Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
A huge % of Republicans think the election was stolen but want the President to concede for various reasons. If Trump does win with this method, I anticipate a lot of hard feelings.
A huge amount of Republicans think the election was stolen for literally no other reason than that Trump and some other Republicans kept saying it would be before the election and continued by claiming it was after the election, and people (not just Republicans) tend to just believe what they are told as long as it is convenient to them.

We humans are really just monkey see monkey do at a very deep level.

As for Epstein, I think the guards said they were asleep just feet from his cell, there were 2 surveillance cameras that should have caught information that were both on the fritz and Epstein had broken neck bones. The official coroner said the injuries were more consistent suicide than homicide but, "pathologist Michael Baden to be present for the autopsy. Mr Baden concluded that Epstein’s injuries were not consistent with suicide by hanging as the New York City Medical Examiner said.
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/27/jeff...-murdered-lawyer-claims-12763768/?ito=cbshare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/
The argument that Epstein killed himself effectively boils down to the idea that his neck injuries were more commonly observed in strangulation by others than suicide. But we're probably talking about an 80-20 sort of thing here, and 20% is not that bad odds. Epstein had very likely already attempted suicide a few weeks earlier (he blamed his cellmate). Now imagine what happened when a suicidal man realised the guards who are supposed to stop him committing suicide weren't doing their rounds that night.

The other side of the equation is that somehow someone sneaked into Epstein's locked cell without anyone noticing and killed a guy who wanted to live with no shouting, no apparent sign of a struggle, and waltzed out everyone else none the wiser. The odds of that are way lower than the 20% chance that a particular bone snapped.

The rest is just that the innate attraction of a mystery is much more exciting than the humdrum, boring reality of a suicidal man coupled with the procedural and maintenance deficits in a neglected prison service.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
So, is that an official hearing or just another puppet show in a hotel conference room?
"The Arizona Legislature is not in session and Senate President Karen Fann said neither she nor House Speaker Rusty Bowers, authorized fellow Republican lawmakers to hold a hearing at the Capitol on the election."

and its being held at the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix with I think it was 2 Arizona state legislators.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So do you agree or disagree with what happened in Clark County, where the vote was tossed out because they found too many irregularities?
The rightness or wrongness of tossing the votes is meaningless without the context of the circumstances and proposed resolution.


Elite Member
Apr 11, 2020
United States
Arizona hearings going on now:

1. It's not an "Arizona State Legislature" hearing. It's a press conference featuring a couple Arizona state legislators.

2. The bulk of this "hearing" is nonsense about Hugo Chavez and his supposed involvement in Dominion Voting, and how that proves that the election was hacked via Dominion voting machines and stolen from Trump.

3. This is nothing more than political performance art, delivered by people who know better, and aimed at people who don't.
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
The rightness or wrongness of tossing the votes is meaningless without the context of the circumstances and proposed resolution.
The circumstances: There was a difference of 10 votes between the winner and the loser, but there were hundreds of questionable or outright fraudulent votes, which threw the result of the election in to question.

The proposed resolution: They don't know yet. They have to come up with another plan.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Trump at least makes the right noises. I imagine you saw that 3 min. excerpt of Michael Moore in Trumpland. It was accidently electric and the most pro-candidate speech I think I've ever seen. Trump tells us he gives a damn about our country, while Biden cannot wait to act like President of the World. This is like me hiring a lawyer who tells me he knows I am innocent, can easily beat the prosecutor, but the prosecutor really needs a win bad, so my lawyer intends to plead me guilty and have me serve a few years.

For Biden to have won, he had to be the first candidate to beat a sitting President who improved upon his first election totals in 150 years. And he had to do this while more or less not campaigning, but hiding in his basement.

I understand there were record amounts of hate for Trump. I cannot believe that hatred motivated over 70 million people to bother voting for a senile war monger racist who intends to sell us out as fast and as often as he possibly can.

