I'm kind of mixed feelings about the underworld franchise. On one hand, I enjoyed it a lot, because it was one of the few times in pop media, that the werewolves, were portrayed as a culture, and potentially as protagonists. It felt VERY much like World of Darkness, in that both factions had pros/cons. Prior to Underworld, if a werewolf was in a movie, it was either the badguy entirely, or it was a curse the protagonist was inflicted with, eventually curing them of it by the end. And it wasn't a literal nation of them either. It would be like a few werewolves at most.
But underworld, from the first film, made you question if the werewolves were actually the badguys, that the protagonist had been raised to believe. This was expanded on later, and fleshed out to be more of a Romeo/Juliet, warring families in a dumb conflict because of asshole leaders with grudges, kind of vibe. My favorite film was the prequel Rise of the Lycans, where they were straight up the protagonists. It was still cheesy B grade action, but it was WEREWOLF B Grade action damnit!! xD The other movies, I stopped watching after I think the 2nd one? They were focused too much on the vampires (a group I have almost zero interest in personally), so I didn't bother tracking any further.
I know nothing about the source material of this thread though, so I don't really have any investment in KoK.