Space Station 13

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Since it came up in another board, this is just a thread for SS13 discussion and for sharing weird spaceman stories without spamming other threads.

If you're unfamiliar, Space Station 13 is an online multiplayer roleplaying game about trying to survive on a weird space station. This video is, in my opinion, one of the better explanations.

Some questions/prompts for discussion value.

Do you play SS13? If yes, what's your preferred server(s) and why? If no, have you heard anything about it and do you have any thoughts?

Do you have a favourite job and/or a favourite antagonist role?

Are you robust? Do you aspire to be robust?

Also, feel free to tell the stories of memorable/funny rounds or experiences. I like to hear them.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Let's see. I'm a Goon station player. I first started on Hippie, but I switched over pretty quickly because A. Nothing happens on Hippie and B. Every server has its own controls and systems, so there's no point in practicing on another station.
My first few rounds were no promising. I stuck to the gimmick jobs, and Radio announcer was my favorite. But I was often killed, and not by the antags. I remember my second ever round on Goon another player asked me if I was new to the server, I said yes and he almost beat me to death and threw me out an airlock telling me new players aren't welcome on Goon. I tried complaining to the Admins but they said he hadn't killed me, just threw me out an airlock and that doesn't qualify as trolling or antaging.

Since then I've learned to really stay away from certain parts of any station - Sec, Medical, Cargo, Engineering and Command. I stick to the kitchen, the bar, botany and every once in awhile genetics. Botany is my current favorite because its rarely targeted, and lets you just grow shit. I usually make alcohol of some kind mixed with Rainbow Weed and sell it off. I like to do station wide commercials with reviews from various crew members and promising my miracle drinks will do all sorts of absurd things. I once promised it would cause triple kidney failure and the Powers that Be liked it so much they made it so. Anyone who drank it had double kidney failure, and after a transplant a 3rd kidney would fail too, so another transplant was needed.
Thankfully we had grown a lot of plant-organs.

Am I robust? No, not in the least and I've given up on ever becoming so. There simply is too much, and rounds get too crazy and dying is too common for me to ever learn anything more than one or two roles. And I don't want to antag, because I'm really bad at it, don't know what to do, and usually die within a few minutes. I was a RevHead once, as a Chef. I walked out of the kitchen and a Detective was waiting for me and shot me dead, RevHead down. And this was in the first 3 minutes of the round. It was like he knew who it was and where I would be.

And that's been my experience. If you want to do something fun you kinda have to do it yourself and try not to interact with other players because most of them are griefers or trolls. I still love the game, but for what I can do myself rather than ClownOps or fighting Blobs.

My favorite round I played I was a botanist and I started with a random hat - a Crown. So naturally I declared myself Queen of Botany(My botanist character is named Julia Langford) and set out to make Apple Cider for the entire crew. We had a good thing going and the Cider was flowing. and then the Wizard happened. He summoned space bees and skeletons and wanted my Cider. I welded the doors to Botany shut and rallied the two other botanists to defend the apple cider. We got chainsaws. And I made a station announcement that the Kingdom of Botany was under siege and they were here for the cider. Sec quickly responded but it was too late. The Wizard broke in and we fought. The other botanists were killed and I was Fus Rho Dahed into the corner and he STOLE MY CIDER and left. I was brought to medical and after an auto-mender I was fine.
I called for the Wizard's arrest, I wanted him alive. It took awhile but he was eventually arrested and his hat and staff taken. But he didn't have my cider. A lawyer asked if I wanted to press charges and I told him I wanted the Wizard charged with flimflamming my cider. And he was put on trial for 2nd Degree Filmflamming. And so we held a trial. He was found guilty and thrown from an airlock, but we never got my Cider back and the round ended.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2020
United States
Never played it, but I'm always impartial to Sseth's reviews


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
I'd not heard of it until today, and I love the idea, but it sounds like something that would be ruined by other players being other players.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I'd not heard of it until today, and I love the idea, but it sounds like something that would be ruined by other players being other players.
It really depends from what I've seen. 90% of players are playing live and let live and just want to do something goofy, like help a chef crossbreed an owl with a hunk of cheddar cheese. But there is that 10% META gamers that want to grief people at any cost.
But to be fair there are antagonists who job it is to kill people and do bad things so something interesting happens in the round. It just gets very frustrating when you die early in a round multiple rounds in a row. And these rounds can be hours long. I was a bar tender for 2 hours on a relatively calm round that was about a really bad cult trying to summon daemons.
But there can be rounds where your killed in the first few minutes by a wizard or vampire and that's it, check back in 50mins.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
So, to answer some of my own questions.

