This is a simple concept, but I have to say quite handily my perfect game came in the form of Darksiders 2.
If you know anything about me, I like Combos, I like Grinding for Levels/strength, and I like Loot. Nioh came close with this, but it's still stiff in the Soulsborne manner that the combat isn't as fluid as I like.
But being Death? Everything feels fluid. Every encounter feels like the ability to show off how I've grown from the last. And the loot. The sweet, sweet loot. I'm a self proclaimed Loot Whore. I'll admit I feel Nioh has a more robust loot system, but it does not give me Aerial Raves like I can pull off in Darksiders 2.
Also it has the Crucible. I love arena levels. Sometimes I don't care about the plot of the game. Sometimes, I just want to deal some damage.
Now some of the things that keeps it from being my perfect game is the setting. It feels like a 14 year olds wet dream. Or at least a digitalized Death Metal Album cover. It's not to my liking. And as I touched on, the loot could be more robust.
I only discovered Darksiders on my Switch, even though I had it for years on my computer. But hopefully there's a next gen experience that will put DS 2 to shame.
If you know anything about me, I like Combos, I like Grinding for Levels/strength, and I like Loot. Nioh came close with this, but it's still stiff in the Soulsborne manner that the combat isn't as fluid as I like.
But being Death? Everything feels fluid. Every encounter feels like the ability to show off how I've grown from the last. And the loot. The sweet, sweet loot. I'm a self proclaimed Loot Whore. I'll admit I feel Nioh has a more robust loot system, but it does not give me Aerial Raves like I can pull off in Darksiders 2.
Also it has the Crucible. I love arena levels. Sometimes I don't care about the plot of the game. Sometimes, I just want to deal some damage.
Now some of the things that keeps it from being my perfect game is the setting. It feels like a 14 year olds wet dream. Or at least a digitalized Death Metal Album cover. It's not to my liking. And as I touched on, the loot could be more robust.
I only discovered Darksiders on my Switch, even though I had it for years on my computer. But hopefully there's a next gen experience that will put DS 2 to shame.