So, I've been playing a lot of Death Stranding lately, and I'm loving it don't get me wrong, but I didn't feel like going through the whole song and dance of loading it up and fixing the graphics again, and then waiting while it loads, and then climbing a damn mountain and taking a leak on the highest peak to mark my territory before the eyes of god and god alone - like I do every time I start up the game - so I started digging through Steam for something a little lighter to play.
As I was digging into the list and just going through title by title I kind of got caught up thinking about the times of my life when I bought this or played that. I was wondering if anyone else has this kind of thing knocking around their head - not necessarily nostalgia, just shit you remember for no reason when looking at your old titles.
First one I saw was Brink. Bought it before Yahtzee reviewed it, and startled myself by completely agreeing with him when I watched it after having been playing for a few days. Pretty unusual for me given I like his comedy but think hes a bit of a negative nancy. I was already too damn bored to struggle onward in the game. I bought it at a Best Buy, and it pissed me off because when I opened the box all I found was a steam key. Waste of plastic, waste of my very limited bandwidth at the time.
Found Spec Ops the Line too. Bought it because everyone talked about how artistic and intense and important it was. Made it 2.8 hours in according to steam. Dropped it and decided that "art games" probably just weren't for me. I had a whole bullshit review rehearsed in my head just in case someone asked me about it so I wouldn't embarrass myself by being low brow. Nobody ever asked.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Loved that game, and memories that span decades. I played it with my brother a lot when it was new - and then almost ten years later instead of working on my university bookwork because my computer was garbage and couldn't run new games. A few years after that when I was doing my masters I was in a group with this guy who would play this between classes. I would have to argue with him to open the damn spreadsheet and fix his shit so I could keep going on a portion of the work (a literal hundred hour project) when he was into a game.
So yeah. Anybody else have some weird disjointed memories connected to games of ages past?
As I was digging into the list and just going through title by title I kind of got caught up thinking about the times of my life when I bought this or played that. I was wondering if anyone else has this kind of thing knocking around their head - not necessarily nostalgia, just shit you remember for no reason when looking at your old titles.
First one I saw was Brink. Bought it before Yahtzee reviewed it, and startled myself by completely agreeing with him when I watched it after having been playing for a few days. Pretty unusual for me given I like his comedy but think hes a bit of a negative nancy. I was already too damn bored to struggle onward in the game. I bought it at a Best Buy, and it pissed me off because when I opened the box all I found was a steam key. Waste of plastic, waste of my very limited bandwidth at the time.
Found Spec Ops the Line too. Bought it because everyone talked about how artistic and intense and important it was. Made it 2.8 hours in according to steam. Dropped it and decided that "art games" probably just weren't for me. I had a whole bullshit review rehearsed in my head just in case someone asked me about it so I wouldn't embarrass myself by being low brow. Nobody ever asked.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Loved that game, and memories that span decades. I played it with my brother a lot when it was new - and then almost ten years later instead of working on my university bookwork because my computer was garbage and couldn't run new games. A few years after that when I was doing my masters I was in a group with this guy who would play this between classes. I would have to argue with him to open the damn spreadsheet and fix his shit so I could keep going on a portion of the work (a literal hundred hour project) when he was into a game.
So yeah. Anybody else have some weird disjointed memories connected to games of ages past?