2021 Gaming Resolutions and Goals


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
So first of all, Happy New Year to all, but without further ado...

I, hanselthecaretaker, do solemnly swear to swear off all new game purchases until the following backlog items have been played through -

DOOM Eternal
God of War 2018 - (for Platinum)
Hitman 2
Hitman: Contracts
Hitman: Blood Money
Hitman 2016
InFamous: Second Son
RDR2 - (for Platinum)
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Sekiro - (Platinum TBD)

That's one title per month for me personally. There are others but these came to mind first.

I was thinking the idea here would be to revisit this thread this time next year to see how we all did.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I find that doing a lot of similar game close to each others just make it more likely I'll drop it and once dropped its hard to come back, so I'd remove at least 1 or 2 of the hitman.

FEAR is super short, you can probably knock it out in a day on the flip side platinum RDR2 must easily exceed 100 hours.

In a strange way I'd consider doing DOOM eternal before 2016. 2016 feel like the refinement and perfection of the idea in eternal, which feel bloated with unnecessary features.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I'm not sure its a resolution I can stick to, but I didn't finish a single game last year. I dunno what's going on with me, or if games are just too long, or if the lockdown gave me too much time to play and I just never made real progress. But this year I'm gonna try to get to the ending of a game.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Replay Undertale. I meant to do that 2 years ago but I got distracted, I really mean to do it this year, you guys. Then I can finally look through the art book I got and listen to Asgore's theme again.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Not much. Play Guilty Gear Strive for a long while...when it comes out I guess.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Well, I finally got my backlog down to less than 30 games, 27 to be exact. The shit part is like 15-20 of those are 40+ hour rpgs, which I can only really stomach doing one a month. Then again, I intend to save up for a pc upgrade, so I don't expect to be buying many new games this year.

Perhaps I can knock it down to 15, and that'll be my gaming resolution then.
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Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Play through Nier Automata, actually all scenarios. I always drop the game after the first one. It's not that I hate it or anything, I actually quite like the game but for some reason this always happens. But I really want to commit to it now that Nier Replicant is on the horizon.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Play all 50+ games on my backlog to completion, buy a PS5 and play all the games I missed on PS4 as well as anything good on PS5, and maybe buy a Switch too if I've got a couple days to spare. Also I'm going to eat Chichester Cathedral.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Of the top of my head:
-Ace Combat 5 and 0
-The big Zelda Titles I've missed(Majoras Mask, Twlight Princess, Wind Waker, BOTW, and I'll toss on Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity as well). I'm almost done with the Links Awakening remake for the switch. Skyward Sword I'm gonna pass on because it's apparently not that good and, more importantly, it's a Wii Exclusive(and I'm not picking up a Wii just for it).
-God of War(the Norse One).
-Finish Hades
-Finish Pyre
-Finish Hyper Light Drifter
-Finish Salty Sanctuary if Elden Ring isn't out by Summer, otherwise just play Elden Ring.
-Maybe finish Octopath Traveler.

My "In Progress" games pile is pretty big, let's put it that way. I try to finish the games I start or outright abandon them but occasionally I stop playing a game, say "I'll put this aside and pick it up in a week or so after I've played something else for a bit" and then it's 3 years later and that game is still half complete and I haven't touched it but kinda want to finish it still.

Of course, if Silksong comes out I'll finish up whatever I'm playing ATM and bump Silksong to the top of my list.

Replay Undertale. I meant to do that 2 years ago but I got distracted, I really mean to do it this year, you guys. Then I can finally look through the art book I got and listen to Asgore's theme again.
Deltarune is also worth a play if you want something to follow it up with. The downside it's apparently Chapter 1 of ? and there's no timeline for when the rest will be forthcoming, but still worth experiencing regardless.

Play through Nier Automata, actually all scenarios. I always drop the game after the first one. It's not that I hate it or anything, I actually quite like the game but for some reason this always happens. But I really want to commit to it now that Nier Replicant is on the horizon.
Most of the scenarios are basically just non-standard game overs you can achieve with a small time investment. Only Routes A, B and C/D take any appreciable amount of time and effort(C/D are almost overlapping with each other. You finish one, you can almost immediately finish the other right afterwards). I think there's like one notable exception where you need to do some extra work and fight a bonus boss battle to achieve it.

Play all 50+ games on my backlog to completion, buy a PS5 and play all the games I missed on PS4 as well as anything good on PS5, and maybe buy a Switch too if I've got a couple days to spare. Also I'm going to eat Chichester Cathedral.
I've heard Cathedrals taste Sacrilicious. :)
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Actually try to get to the end credits of Breath of the Wild. This shouldn't be too hard, but for some reason I feel the need to scour the entire map of this game before heading for Hyrule Castle. But I got Age of Calamity coming down the pipeline, and BotW2 could be coming out this year too, so I need to finally get my butt in gear.
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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Don't buy any new games until I have at least started the ones in my backlog that I haven't started. Shouldn't be too hard and should save me some money.

Contrary to that statement, work my way through the Trails of Cold Steel games, I'm half way through the first one.