I also mostly play on Goon. For those unfamiliar, most SS13 servers run their own branches of the game, which means they don't just have a different server culture but also different mechanics and gameplay. Goon is incredibly chaotic and rounds can be hard to follow (although the RP server tends to be much less so). But in my experience, it's also by far the least toxic server and generally pretty good for new players. Then again, I other server I play regularly is Colonial Marines, which I will freely admit has an awful community.

At the moment, I generally play Silicons (Cyborgs and the AI). The big gimmick of playing silicons is that you are expected to follow the laws of robotics. However, random events can alter the laws, and anyone who can gain access to the AI upload can add new custom laws which you then need to follow. It leads to a very unusual dynamic where you're not really part of the crew, instead you're a detached observer whose only objective is to carry out your laws. At the same time because those laws can be changed you're signing up for whatever weird gimmick people want to throw at you. It's unpredictable and, I find, usually a lot of fun.

I'd not heard of it until today, and I love the idea, but it sounds like something that would be ruined by other players being other players.
That's definitely a risk yes.

One thing that doesn't really come across from most of the videos I see on SS13 is that most servers actually enforce the rules pretty severely. The people who outright grief don't tend to last very long on a given server.

What's much harder to deal with are the people who follow the letter of the rules but just don't play in a way that is fun for anyone else. The people who will just roll antag every round, cryo if they don't get it and silently murder their way through the station if they do get it, or who make it their personal mission to hunt down antagonists minutes into the round, or who upload laws forcing the AI to suicide rather than try to subvert it.

Fortunately, those people are actually quite rare.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Eh, I've downloaded the server thing; will give it a look tonight if I finish my awful wallpapering.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Eh, I've downloaded the server thing; will give it a look tonight if I finish my awful wallpapering.
If you really just want to learn basic controls without worrying about other people, one thing you can do (on Goon at least) is observe the round. This will spawn you as a ghost and you can fly around and watch people, but you also have access to a button for respawn options. Click on that button, and select Afterlife Bar. You will spawn as a human in a consequence free area that not many people ever visit. There's a surprising amount of stuff there, so if you're just confused by the weird inventory/hands system it's a good place to get bearings.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Well, I haven't a bejezzus clue what's going on, but no one got served in my bar tonight. Apart from the one guy whose drink I threw at him in my only glass. Also killed a monkey.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Well, I haven't a bejezzus clue what's going on, but no one got served in my bar tonight. Apart from the one guy whose drink I threw at him in my only glass. Also killed a monkey.
Fucking monkeys man! Those things are vicious! Just wait until the monkeys revolt.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Well, I haven't a bejezzus clue what's going on, but no one got served in my bar tonight. Apart from the one guy whose drink I threw at him in my only glass. Also killed a monkey.
I can't NOT picture your avatar as the bartender, throwing drinks at a monkey, while going off on him with a really thick accent and british slang. And with that near psychotic face of joy the whole time.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Logged into a round really late. It was very dark and everyone was dead. I got the last hot chocolate. Think I won.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Logged into a round really late. It was very dark and everyone was dead. I got the last hot chocolate. Think I won.
Always a good round not to die. The worst though is when you log into a round and Arrivals has been blown up and you get spaced and have to wait to slowly suffocate, unable to move, for 5+ minutes with no way to save yourself. Those rounds frustrate me, especially if they last a lot longer for some reason. It's like thanks for wanting to play our game, unfortunately fuck you, and please try again in an hour.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
No, I'm a talk show host that I don't know whether is or isn't dead.
The radio station is not actually on the starting station. You'll need to get a transport and use a wormhole(the transport will generate it from the on-screen buttons) to go to the radio beacon, and then just dock and you'll be in the radio station. At least on Cog Station, which is the majority station.