Not really my cup of tea, I only remember random clips from the original show. I remember seeing it both subbed and dubbed in Swedish so I suspect it was a matter of them having a show with humor that is a bit difficult to translate. I hope it turns out good though.
I am reminded of a joke I thought up during the Obama years:
"Sometimes I wonder what happens to politicians after they fail to win a presidential election. I mean, just because they don't end up in the highest office does that not mean that their career is over. For instance, Adlai Stevenson who was soundly defeated by Eisenhower ended up as the ambassador to the UN and was the first to question the Soviets about the Cuban missiles. It makes me wonder: what are Sarah Palin and John McCain doing nowadays?"
"The same thing they are doing every night: trying to take over America!"
~They're Palin, they're Palin and McCain, Cain, Cain, Cain, CAIN, Cain, Cain, Cain~