What wrong with mobile game and F2P in general. (Dissertion)


Regular Member
May 9, 2020
After quite a bunch of mobile games I feel like this is just now the norm and its getting a bit ridiculous that players still "don't care" and still pay for this kind of morally gray and or wrong behaviour.

1) Energy system: game that allow you to only play a certain amount of time, like a coin op arcade, but in this case it either you wait a certain amount of time to play again or just pay.

2) Hidden grind: Some are more obvious than other, but a lot of the game hide the near exponantial growth in the grinding you need to do to get in the higher level, either you get to the soft paywall or again wait.

3) "Fake" or skewed randomness: Either it lootboxes or any similar mechanic of having the chance of something, those are just usually highly skewed. Show you 6 items but you obviously only have less than 5% of getting the rarest things.

4) Daily task / login: slight forcing you to grind the daily shores or login everyday to get the somewhat pennies worths everyday, I have seen game where they sell an objet at 10-15$ or you can wait and get that same item in the 90th day login, wtf?

5) Notorious and invasive ads: I have seen this in game with very very basic gameplay and they riddle the game with very invasive ads at ervery seconds possible. Game that ask you to watch ad to get more of something, the worst is when the value they give you is worthless, like in most Idle game, watch this ad to get 1k gold, but eventually later when you are getting 100k/s it just a pointless ad you watched, you just skipped slightly ahead in a near infinite game.

6) Ridiculous pricing all around: I mean come on, game that have that 2-3 paid only object/character with ridiculous price attached to them, or game with montly cost not even worth the game itself, im sorry your brick breaker game is not worth 7$/m. Dont people know that there is like plenty of BETTER choice out there for way less? Game you pay 20-30$, have no ads or restriction and you can play it to completion without those stupid restrictive mechanics. or even worst, all f2p mobile game have the pack at 100$+ for the e-money, NO, no game is worth 100$ no matter how it is, it not worth more than a damn AAA with year of experience and big team behind it, not your base mechanic and 3 persons team that baically just copied someone else.

7) Pay to skip / win: Either it pay money to get stuff faster or even game that offer prenium object/character that are just obviously better than the base one. Very aggravating because they obviously made their game grindier and with randomness.

8) Cloning factory: I dont understand this one, you can see sometimes thousand of the same mechanic copy pasted of near anything other than the visual and then just post your game. Why is this even allowed? Like there this "Archero" game and there is 100 or so different named game with the same exact mechanic and talent not even anything different. wtf?! I understand being inspired by a game but just purely copying it?

9) Shovelware factory: Game that just took no effort at all, with bare minimum asset and mechanic and even sometimes with just pure base asset, usually with the incredible amount of ads/minute, they just hope to make the money from the first 20-30 minutes of game until you just quit the game for good...

10) Fake review or biased review: Some game have the question "do you like the game" or have rating in game and if you say "yes" to the question or rate the game 4-5 star it will be automatically publish it on google/apple store otherwise it doesnt do anything! That why you can somethimes see very very "meh" game with incredible rating and with a lot of them not with any comment.

11) Long tutorial: Ok this may not be so bad but there should be an option to say "im not a stupid gamer" and skip the sometimes 30-40 minutes long tutorial.

12) The game you don't play: Game where you can just press "auto" and the game just play itself or is sometimse even better on average than you just playing the game, what is the point? It is even worst for idle game, I really dont understand where is the fun of idle, just look at number grows and sometimes tap here and there?

In the end what I would like to see is store to have some kind of default system with bare minimum requirement to follow.

A) No ads in the first 30 minutes (or so), prevent game to hope and get there money from being the worst at the quantity they throw ad/min

B) Prevent game to ask for more than 100$ or so total, yep, I dont care what kind of game it is, NO game deserve more than 100$ in general, maybe with very few exception. Doesnt make sense that you could spend 1k$ on a game of any kind and I dont care how rich or crazy you are about the skins or whatnot.

C) Way to have a complete game with no montly price. I'm just tired sometimes to have incomplete game that can't never be really complete even with the montly subs, in the sense that a game that doesnt have endless grinds (not including idles). I would way prefer a fixed price for energy removal or ad removal, also ads removal should not be on a montly basis.

D) Lootbox regulation: any randomness or spinwheel or whatnot should always show the % of each object.

E) Some kind of way to reduce cloning, I dont know how this could be done, but geez, write the 3 color combine game, brick breaker or whatnot, you will see thousand.

F) Similar to E) but preventing game that just blatant steal known IP, how many times have you seen game that are not from nintendo and just called monster catcher with pokemon characters... (or similar other known IP)

Well, just my 2 cents.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
i frankly don't understand how Mobile gaming is so profitable. The vast majority of games are just greedy endless microtransaction grinds in which your progress is strictly based on how much you can buy.

But then I look at the games on my phone and remember all the times where I've bought shit while taking a shit just to get through a fucking hurdle of some such nonsense.

That's the biggest problem with Microtransactions, the more you put them into people's face, the higher the chance that they'll eventually cave.

And because the App-stores get a cut of all this business they'll never regulate it. It requires self regulation and that will never happen for a wide variety of reasons.


Regular Member
May 9, 2020
yeah that the main problem, the app store doesnt care and even allow it because of the greed, the more app push micro and ads the more they get.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
People fall for the same Skinner box techniques all the time. I only play a game if it's fun. I couldn't care less about filling up XP bars or whatnot. I literally stayed level 55 in COD4 forever and never prestiged once because why would I want to lose all my unlocks? Isn't that actually a "study" the size of millions of people showing how much the average person cares (falls far) "progressing" even when the only thing that changes was a tiny little icon?

