Discuss and Rate the Last Film You Watched

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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
I Am Mother (2019)
It's a solid sci-fi thriller, but nothing I haven't seen before done better elsewhere. It's one of those films about people living an isolated existence who are threatened by the appearance of an outsider. Obviously it owes a particular debt to Duncan Jones' film Moon, and by extension Douglas Trumbull's classic Silent Running. It doesn't really have anything new to offer the genre literate, but you won't have a bad time watching it. 6/10


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Continuing on my (perhaps foolish) journey through the Leprechaun movies I have available to me, just watched Leprechaun 4.

All you need to know about the quality of the film is that A) there is a scene of a woman flashing her breasts to everyone in the room, and the camera, for an extended time. This is explained as her being an alien, and on her planet, showing someone your breasts is a death sentence on them, and B) the sound of the doors opening and closing is taken from the original Doom games.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Battleship (2012) The ultimate Movie by Committee I've seen I think. You go in because the premise of Aliens fighting the US Navy sounds really cool. Then the movie wastes almost 30 minutes on making us really not like the protagonist before the Aliens even show up. The movie waddles on, forcing you to endure Taylor Kitsch being a major douchebag, getting a love plot tumor, playing soccer and getting a pointless rivalry with a Japanese officer before we even get to see the ships. But once the Aliens show up it gets kind of ok. The movie botches all its emotional moments and the mid-movie action sequence is obviously a tribute to the boardgame the movie is based on, but it is also a terrible action sequence which mostly plays out as dots on a screen turning red and everyone on camera trying really hard to look serious and not understand how farcical the entire scene is. Add to that a pointless side plot about Douchebags love interest fighting aliens on Hawaii and the fact that the Aliens despite their technological supremacy and awe-inspiring designs just aren't that tough and actually end up coming off as push overs and the movie just keeps going downhill. When some 80 people then man the massive beast of a ship that is the USS Missouri and then take her out to battle straight from her museum mooring you either buy the entire thing with a laugh or sigh and turn off in frustration.

4/10. It is a movie that just can't decide what it wants to be or do and even the things it should be doing well, like ships fighting aliens, ends up feeling pretty anemic.
Honestly, for all the ribbing she gets, I’d have preferred it if the movie had been about Rihanna’s character.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I watched Come Play (2020) today. I'm kind of a horror aficionado so as long as it isn't a cash-in like the recent Ju-On remake or some especially abhorrent slasher trash I'll usually check it out. I really like supernatural monster clive barker type stuff. Unfortunately I can think of very little to say complimentary towards Come Play (2020). The Babadook (2014) .. this is not.

Love it or hate it The Babadook (2014) was a labor of love, with a variety of artistry in it's scares and deep in commentary. Come Play (2020) in comparison is a real yawner.

A lonely kid with autism (The movies words not mine) starts seeing and hearing a terrifying monster in the shadows that wants to be his friend. The only positives in this film are the idea of a monster created from loneliness and the monster design which I thought was well done. The movie is largely hampered by a sense of unoriginal plotting and terrible scripting. The kids mother is insanely stupid and not in a believable way. The best example of this is that his treatment advisor tells the mom it would be a good time to try and get him more social contact, in response his mom invites 3 random kids over to have a sleepover. No parent with a kid facing this sever a social disorder(as shown in the film) would try to ease their kid into social situations like this. It's just asking for the kid to have an event. That's a common theme throughout the film, that the Mom doesn't seem like a real parent raising a child with autism. Additionally, kinda like the recent Predator film, the kids disability is constantly used as a plot device, changing up his range of disability on the fly to move the plot forward.

I'll not claim to be an expert on autism. The movie uses that word, not me. That said I spent a great deal of time as a child at centers for children with disability. Enough so that I found myself very incensed by the films lack of care regarding this kids disability. I don't like it when you can tell a films writer spent less than a half-hour of googling when writing a character with a mental or social disability. "HES GOT THE AUTISMS!". That shit pisses me off.

The lesser in insult, but more obvious problem is that it just wasn't very original. Kid sees monster, no one believes him, parent sees monster, other parent doesn't, eventually the both do, chase scene, love sacrifice etc the end. I'm really not one of those people who constantly "sees it coming", I'm good at just letting movies take me whenever they need to go and I'll be surprised, but for once I had 5 or so occasions where I mumbled aloud what I thought was gonna happen and it happened. Thats a weird feeling for me and I don't like it. 1/10.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
Late to Blade Runner 2049 discussion, but i really love this film and want to add my 5 cents:

Can't it be both? That his Joi was unique and he can't replace it with another off-the-shelf product, but that she was an off-the-shelf product and not really real, despite being different to the other not really real ones? That he can get another one, but it wouldn't be the same, and what was the point anyway?
It's indicated that Joi's personality is tailored through analysing the data about K she collected. Think of it as a much more sophisticated version of targeted advertisement algorithms. From that point the audience might interpret Joi's 'evolution' throughout the movie in two ways:
Joi follows into K's footsteps, and breaks away from her "programming".
Or she does exactly what she's designed for - perfectly emulates K's "gf template", based on his desires and ideas, up to her very end.
Some also argue that Joi can't have a real personality, because she's just a product. With pre-determined purpose, designed from scratch by Wallace corporation... But the same could be said about K in the beginning.