But it is out of our hands. What is going to happen is going to happen. I'm actually trying to not pay attention to what happens as either way, I'm just going to get aggravated. Thank goodness for Steam sales to distract me.
This is by and large the best reasoning I've heard for why people listen to Trump. However, it is still askew with perspective.

Trump says he gives a damn about the country, but then proceeds to ignore Large Swaths of it.

And if we really do want to talk about racists, and I know we're going to go to the Crime Bill... does Trump have to answer to any of these?

-Trump targeted low-income communities of color by rolling back Obama-era anti-segregation housing rules.
-Consent decrees that monitor abusive police departments are curtailed.
-The administration tries to revoke protected status for Haitian immigrants.
-Trump attempts to undo the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
-Declaring Black Identity Extremist as the most potent terrorism threat while removing White nationalists from the top spot...

And that's just to name some.

Look, point blank, Trump might have catered to you, but he did not to me and literally millions upon millions of others. Withholding aid to States? Trying to cut ACA even though a Pandemic? You have to think of America as a whole, just not what you want to see. That's why even though I can't empathize with those nearly 74 million, I get they got something out of it. But you can NOT look at those nearly 74 million solely and think everyone will be ok with Trump. Because over 80 million were not.

Your treatment wasn't mirrored for all of the United States. You can assuredly believe that people didn't vote Biden, they voted Trump out.

And yes, even the most Leftist of all social programming like The Young Turks plainly state that Biden wasn't their choice, But Trump out was the best thing that could happen to this country.

The bourgeoisie rarely considers how the rest of the nation actually is getting along. So I can understand why the Republicans who thought they were doing great under Trump wouldn't get why people wouldn't want it all to continue.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
3. This is nothing more than political performance art, delivered by people who know better, and aimed at people who don't.
I would say this is a political telethon. "Do you like hearing Republicans scream about the ghost of Hugo Chavez? Do you like blaming yellow and brown people when you lose an election? Do you think darkies shouldn't have the right to vote, and lesbians just haven't met the right dick yet? Call the number at the bottom of the screen and donate to the "Donald Trump totally won and it was stolen by people who don't look like you" foundation today!"
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
I understand there were record amounts of hate for Trump. I cannot believe that hatred motivated over 70 million people to bother voting for a senile war monger racist who intends to sell us out as fast and as often as he possibly can.
Assuming that's how Biden is viewed outside Trump's cult of course. And apparently those outside the cult did not view Biden that way and thus didn't have that scare away their votes.

Truth of the matter is that Biden is an utterly uncontroversial guy to most people. Bland, colorless, safe. That was arguably why Biden was actually a good candidate this election. Trump's campaign depends for a large part of mud slinging and demonization, yet nothing they tried stuck to Biden. They couldn't convince people that the center right candidate was secretly a dangerous socialist, They couldn't convince people that a somewhat affable guy from humble backgrounds was an out of touch elitist. they couldn't convince people that a blind guy stole his sons laptop and that this somehow made Biden corrupt and they couldn't convince people he was senile. In fact Trump trying so desperate to paint Biden as dangerously senile might have convinced people of the opposite, since it reached a point where all Biden needed to do was show up without forgetting to put on his pants to disprove that he should be immediately hospitalized for his own safety.

Its different with Trump. With Trump his corruption is more or less public knowledge and his cult needs to jump through all manner of mental gymnastic to deny it. But the picture you paint really does seem to exist only within Trump's cult. Which isn't to say Biden is universally liked. The left was rather strongly suspicious of him which hilariously contradicts the narrative he's a dangerous socialist. He's just a normal center right American politician with all the baggage that comes with it. He's just that, no less and certainly no more.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Oh man of the past, for whom Google is a fad that just hasn't caught on yet, fear not the modern world! We here in the future are well aware Republicans have for decades been trying to disenfranchise African Americans! Voter ID laws targeting "inner cities", the war on drugs, jerrymandering. We in the future have learned these were all thinly veiled attempts to remove as many African Americans from the voting population as possible. But worry not, for ignorance is temporary, and we here in the future are here to help.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Assuming that's how Biden is viewed outside Trump's cult of course. And apparently those outside the cult did not view Biden that way and thus didn't have that scare away their votes.

