Loved Grandia 2, but it was waaaaaaaaay too easy. Once you'd max out the special attack that could cancel enemy attack it would be instantaneous so you could easily nullify all the bosses attacks whenever they'd try to do anything. That was a shame cause the game had good level of depth and some nice character customization, loved when you'd get far enough and your guy would just teleport around the battlefield and do these crazy 5+ hit combo.
The story is a blast and I'll say it's one of the few game I think the english voice acting is superior to the Japanese, entirely for Millenia voice actress which just seem to be having a blast the entire game.
1 was fine, but yeah the story wasn't as much fun and the gameplay wasn't as develop, main character was fun, although later there's a really awkward attempt to make a love story between him (who's like 12) and some woman (who's like 20). 3 was disappointing, a few cool spot in the story but the only character who was interesting leave the game about 10 hours in and no one else is remotely able to carry the story forward, I'm not surprised they didn't bother porting it to steam. There's also grandia xtreme, which is sorta like a rogue like, with very little story but just a massive dungeon to explore and randomized loot. Gameplay wise it's the most advanced, but there's essentially no story and replaying the same few dungeons area over and over again gets so repetitive, it's "Grinding: the game".
While I was looking for some video of the grandia one of the side video on youtube was of Bahamut Lagoon, since it was never officially ported to the west I imagine a lot of people never played it, which is a shame (there's well done full translation online for SNES emulator). It has a really fun concept like a tactics, except every "character" on the board is actually a team of 4 character. You can use long range magic on the board or get close to the a traditional JRPG combat using the full team. Every "character" also as an associated dragon with them who you have limited control over and just goes around wiping everything out, you also have to upgrade and evolve the dragon to get your character stronger since the ability they can use are determined by your dragon stats. You can also modify the terrain in tactics mode, like freeze lake to walk over them, burn forest to change terrain and hurt enemy in it or destroy wall with lighting. Story is also pretty cool, the setting are these floating continents and you fly around on an airship trying to liberate a kingdom and a princess. The princess story is great since the entire game everyone just assume she's in love with your main character, but when you show up to help her she just goes "hey thanks for saving me, have you met my boyfriend BTW?" which I found hilarious.