Next Gen 6 months in, how do we feel?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
So believe it or not the Next gen systems turn 6months old this month. And i wanted to look back over the last six months and talk about where the consoles kind of stand at this point and what lies in the future that may or may not sway things to either side of the so called "console war".

ROUND 1 - Availability.
I suppose the biggest thorn in both console's foot is the fact that they still aren't available for anyone. Both Microsoft and Sony are continuing to sell their systems sporadically online only, even though most of the world is opening up and easing back on COVID restrictions. This means that unless you got in early, you're only option to get a console is through scalpers. Neither Microsoft or Sony have done a fucking thing about this so neither company gets any points in this round.

Sony has released several exclusive games to the Playstation 5 console since launch. All of which were rather favorably, from the free titles like Astro's Playroom and Bugsnax, to general releases like Spider-man and Demon's Souls, with Abe's Soulstorm coming out on Tuesday which will also be Free for PS+ members. In addition to that we have several more games coming down the pip this year like Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon 2, Grand Turismo, God of War2/5, Ghostwire Tokyo, and so on.

Microsoft's Series X Xbox X has...uh...Oh The Medium! That's a game that came out now isn't it? How exciting. what about upcoming games... Well here is a list Most of these are games i haven't heard of and as per usual Microsoft writers don't know what the meaning of the word "exclusive" is as the Yakuza games are on this list and those are games already out. Halo Infinite is the only game i can remember that was so bad for just it's REVEAL that it immediately got delayed forever.

I don't know how Sony DOESN'T get the point here.

I think Microsoft is trying their best and in offering the Game Pass for a modest monthly fee (or an extra fee if you include it with your Xbox LIVE sub) this service offers players a rather impressive array of past Microsoft titles and hits. The Game Pass even offers players day 1 free copies of brand new titles that release through Microsoft. Every news outlet and the vast majority of players all agree that this was a good move on their part, especially as a way to please the players over until new things come theory.

Then Microsoft tried to double the price for no reason, and people didn't like that. So Microsoft laughed and said, "uh just kidding!" keeping the price the same FOR NOW.

Sony meanwhile, put up a bunch of their greatest PS4 hits for free to PS+ subscribers, many games got free upgrades to PS5 versions to enhance performance and visuals. And they also decided to shutdown the PS3/PSP/Vita stores, which is a move that while upsetting to some is ultimately inevitable for all online digital only services. While it would be nice for rereleases or what have you, the stores will continue to allow players to download games you've already bought, you just cannot buy anything new. If anything this just proves that PC is the master race as no PC games ever go out of date.

I'm torn on who wins this round. On paper it SHOULD be Microsoft for their understanding that the past is sort of important, kind of. But at the same time I still feel like they have no direction and are looking at keeping the past alive because that's the only that's ever worked for them. Or maybe Microsoft just doesn't give a shit enough about their Xbox division to really care. They keep the Xbox around for the Lol's or something. Like an adult who was super into dirt bikes as a kid, but now only has a dirt bike in the garage to retroactively remember "the good ol' days" because they're too old and too busy to ride anymore.

So fuck it. You guy tell me who you think is doing a better job. Even if you are only able to watch from the sidelines because you can't get your hands on a system. if you haven't bought a system yet, but will, which one are you gonna get and why?
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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Meh, personally neither seem essential at the moment. Maybe it because both are harder to get hold of than rocking horse shit, but neither seem to be doing a great deal to entice people to buy them. For me, there is still plenty to play on PS4 and will do that for the next couple of years. I'll probably pick up a PS5 at some point seeing as most of my games will be backwards compatible with it, so its a no brainer really. But at the moment, I'm struggling to find any enthusiasm for "next gen".
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I just don't think there're that many games out for "next" gen yet. And most of them are either remasters or available on "past" gen consoles too.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Its funny because, as you say, these things have been in the wild for 6 months, but because your only chance of getting either system is to either wait up until 3am, or sell your soul to a scalper, it doesn't feel like the generation has started at all.

The start of a generation is always a bit wonky though, because these are games consoles, which are all about the games, and neither console has that game, just yet. Of course Sony has the advantage of having some games, whereas Microsoft has come out of the gate with diddly squat, but even so, neither option is particularly enticing, at the moment.

Im interesting to see how the generation continues, though. Sony, as always, will be dishing out some top quality exclusives - whereas Microsoft has realised that they have the deepest of pockets, so have decided to buy out the talent, instead of nurturing their own. It is still hilarious to see Sony fanboys swear up and down that there is no way that Microsoft would make Bethesda games exclusive to the Xbox, but I guess they just aren't used to having exclusive games that they want to play, that they cant.