I don't really have a problem with basically anything mobile games and GAS do if kids aren't allowed to play them. If you're making a game free-to-play, you gotta have some way of charging people to play to make money off the game. The only thing I wish was that there was an option to "unlock" the full game for a price so if you like the game you could just pay $20/$40/$60 to just play it however you liked. I'll never pay for some box that has random things in it. I played Golf Clash for a good amount (when work was extremely slow) and never paid a single cent to play it.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
i frankly don't understand how Mobile gaming is so profitable. The vast majority of games are just greedy endless microtransaction grinds in which your progress is strictly based on how much you can buy.

But then I look at the games on my phone and remember all the times where I've bought shit while taking a shit just to get through a fucking hurdle of some such nonsense.

That's the biggest problem with Microtransactions, the more you put them into people's face, the higher the chance that they'll eventually cave.

And because the App-stores get a cut of all this business they'll never regulate it. It requires self regulation and that will never happen for a wide variety of reasons.
Yeah, companies are not looking for you. They're looking for that rich guy who'll dump $100k on the title and so they can claim to be top dog. Rich people dont really have self control

OT: Point E/F. I don't know if that's a good idea. Next, you'll have people claiming FPS as their IP and banning all others. Because Copyrights are just that stupid. Look at Big Pharma. Make a drug. Spend some money in courts extending the life of the Copyright. When that runs out, tweak the formula a bit and pretend its a new drug and call anyone using the generic (i.e. your old formula.) an idiot for buying a clearly inferior (and the exact same) drug.

Giving companies more latitude to go after clones will create a monopoly like you wouldn't believe


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
i frankly don't understand how Mobile gaming is so profitable. The vast majority of games are just greedy endless microtransaction grinds in which your progress is strictly based on how much you can buy.

But then I look at the games on my phone and remember all the times where I've bought shit while taking a shit just to get through a fucking hurdle of some such nonsense.

That's the biggest problem with Microtransactions, the more you put them into people's face, the higher the chance that they'll eventually cave.

And because the App-stores get a cut of all this business they'll never regulate it. It requires self regulation and that will never happen for a wide variety of reasons.
While I'm f2p cause the gacha gods love me and I get most of what I want without needing to spend money, I play fate grand order daily and I can easily see why the game is successful and I understand the urge people have to spend money.

The game does the thing console game companies try to do, it really does become a lifestyle thing where if you have some downtime, if you had a big meal and are too tired to move, you would play it while listening to the news or during other such downtime periods. And when a new story thing comes out it's just as fun as a normal handheld game, the story is really why you play this. It's like a real visual novel basically.

And then 3 years pass and you're super invested in the universe and lore, are completely enamored with your characters in your team and looking forward to the new adventures that you have to look forward to.

I will say though, generally speaking mobage are trash. Most of them have trash gameplay (that can't even be called that since a lot just let you auto-battle through stuff) and the story bits are shallow if they even exist. Fate Grand Order is the one game that legit feels like playing a normal videogame on your phone, and not like a "phone game". It's a simplistic (but getting more complex by the day) turn based Jrpg with LENGTHY visual novel segments that you can beat easily without spending a penny.

Now, the way it makes money is because some dumb people out there absolutely need to have certain chars. The game rains down cool units on you, tons of em for free, but yeah the appearance rates for the top ones are just 0.7% per pull, so if you have someone who is seeking to get 5 of those super rare characters (something you need to do if you wanna buff their super moves, which is not at all necessary to do but some people do anyway as an expression of char love) they will rake in a ton of money. What I do is look up what units are coming out (since Japan is 2 years ahead of us so we know the rough order of new stuff to come out) and decide on who I wanna get and save the free resources for them. It's kinda crushing if you don't end up getting em but you can usually get em and if not you will most of the time get something else anyways. The trick is to not just start spending money when you don't get what you want, cause you legit have stories of people spending thousands of bucks and failing to get something anyways.

So yeah overall I would agree with the OP on most of those points, I just happen to play the one partial exception and am having a blast with it.


Ask Revachol/Renegades of Woke
May 13, 2020
Yeah, companies are not looking for you. They're looking for that rich guy who'll dump $100k on the title and so they can claim to be top dog. Rich people dont really have self control

OT: Point E/F. I don't know if that's a good idea. Next, you'll have people claiming FPS as their IP and banning all others. Because Copyrights are just that stupid. Look at Big Pharma. Make a drug. Spend some money in courts extending the life of the Copyright. When that runs out, tweak the formula a bit and pretend its a new drug and call anyone using the generic (i.e. your old formula.) an idiot for buying a clearly inferior (and the exact same) drug.

Giving companies more latitude to go after clones will create a monopoly like you wouldn't believe
Well it's an overexaggeration, more like a bunch of people who can pull at least 200 dollars and with diminishing returns

Confession: I am a whale.


The Force of Evil
Sep 27, 2020
I can't recall a single mobile game that I've had installed longer than a couple months... All the energy bars, timers, micro-transactions and long tutorials (especially the tutorials) are so unfriendly to players. One f2p game, Tales of Crestoria begs for release elsewhere- it was the only mobile game I'd been invested in by story alone, but all the typical dacha features just sucked the enjoyment out of it.


Ask Revachol/Renegades of Woke
May 13, 2020
I can't recall a single mobile game that I've had installed longer than a couple months... All the energy bars, timers, micro-transactions and long tutorials (especially the tutorials) are so unfriendly to players. One f2p game, Tales of Crestoria begs for release elsewhere- it was the only mobile game I'd been invested in by story alone, but all the typical dacha features just sucked the enjoyment out of it.
I have a motto of sticking to one or two games and install absolutely no other mobile games


The Force of Evil
Sep 27, 2020
I like your motto! The classic mobile games were some of the best. Monster Dash comes to mind, brilliant fun! It's been brought back now but it's just... Worse. It requires internet, the art style is different and even the music is different. Shame.