Truth of the matter is that Biden is an utterly uncontroversial guy to most people. Bland, colorless, safe. That was arguably why Biden was actually a good candidate this election. Trump's campaign depends for a large part of mud slinging and demonization, yet nothing they tried stuck to Biden. They couldn't convince people that the center right candidate was secretly a dangerous socialist, They couldn't convince people that a somewhat affable guy from humble backgrounds was an out of touch elitist. they couldn't convince people that a blind guy stole his sons laptop and that this somehow made Biden corrupt and they couldn't convince people he was senile. In fact Trump trying so desperate to paint Biden as dangerously senile might have convinced people of the opposite, since it reached a point where all Biden needed to do was show up without forgetting to put on his pants to disprove that he should be immediately hospitalized for his own safety.

Its different with Trump. With Trump his corruption is more or less public knowledge and his cult needs to jump through all manner of mental gymnastic to deny it. But the picture you paint really does seem to exist only within Trump's cult. Which isn't to say Biden is universally liked. The left was rather strongly suspicious of him which hilariously contradicts the narrative he's a dangerous socialist. He's just a normal center right American politician with all the baggage that comes with it. He's just that, no less and certainly no more.
It has been posited that to win POTUS, just be a more likeable person. Joe is more likeable than Trump. Trump took the wrong tactics with him often. 1) He tried to treat him like Hillary, which he is not. 2) Called him a socialist. I agree with you. He is not. And that is going to royally piss off his Left.


Elite Member
Apr 11, 2020
United States
I would say this is a political telethon. "Do you like hearing Republicans scream about the ghost of Hugo Chavez? Do you like blaming yellow and brown people when you lose an election? Do you think darkies shouldn't have the right to vote, and lesbians just haven't met the right dick yet? Call the number at the bottom of the screen and donate to the "Donald Trump totally won and it was stolen by people who don't look like you" foundation today!"
I mean...you're promoting the theatrics/telethon, are you not?

Also, more importantly -- Arizona just certified its election results.
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
So, given that before the pandemic, people were saying that mail-in ballots had security issues and were open to fraud, and now people are saying "mail in ballots are safe and secure", and given that nothing happened in-between to improve mail-in ballots, isn't this clear evidence of a fabricated media narrative?
Which "people"? Trump? "People" have always said his claims about mail voting were bollocks.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I mean...you're promoting the theatrics/telethon, are you not?

Also, more importantly -- Arizona just certified its election results.
I would say I'm more perversely fascinated that some people are actually falling for it. Its like watching people fall for Scientology or Flat Earth theories. You can't look away because its a train-wreck of mental fortitude and critical thinking is bleeding out on the ground.

And I'm guessing they wanted their telethon on the same day Arizona actually certifies its election to try to drown out the news cycle, either for Trump himself who doesn't like seeing elections he doesn't like seeing, or for the Cultists who don't like Trump seeing elections Trump doesn't like to see


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
No, see post: #2,670

And also, here's a big compilation:

Here's another, not focusing on 2020:
Those media opinion pieces were not alledging potential fraud but other reasons, which kind of all came true.

Claim: Increase in mail voting will delay election outcomes

Claim: Slow absentee vote counting threatens acceptance of outcomes

Claim: Expanded mail voting delays outcome and creates chaos


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
So you're claiming that you're promoting Trump's stolen election bullshit *ironically*, and that you don't REALLY believe in it and just want to poke fun at it all even though your postings are completely devoid of any jokes or criticism of said bullshit?

Houseman, are you familiar with Popehat's Rule of Goats?
You quoted SilentPony, you know that, right?


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
So you're claiming that you're promoting Trump's stolen election bullshit *ironically*, and that you don't REALLY believe in it and just want to poke fun at it all even though your postings are completely devoid of any jokes or criticism of said bullshit?

SilentPony, are you familiar with Popehat's Rule of Goats?
I think you've gotten SilentPony confused with Houseman. SP has been kicking Houseman around this whole thread.
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