At one point they will get rid of it all together knowing how much the ruling liberal class liberals in California hate violence in video games, but love nudity or how people in my region of the midwest hate nudity but don't care about violence.
It's all society constructed anyways. Religion is a social construct, violence, and or nudity in games, and their acceptance is a social construct.
Basically, we as a society decide if it's okay, or not okay. So are we as a society going to ban all vices, or are some people/elites going to pick the vices that are culturally unacceptable or ones they like?
Yes, I know Sony is Japanese, but they are letting the bigger consumer base from western countries in Europe, and the US decide which basically means the social liberals in Games Journalism, are deciding. And while conservatives like the TheQuartering, Upper Echelon Gaming will say only the people who started early on a game, and people who play games should change a game I disagree. Companies are driven by profit, and new players = more profit. All consumers and possible consumers are equal, that doesn't mean anti-Christan video games should pander to the Catholic church, but women and people of color, and even liberals should get a say in say AAA COD games.
That being said, Games serve multiple purposes. Relieve stress, art, being an elitist PVP player, challenge, social activities, friends, social activity away from friends, decouple from life, etc. I would argue the most potential games have is to stop wars. They are a way to act out wars without fighting them, and I argue they do it better than Sports which numerous studies have argued has created peace like between India, and Pakistan(Cricket), The World(Fifa), and also Ping Pong Diplomacy with Nixon, and Deng(China).
In the future militaries will conduct wars via VR simulations, and virtual military exercises. This will create kinship between militaries, and they will hopefully stop hating each other. Violence in gaming serves as an outlet from violence in real life.
And yes while I don't like Mortal Kombat because it's graphic, I don't like banning stuff just because I don't use it, or I dislike it, unlike some people(California Liberal). Also, I heard from an NPR journalist that California doesn't like violent video games, so that's my source.
Yes, death threats, racism, and sexism are bad, and video games are very toxic, believe me; as someone who used to play lots of PVP, I have heard my fair share of toxicity.
I would also like the people who want to ban violence in games to what evidence they have that it's bad and not just non-evidence tautology of it's bad because it's bad. Because E-Sports is Sports, and I have plenty of evidence that sports lead to peace from my political science undergrad, and video game journal articles that show video games lead to better societal outcomes.