Gaming Journalists Make No Damn Sense

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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I thought of your post when I was reading about The Queen's Gambit on Netflix. It's a show about a female chess player, among other things. I've never watched it.

So essentially, they just took a real-life man and replaced him with a fictional woman, which seems like a big "TAKE THAT, WHITE MALES, WE CAN DO ANYTHING YOU CAN!"

And you would expect that to be true, right? Chess isn't a physical sport where differences is body type matter, so why should women be any worse at chess then men, right?

Well, turns out they are. Look at the rankings. There are only two women in the top 100.

So when you have to completely make up a woman while copy-pasting their achievements and mannerisms from men, instead of, I dunno, making an inspiring story about a real-life female chess player, you've essentially admitted the opposite of your point.
The show is an adaption of a FICTIONAL book. The show's main character is Beth Harmon because...... wait for it...... that's the main character from the fucking book.



Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I wanna talk about specific examples of this:

Woke shows = "I'm just better than you, you're no-where near as competent as me and I should have been believed and let do it all from the start while you were excluded."

Captain Marvel is usually seen as woke. When does she say this?
This is kinda the thing I was talking about in the apolitical games topic. Where even when a story doesn't contain an element (in this case wokeness) the messaging around the film (in Captain Marvel's case, the actress playing her saying that the film was not for white male veteran fans of comics) takes a life of its own and ends up in some cases overwriting the actual piece of art itself in the quest for a certain end that is not just making a good movie (or game).

So yeah, if your point here is that because the movie itself isn't woke it shouldn't be treated as such, what you say is kinda like an argument to stop politicizing media, and should also apply to the people who are promoting it as being woke and touting it as a shining example of progressiveness, not only to the people who bemoan it for being woke.

Too often the praisers are left to go along unbothered with their woke virtue signaling, and if you see the movie as you say they are just as wrong as the complainers about it so they should be called out more for being wrong.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
This is kinda the thing I was talking about in the apolitical games topic. Where even when a story doesn't contain an element (in this case wokeness) the messaging around the film (in Captain Marvel's case, the actress playing her saying that the film was not for white male veteran fans of comics) takes a life of its own and ends up in some cases overwriting the actual piece of art itself in the quest for a certain end that is not just making a good movie (or game).

So yeah, if your point here is that because the movie itself isn't woke it shouldn't be treated as such, what you say is kinda like an argument to stop politicizing media, and should also apply to the people who are promoting it as being woke and touting it as a shining example of progressiveness, not only to the people who bemoan it for being woke.

Too often the praisers are left to go along unbothered with their woke virtue signaling, and if you see the movie as you say they are just as wrong as the complainers about it so they should be called out more for being wrong.
I mean, I can watch a Clint Eastwood movie without bringing up his pretty bad political view and chair talks. How about we just seperate art from the artist? I can still like Harry Potter without liking Rowling.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I mean, I can watch a Clint Eastwood movie without bringing up his pretty bad political view and chair talks. How about we just seperate art from the artist? I can still like Harry Potter without liking Rowling.
Everyone draws that line differently. The anti-woke crowd just think they get to be the ones to draw it for everybody else.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Everyone draws that line differently. The anti-woke crowd just think they get to be the ones to draw it for everybody else.
I have been asking what these guys want to do about it.

Like, are we going to say that 'woke' movies are as poorly written as Christian movies? I would say it's not even close, the latter is worse. They still get huge movie releases and make a ton of money.

Just not off me. Except Passion of the Christ
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I have been asking what these guys want to do about it.

Like, are we going to say that 'woke' movies are as poorly written as Christian movies? I would say it's not even close, the latter is worse. They still get huge movie releases and make a ton of money.

Just not off me. Except Passion of the Christ
I think christian movies and biblical movies are two different categories of movie. A movie about telling the literal biblical stories, from the perspective of a christian, trying to be respectful and talk to other christians and celebrate christianity, sure, that sorta movie sucks. A movie which just uses christianity as just another sort of myth that it works with, now those kinds of movies can be great.

I mean, I can watch a Clint Eastwood movie without bringing up his pretty bad political view and chair talks. How about we just seperate art from the artist? I can still like Harry Potter without liking Rowling.
Yeah that's what I advocate for as well. The people who like to cancel things aren't doing the thing you suggest, not the people against canceling as a concept.

Everyone draws that line differently. The anti-woke crowd just think they get to be the ones to draw it for everybody else.

No, I actually think there should be no line, that art is art and every form of it is supposed to be accepted and taken for what it's worth. You're not supposed to LIKE it (and saying it's woke is saying that it has a bad element in it) but it should be only about what's in the movie and not about who the actor or director or cameraman harmed outside of it.

Like, the whole recent thing with Johnny Depp fighting with his ex wife in court and the thing devolving to whose movie carreer will be destroyed, will she be fired from aquaman or he from the fantastical beasts, that whole thing is ridiculous. If they were good enough WHILE they were in their bad marriage to act in those films, they are good enough now that they split.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
No, I actually think there should be no line, that art is art and every form of it is supposed to be accepted and taken for what it's worth. You're not supposed to LIKE it (and saying it's woke is saying that it has a bad element in it) but it should be only about what's in the movie and not about who the actor or director or cameraman harmed outside of it.