One of the things that i like about BR's sequel is that it goes deeper into Philip K. Dick's tropes of blurring the lines between "real" and not. The uncertainess is a deliberate theme that persists throughout the movie(Deckard and his dog are another example that comes to mind).

From Ks perspective, though, as i interpret it: When he sees the giant Joi hologram he's at his lowest point, after just learning that he himself is not special. At this moment, whatever real remaining from his relationship with Joi, died for him. That coaxes K into going after something more tangible, as he decides to rescue Deckard - symbolically first and last actual decision in his life he makes, IMHO.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Late to Blade Runner 2049 discussion, but i really love this film and want to add my 5 cents:

It's indicated that Joi's personality is tailored through analysing the data about K she collected. Think of it as a much more sophisticated version of targeted advertisement algorithms. From that point the audience might interpret Joi's 'evolution' throughout the movie in two ways:
Joi follows into K's footsteps, and breaks away from her "programming".
Or she does exactly what she's designed for - perfectly emulates K's "gf template", based on his desires and ideas, up to her very end.
Some also argue that Joi can't have a real personality, because she's just a product. With pre-determined purpose, designed from scratch by Wallace corporation... But the same could be said about K in the beginning.

One of the things that i like about BR's sequel is that it goes deeper into Philip K. Dick's tropes of blurring the lines between "real" and not. The uncertainess is a deliberate theme that persists throughout the movie(Deckard and his dog are another example that comes to mind).
Yeah the entire premise of "is something alive if it's manufactored" is at the core of the BR franchise. And based on how the narrative, of both films, frames the characters, it's clearly meant to imply that the answer is "no, it shouldn't matter. that all life is precious and worth preserving, regardless of origin." The sanctity of life is in fact, a huge component of the original PKD story. Where all living creatures, were revered by the survivors on earth, because SO many species were dead, that any examples of a REAL animal, weren't just an oddity "Is that owl fake?" "Of course it is." but something to be protected.

I personally think it's a very moot point to try and nitpick about what an insanely advanced AI could/couldn't accomplish, in a society that has completely covered organic manufactoring to the complexity of a human being. And able to engineer them so precisely, that the idea of them having a true life/existence, becomes a key moral/ethical plot point, for 2 films. And has sparked so many offshoot stories over the decades.

Is it REALLY that hard of a stretch, that they've got sufficiently advanced AI software, to be TRULY intelligent, and thus alive? Remember, this is a society that has licked interstellar travel, and biological engineering on a MASSIVELY complex level, humans. And that was 30 years ago, in the original film's timeline. They've had decades of time to advance, and we know what the acceleration rate for technology is. So it doesn't seem odd to me, at ALL, to assume that the tech behind Joi, is sufficiently advanced, to actually be sentient, not just the simulation of it. And for that level of tech, to be so commonplace, as to be no different than us having Siri today.

From Ks perspective, though, as i interpret it: When he sees the giant Joi hologram he's at his lowest point, after just learning that he himself is not special. At this moment, whatever real remaining from his relationship with Joi, died for him. That coaxes K into going after something more tangible, as he decides to rescue Deckard - symbolically first and last actual decision in his life he makes, IMHO.
I don't think the relationship "died", so much as he was just confronted with an open, bleeding wound. I suspect he was probably, on some level, tempted to answer her call of "you look lonely....I can fix that." Because she DID fix that for him, and so much more. And I'm sure a part of him was screaming "You could have her again!" But, BECAUSE he truly felt her to be real, a statement he makes to her during the sex scene "You ARE real to me." He couldn't bring himself to do it, because he knew it wouldn't be "his" Joi. Not really. But like anyone who has had a relationship end due to death, it's still with him, the emotions, the feelings, the significance of it.

