Hmmm...lost interest with Six Feet Under and never finished it, but people were talking about the ending some years later and I watched it. It's very powerful, but makes everyone cry in that everyone dies. Not that they are killed off as such, but a quick series of scenes, showing how each character dies at different times in the future, normally from natural causes. Also, in a weird way, Dinosaurs, a US family sitcom, except all the characters are dinosaurs made by the Henson company. Might have seen one or two episodes back in the day, but many years later watched the ending of the final episode, where capitalism has caused massive climate change, they are all sitting around saying "oops" and "whatever happens, we'll all be together" as they sit watching the snow pile around them and wait to die. The whole family, including the little kids.
On a happier note, the send of H2O: Just Add Water, in which everything is resolved, all the mysteries are explained in a satisfactory way and 2 of the 3 mermaids get together with their love interest characters, while the 3rd tells her love interest that he's awful and she wants notihng more to do with him, because her happy ending is not being with him, which you don't see as much of as you should. Though, on their wiki people have had to say she was joking cause they've totally missed the point. And the mermaid who is always singing and sings the theme song sings it for the first time in universe jut as the credits roll.
Back to depressing, Blake's 7, the end of series 3 was going to be the finale, and Blake's revealed to be dead, everyone's captured and trapped on a nasty planet, their arch-enemy flies away in their spaceship (which they've wanted forever), but it's falling apart and blows up. Everything is Avon's fault and they all give him a hard look and walk offscreen, and he turns and smiles and walks off. Which, bleak, but Blake's 7 was, but apparently someone high up at the BBC happened to turn on their TV, see that episode and really like it and declared there shall be more. So, there was another series with a new series finale, in which they have to blow up their base because people know where it is, their new less fancy ship is destroyed, Blake is revealed not to be dead to Avon can lose it and kill Blake for sure with loads of blood, everyone else gets shot one after the other until it's just Avon left surrounded by some dozen enemy troopers, zoom in on his face as he shoulders his weapon, he does the smile again, and cut to credits, with gunfire playing, and the enemy guns are the last ones you hear. Very bleak again, but works for the series.