our shoes off when they were visibly dirty like muddy, but In the house we're currently living in though there is zero carpet and its so liberating. Carpet sucks I don't get why people want it, sure it feels nice on the toes but its just so much trouble and you need professional carpet cleaning gear to truly clean it. My family are pretty bogan lol.

I ended up a disinfecting station outside the front door. Its just a tray of water mixed with hospital grade disinfectant. It's handy to wash your hands in or dip your shoes. Or even dip whole objects. I'm not sure how often I should change it though pretty sure the mix is strong since I had no idea how much to add.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I had a PCR test by the way. That's what my Gp said it was.
Polymerase Chain Reaction.

It's a basic biological technique which takes a small sample of nucleic acid and produces large quantities of it, thereby making it much easier to identify.