BUT, because Joi also (my theory anyway, given PKD's overall setting tone) is basically an emotional prosthetic, to try and help people reconnect with society at large, he had the emotional stability, AND a personal connection, to several people at that point, to allow him to move on, not become a recluse in his apartment again, and try and help others. It helped to stimulate his empathy.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Watched Ford vs. Ferrari. Again. I mention it because I realized, after probably my 6th viewing, that it's one of those movies that is just all around great. The acting, the pacing, the story, etc.; it's just a great film that respects and makes excellent use of the viewer's time; I'm officially dubbing it one of my all-time favorites. I watched it this time with a friend who'd not seen it, and afterwards, he had the same reaction I did my first time, essentially "it was never on my radar to watch it, but wow, I had no idea it was going to be that good." Just sayin', if you've not seen it, do yourself a favor.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Watched Ford vs. Ferrari. Again. I mention it because I realized, after probably my 6th viewing, that it's one of those movies that is just all around great. The acting, the pacing, the story, etc.; it's just a great film that respects and makes excellent use of the viewer's time; I'm officially dubbing it one of my all-time favorites. I watched it this time with a friend who'd not seen it, and afterwards, he had the same reaction I did my first time, essentially "it was never on my radar to watch it, but wow, I had no idea it was going to be that good." Just sayin', if you've not seen it, do yourself a favor.
I really need to kick my kids and wife out of the house and watch this.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
My friends and I have started doing a thing where one of us nominates a film each week for us to watch and discuss.
This is why I have had to watch Norbit.
It is unarguably the worst film I have ever watched, and I have seen both Cats and Foodfight. (Norbit was picked by my friend as revenge for Cats and Foodfight)
It is thunderously unfunny, retrograde, offensive, morally repugnant tosh.
Eddie Murphy can make as many films like Dolemite is my Name as he likes, he can never, ever recover from doing yellowface in Norbit.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I really need to kick my kids and wife out of the house and watch this.
Called by some, "everyone's Dad's favorite new film!" I love it.

ITMT: CAN I ASK! everyone posting your most recent watches: where did you watch it?
On Hulu: Boss Level. We've seen the concept before. Guy reliving the same day or so, over and over again. Happy Death Day, Ground Hog Day and more. And our hero has to figure out why everyone is trying to kill him and stop it. And it is just done in a really fun manner. 8/10.


Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Watching the Kong vs Godzilla movie this weekend.
Preemptive reaction:
Nobody wins because whoever's making this doesn't want to alienate one fandom over the other. See BvS, Avungers 3, etc.
Kong gets a shot. Godzilla gets one. Maybe one of them appears to win over the other. And then they team up against an inoffensive expendable third wheel/boring human bad.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
As this isn't a TV show but a full feature I'll drop this here.
Max Original on HBO Max: Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests.
What may seem like a fun lark at testing one's personality is being used in an insidious manner. Big businesses are using this to marginalize people. Eye opening and worth a watch.
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Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Watching the Kong vs Godzilla movie this weekend.
Preemptive reaction:
Nobody wins because whoever's making this doesn't want to alienate one fandom over the other. See BvS, Avungers 3, etc.
Kong gets a shot. Godzilla gets one. Maybe one of them appears to win over the other. And then they team up against an inoffensive expendable third wheel/boring human bad.
Its coming out earlier? I thought it was coming out at the end of the month?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Its coming out earlier? I thought it was coming out at the end of the month?
It's a press screening.
Don't really care for the movie but I might as well go back to theaters after a year of abstinence with the biggest, loudest, dumbest blockbuster available.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Watching the Kong vs Godzilla movie this weekend.
Preemptive reaction:
Nobody wins because whoever's making this doesn't want to alienate one fandom over the other. See BvS, Avungers 3, etc.
Haven't they said explicitly that one side WILL win?

Also, if by Avengers 3 you mean Civil War, I'd say that Team Cap wins. Literally (in that Cap beats Tony), and thematically (the film presents Cap's ideology as the correct one, or at least, the more sound one by the film's end).


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Haven't they said explicitly that one side WILL win?

Also, if by Avengers 3 you mean Civil War, I'd say that Team Cap wins. Literally (in that Cap beats Tony), and thematically (the film presents Cap's ideology as the correct one, or at least, the more sound one by the film's end).
Which is contrast to the comic it’s based off since it’s writer went on record saying Stark’s pro registration side was meant to be right in that.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Haven't they said explicitly that one side WILL win?
Carnies gonna carnie.

Also, if by Avengers 3 you mean Civil War, I'd say that Team Cap wins. Literally (in that Cap beats Tony), and thematically (the film presents Cap's ideology as the correct one, or at least, the more sound one by the film's end).
It's pure manufactured conflict, designed to feel terribly important but leaving no meaningful consequence. There's lots of fighting but nobody's actually trying to kill anybody, so nobody dies and everybody's friends again by the end. I never felt there were two sides to the war, or that it was even a war. Just a friendly scrap where Don Cheadle boo boos his leg.

All Civil War did was test the waters for Black Panther and Spider-Man solo movies.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
It's pure manufactured conflict, designed to feel terribly important but leaving no meaningful consequence. There's lots of fighting but nobody's actually trying to kill anybody, so nobody dies and everybody's friends again by the end. I never felt there were two sides to the war, or that it was even a war. Just a friendly scrap where Don Cheadle boo boos his leg.
I mostly agree, but that doesn't refute what I said - that Cap beats Tony physically, and that thematically, the film sides with Cap.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Aeon Flux

Charlize Theron wears weird outfits and does stuff, usually involving gymnastics. Yeah, not a helpful description, I know, but it's weird and hard to describe. Quite decent, IMHO.