Ok, this is going to get things thrown at me, but seeing as this is the only game I bought this year that I actively dislike...sigh...Ghost of Tsushima.
I've said this over and over but I'll say it one more time before I just stop talking about it. The game is technically fine. Its really pretty, the combat is fun for a while and the story is there. But it is so fucking dull, other than story and the occasional collectable or roaming gang of 5 or 6 guys. What else is there to do, this open world is dead and offers nothing of value outside of missions. Why is this game open world? It doesn't need to be open world when a load of structured levels you could approach either stealthily or aggressively would of worked a hell of a lot better than the open world. But hey, open world is popular right, even if there is nothing in it.
I played until the end of the first chapter, rescued Uncle Dickbag and got a "Sorry Jin, but our Mongolian brute is in another castle" and it was around that point that I was done. I played a bit more, I tried to be enthusiastic about it, I tried to force myself through the story but I just didn't care. I would turn the game on, look at the gorgeous scenery for a minute or two, at the cold dead world, sigh and turn the game off again.
God, even Mad Max, a game I hold up as "the most ok game ever" is better than this game, at least in Mad Max the world feels alive with stuff to do. But hey, those loading times right?
And while I'm rustling jimmies, I'm going to preemptively throw The Last of Us 2 in here too. No, I haven't played it yet, are you insane? But this saves me having to find this thread again when I get bored enough to borrow the game from my friend. Everything in this game looks like everything I hated about the first game with the misery factor turned up to 10 and added dog killing. Seriously, I like dogs more than I like anyone in this game. So fuck every character in this game that isn't a dog.
I've enjoyed pretty much everything else I've played that was released this year.