Correction he got his for $300 at the time. The $50 was a two year warranty.
I can appreciate that to an extent and the individuals who tried. It still does not change the fact that Sony higher ups did nothing or somewhat mocked 3rd party developers asking for help. While usually being more than helpful for 1st party guys, the 3rd party guys might as well had gotten a big
right up the ass. The free online went bye-bye during 8th gen, because Microsoft charges for online, and so can we. The PS+ went from $50 to $60 when they promised not to do it. They still have not done price drops on their controllers since the PS2 era, because Microsoft rarely ever bothered. The same applies to Nintendo too when it comes to price dropping nearly nothing. And now Sony & Microsoft is going to be charging $70 up the fucking wazoo and claiming games are expensive to make. When I last checked the whole games can range anywhere from $40-$100 was the cartridge days. Those days are long gone. Sony started the standard $50 with PS1 games and it fucking worked. It was a nice and even balance. The first price hike was justified because we're going in HD. Even back then when I found out about it, I still called it bullshit. The fact that you're not even getting the full package in most of the AAA gaming space, sours it even further now.