snip hoodie fast fashion waffle
Dude. Fast fashion is an intentional, profit-led economic model of clothes production. Clothing companies look at rapid changing trends in high fashion and rip them off with low quality, disposable, cheap imitations on the understanding that you'll mostly junk them when the next season (like, literally 3 months) arrives and buy a new set.
The minute you are trying to construct a speculative hypothesis for why AOC's hoodie could, due to circumstantial possibilities, end up unfavoured and not worn again requiring people to get a new hoodie, you may as well accept that your argument that it is fast fashion is bullshit.
Yet that is the perception of saying you're from the Bronx..............
Ultimately, I think I'd leave the final say mostly to people from the Bronx for whether she's "one of them", and let's face it, there's no legion of Bronx residents furious with AOC lying to them about and misrepresenting her upbringing. There's just, well, you. And your complaints look more than a little
manufactured, like with the AOC hoodie thing that you ripped off a columnist from a frothing, evangelical Christian, right wing website.
Also to address the previous point. It's a common tactic of champagne socialists to claim to be working class, if she'd said Lower Middle Class or presented herself that way it would be more arguable but working class comes with certain connotations and seemed more of a deliberate political move rather than anything else and...
I would suggest champagne socialists very rarely claim to be working class, because the term inherently refers to people leading affluent lifestyles.The tendency to exaggerate modest roots is
very common. One can see the attraction in order to make oneself seem more virtuous and rising on account of one's own talents rather than the advantages of wealth, irrespective of political leaning. Although more invidious, I think, is the right wing's trumpeting of the same, in an attempt to pretend wealth doesn't rig society to the benefit of the rich so much.
There is of course the question about what working class is. One can get an idea for the USA
here or
here. But most problematic for your argument is that so few people think AOC
isn't working class. The simple fact is that she would be metaphorically murdered for lying about it, not just by right wing media, but a lot of the left too: and she is not. There's no shortage of people and powerful media happy to take AOC down. The simplest answer to why she is not attacked over these is because those attacks are not credible. (Worse, of course, they could alienate other working class voters who might feel it is also an attack on them.)
And so what all this really boils down to is that her upbringing was
not deprived enough for you, and you are then No True Scotsmanning out the not-so-poor working classes as being working class. As the saying goes, you are entitled to have your opinion, you are not entitled to it being agreed with or respected.
I honestly don't think your hate boner against AOC is really about this, though. Given you repeatedly cite material from heavily right wing, reactionary, antifeminist sources, keep banging G***g*** related drums, et cetera I think you're really going after her because you resent her social justice stances.
Would you also like me to answer if I've stopped beating your wife yet?
How can I answer a question with no factual basis to what's being asked especially when the answer I give is not accepted?
It would be like me asking how it's going with you experiments feeding LSD to Dolphins? Then when you said you don't refused to accept the answer and say you must tell me how it's going?
Exactly: you don't think it is reasonable to answer the loaded questions I set you. Therefore you should now understand why I'm not answering the loaded questions you set me.