Times up found to have spent less than 10% of their funding on actually trying to help people


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Yeah, basically. Though I hadn't seen that story before now. The timing is convenient though.

I recall a Reddit AMA a while back where that topic was the single most repeated question, and ignored throughout. Then blamed on right-wing trolls trying to derail the AMA. I guess on the upside it's hard to accuse local BLM chapters of being right-wing trolls?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Okay. Where you're at here appears to be someone who doesn't really know what's going on, and is slapping out arguments on what they don't really know for the relatively futile purpose of trying to avoid admitting you made a misjudgement earlier.

The Time's Up Legal Fund is a separate entity, but still part of the same group. If ultimately the group has met its funding aim for the legal defence fund (exceeding target, and ~85% of total income for the whole group 2018), then it doesn't really matter, does it?

You know what? All you're doing with that sort of comment is telling everyone here just how little respect you actually have for victims of sexual harassment and abuse beneath the boilerplate virtue signalling.
Yet only one (seemingly the advocacy group) is a no profit which would mean contributions are tax deductible.

As for respect, how much respect did Asia Argento show for victims when she tried to #metoo her accuser because she didn't want to pay them the agreed settlement anymore?


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
Yeah, basically. Though I hadn't seen that story before now. The timing is convenient though.

I recall a Reddit AMA a while back where that topic was the single most repeated question, and ignored throughout. Then blamed on right-wing trolls trying to derail the AMA. I guess on the upside it's hard to accuse local BLM chapters of being right-wing trolls?
They were always designed to be scapegoats. It's not surprising they took the money and ran.

They're not righ-twing trolls, they're russian bots.