Get the Persona 5 Royal platinum, shouldn't be too hard, I just have one trophy to get.

Finish games that I liked and never finished for some reason, looking at you RDR2.

Buy a new Switch and not fucking lose it. Yes, I fucking lost my Switch and all the games. I am not happy about that.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Buy a new Switch and not fucking lose it. Yes, I fucking lost my Switch and all the games. I am not happy about that.
Eeeekkkk. Sorry about that one my friend. You should be able to find some whenever you can. I've seen plenty Switches at the best buys and targets in my area. I never take my switch anywhere unless I'm going to my brothers. It always stays plugged into the TV screen. I'll take it around the home when I'm on my PS4 and I just want to look at eShop in portable mode. That's about it.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Eeeekkkk. Sorry about that one my friend. You should be able to find some whenever you can. I've seen plenty Switches at the best buys and targets in my area. I never take my switch anywhere unless I'm going to my brothers. It always stays plugged into the TV screen. I'll take it around the home when I'm on my PS4 and I just want to look at eShop in portable mode. That's about it.
Thanks, I didn'tt take it everywhere with me, but I did take it to my parents house. I took it over Christmas and when I left in a hangover state I put the carry case it was in in a plastic carrier bag with some other stuff. Now, the rest of what happened is all guess work. When I got home and took this bag out of my car, the handles on the bag broke and everything went over the road, including my Switch which must have fallen under my car. I thought I'd picked everything up, but in my tired state I didn't realise that it was missing. I then noticed a parking spot closer to my home, so I moved my car there. Not thinking, I then looked in my car, not finding it, I assumed it was back at my parents house. I asked my brother to look for it there, it wasn't there. It wasn't in my car. I've checked both thoroughly now. So yeah, one lost Switch. I'm going to give it a month or so to see if my brother stumbles upon it by accident at the house.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Deltarune is also worth a play if you want something to follow it up with. The downside it's apparently Chapter 1 of ? and there's no timeline for when the rest will be forthcoming, but still worth experiencing regardless.
Yeah, I beat that one a few times already and got a Ralsie plushe and vinyl record of its sound track.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
See Bugsnax all the way through to the bitter/sweet/sour/suicidal end. I don't know why, but it's hiding something weird and I need to find out precisely what that is. It's just the only time a moment is available for console gaming lately, it's usually far too late to concentrate on what it wants.

There's also demon souls. Demon's souls? Demon souls. Nope, just checked...it's Demon's Souls. Shit, I got no hope if merely the title is proving a challenge.
Ghosts of Tsushima clearing and Kerbal Space Program spacing.
Am curious about civilization 6, that may be attempted at some point.

Hades full completion, BotW, Ace Attorney trilogy still cries for attention too. Luckily the mobility of the platform allows extra moments of progress to be squeezed in-between the nihilistic panic of everyday life.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Don't buy any new games until I have at least started the ones in my backlog that I haven't started. Shouldn't be too hard and should save me some money.

Contrary to that statement, work my way through the Trails of Cold Steel games, I'm half way through the first one.

Get the Persona 5 Royal platinum, shouldn't be too hard, I just have one trophy to get.

Finish games that I liked and never finished for some reason, looking at you RDR2.

Buy a new Switch and not fucking lose it. Yes, I fucking lost my Switch and all the games. I am not happy about that.
Regarding RDR2, guessing it’s because it’s massive and takes its sweet ass time with everything. It took me a while and a few breaks to get in the slow burn kind of mindset for it. Playing just to beat it is where most people will end up disappointed and frustrated.

As for the MIA Switch, it’ll resurface after you buy another one.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I forgot to add FF7 Remake, which was a late christmas present. Looking forward to it becuase it looks pretty good and I've heard a lot of good things(and I know it starts taking "liberties" near the end). I haven't played it for 20 years but TeamFourStar JUST finished their abridged take on the game, which brought me up to speed on the plot(I totally forgot like half the shit that happened in that game).

And if I'm still in the mood for a JRPG, I have Skies of Arcadia: Legends which I've been meaning to play for a while now and apparently that's also a lot of fun.
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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Regarding RDR2, guessing it’s because it’s massive and takes its sweet ass time with everything. It took me a while and a few breaks to get in the slow burn kind of mindset for it. Playing just to beat it is where most people will end up disappointed and frustrated.

As for the MIA Switch, it’ll resurface after you buy another one.
To be fair with RDR2, I could just end up going and playing poker for hours on end again. I think I burned myself out it first time around like I do with most Rockstar games and then other stuff comes out and it gets lost in the shuffle.

As for the switch, yes, that is exactly what I'm expecting to happen:)


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Not so much a New Year's resolution, but more a continued commitment.

For about 2 and a half years (2016-2018), I basically played Heroes of the Storm, and nothing else. I missed out on so many games, because I was absolutely obsessed with one.

it was a game I enjoyed very much, and I don't regret one second of my time with it, but since then, I have strived to play more new games - particularly singleplayer ones.

In 2019 and 2020, I completed roughly 50 games each year, and some of those have been absolutely incredible.

So yeah, 194 games to go.

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