Like, the whole recent thing with Johnny Depp fighting with his ex wife in court and the thing devolving to whose movie carreer will be destroyed, will she be fired from aquaman or he from the fantastical beasts, that whole thing is ridiculous. If they were good enough WHILE they were in their bad marriage to act in those films, they are good enough now that they split.
Then don't draw a line. But don't go proving my point by insisting that your way is the only correct way.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Then don't draw a line. But don't go proving my point by insisting that your way is the only correct way.
My position is that no line should be drawn, obviously I won't draw if but other people drawing lines where I think open-mindedness should prevail they do condemn themselves to seem like close-minded/prudes/authoritarian-speech-controllers.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I have been asking what these guys want to do about it.

Like, are we going to say that 'woke' movies are as poorly written as Christian movies? I would say it's not even close, the latter is worse. They still get huge movie releases and make a ton of money.

Just not off me. Except Passion of the Christ
Don't people already dunk on stuff like "God's Not Dead" and all those things anyway?


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
My position is that no line should be drawn, obviously I won't draw if but other people drawing lines where I think open-mindedness should prevail they do condemn themselves to seem like close-minded/prudes/authoritarian-speech-controllers.
So again, you're judging them because their taste isn't yours.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Yes they do. I personally got a bit tired of the insults, even though I dont agree with the Christians. Disagree with people, dont treat them like shit
You may chalk it up as sectarian differences because the lore I was brought up on is Orthodox but to me those sorts of american variations on christianity are so absurd and counter to the actual things in the text when you read it in its original ancient greek that even back before I was an agnostic I would have never taken offense to someone ridiculing those people.

They're the sort of crazies who'd get driven off a pier in some of the more backwater villages where I went to vacation growing up lol (the kind of place where "atheist" is a synonym for "satanist" because to deny god is obviously to be with satan in their logic XD). You'd have an army of 80 year old grannies waving their canes at you at all the crazy things you twisted christianity into. Especially those prosperity gospel folks. They've like, completely inverted it so they'll make money.

So again, you're judging them because their taste isn't yours.
No, we may have the same taste in disliking something, so while our tastes are the same/similar, where we differ is in that I do not think my tastes should govern some imaginary line, and that art is art, so even if something doesn't match my taste it has just as much a right to exist as anything else, despite me disliking it, whereas they think their tastes should rule over others.

It's not that my tastes should be what they are judged by, is that nobody's tastes should be that. We should be open-minded and not draw arbitrary lines based on our subjective experience, we should promote freedom of thought, expression, the arts, so on and so forth. Anything that goes against that is anti-progress, authoritarian and intrusive.

If you don't like something, YOU don't watch it, other people shouldn't be made to feel they transgressed some imaginary line for not agreeing with your tastes.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yes they do. I personally got a bit tired of the insults, even though I dont agree with the Christians. Disagree with people, dont treat them like shit
The thing being Christian movies generally don't get the same kind of push or have people attacking anyone critical of said films.

Some movies that are woke or use woke marketing are often "You must support this to support X cause" or as has happened "You didn't like this film you're a bad person" as actually happened in relation to a certain film critic with due to him scoring a certain film lower than most other critics.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The thing being Christian movies generally don't get the same kind of push or have people attacking anyone critical of said films.

Some movies that are woke or use woke marketing are often "You must support this to support X cause" or as has happened "You didn't like this film you're a bad person" as actually happened in relation to a certain film critic with due to him scoring a certain film lower than most other critics.
IDK. Isn’t it ‘this movie isn’t for you’?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
IDK. Isn’t it ‘this movie isn’t for you’?
Ideally that's how it should be but instead the failure or criticism is just all framed as being from bad people, often frame that way by the media. It would be like if the media frame whatever Christian movie from that studio that makes most of them as "Only hated by immoral people who are incapable of human decency" or something like that.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
No, we may have the same taste in disliking something, so while our tastes are the same/similar, where we differ is in that I do not think my tastes should govern some imaginary line, and that art is art, so even if something doesn't match my taste it has just as much a right to exist as anything else, despite me disliking it, whereas they think their tastes should rule over others.

It's not that my tastes should be what they are judged by, is that nobody's tastes should be that. We should be open-minded and not draw arbitrary lines based on our subjective experience, we should promote freedom of thought, expression, the arts, so on and so forth. Anything that goes against that is anti-progress, authoritarian and intrusive.

If you don't like something, YOU don't watch it, other people shouldn't be made to feel they transgressed some imaginary line for not agreeing with your tastes.
So, stop me where I lose the plot here. Is your problem, in so many words, that you think other people are imposing their taste on you? By what means? To what end? What specifically have you lost by someone else drawing a line? And do you have a specific problem with people drawing lines and saying, "I don't want this?" Because in one sentence you condemn that as close-minded, and in the next give it a whatevs.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So, stop me where I lose the plot here. Is your problem, in so many words, that you think other people are imposing their taste on you? By what means? To what end? What specifically have you lost by someone else drawing a line? And do you have a specific problem with people drawing lines and saying, "I don't want this?" Because in one sentence you condemn that as close-minded, and in the next give it a whatevs.
I can't answer for Dreiko but I will answer for myself.

" Is your problem, in so many words, that you think other people are imposing their taste on you?"

More people not allowing others their own tastes and pushing that people must like and support certain things by shaming tactics and if just basic insults fail escalation to either target jobs or other things or try to find a way to target people to shut them up or cause them trouble for talking.

People drawing the lines in some cases are going "This piece of media is harmful to society and shouldn't be allowed, it's immoral" or some variation on that.

I mean remember when that was happening with The Dark Knight

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