Personally, If I had to get one, I would get a PS5. As a PC guy, I have zero use for an Xbox, so there is literally no point in me getting one. Im interested to see how Xbox does this time around though. They really need to distance themselves from the Xbox One ASAP, which is why it is so frustrating to see Halo Infinite still desperately clinging onto hardware from 2013... but, hey, what can you do?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I just don't think there're that many games out for "next" gen yet. And most of them are either remasters or available on "past" gen consoles too.
I'm always confused when people say stuff like this. Because how many games do you need before you consider that a console "has" games? Playstation came out the gate with 5 total exclusive games, while having an additional 23 enhanced or shared games like Godfall and DMC5 Special Ed.

So 28 titles day 1.

How many titles does a console need Day 1 for you to consider it "having games"?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'm always confused when people say stuff like this. Because how many games do you need before you consider that a console "has" games? Playstation came out the gate with 5 total exclusive games, while having an additional 23 enhanced or shared games like Godfall and DMC5 Special Ed.

So 28 titles day 1.

How many titles does a console need Day 1 for you to consider it "having games"?
Day 1, who cares. I said it doesn't have that many games NOW.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I'm always confused when people say stuff like this. Because how many games do you need before you consider that a console "has" games? Playstation came out the gate with 5 total exclusive games, while having an additional 23 enhanced or shared games like Godfall and DMC5 Special Ed.

So 28 titles day 1.

How many titles does a console need Day 1 for you to consider it "having games"?
A console "has games" when it A) Has games that are exclusive to that console/generation, and B) when those games are worth playing.

So, Spider-Man Miles Morales might be excellent on the PS5, but it is also perfectly playable on the PS4.

Godfall isn't something that you can play on previous-gen consoles, but I've also heard that it isn't very good.

At the end of the day, the question is "Can I get value out of my £300/£400?" - and for a lot of people, "there are a couple of mediocre launch titles, and you can play the games that you are already playing, but better!" is not a convincing enough argument.

EDIT: I would like to add that this is obviously subjective. For one person, a console will be worth it from day one, where for another it might take a few years. All it really takes is that one "killer app", and then people tend to flock over to the new platform. For most people, I would say that neither console has that special game, just yet.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Still couldn't care less. The PS4/Xbone consoles didn't start until about 2 years after release, everything up till then were either tech demos, re-releases of 360/Ps3 games, or bug riddled rush jobs that didn't reach proper launch status until 2 years later. Shit its been 2 years and Borderlands 3 is a buggy, glitchy connection issues riddled mess, I hardly think such stellar titles like Cyberpunk or Godfall will be playable until at least Q1 2023.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Nothing really. Just enjoying the games I do have or are coming out on PS4 or Switch. I getting a PS5, because of the bc and I'll be playing games and exclusives worthwhile. Especially the Japanese games. I don't plan on getting a PS5 until 2.5 years later. It's what I did for the PS4, and I got all the time in the world. Most exclusives don't come until mid or late 2022 any way.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I only pre-ordered a PS5 for the DeS Remake which I liked but didn't really love. I prefered the art design of the original and the stellar visuals and gameplay improvements didn't really match the old game underneath with it's archaic systems and braindead AI. The console itself also feels like it's still in beta phase with the disorganized store and the way you can't organize your games. Like, really basic things that are vastly better on PS4.

In terms of games I didn't really expect anything since nothing was really announced. I know the PS5 is still sold out everywhere(half a year after release which is starting to look more amateurish than highly sought after) so it isn't necessary for Sony to particularly market the system but the way they don't build any excitement for it is still disappointing.

The only benefit of PS5 so far I can think of is the increased performance of PS4 games in terms of higher framerate and quicker loading times. Other than that you're not missing much. Anyone who would pay an extraordinary amount to a scalper to have a PS5 is, pardon my french, fucking stupid. I have no doubt some truly amazing 'next gen' games will eventually come but I'm afraid it might take even longer than the first few barren years of the PS4.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I’ve been holding true to my mantra of backlog-only this year, and it’s been pretty refreshing. Nothing really worth playing yet on the latest gen anyways.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Its funny because, as you say, these things have been in the wild for 6 months, but because your only chance of getting either system is to either wait up until 3am, or sell your soul to a scalper, it doesn't feel like the generation has started at all.
More or less my feelings on the matter. I dunno what it is, but this generation feels like a very "whatever" sort of generational shift, as least to me. I didn't even realize it's been happening for 6 months already


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Would be cool to get my hands on the new controller (or the new new controller, I hear the first version has issues). Otherwise, I'm just content to wait for games like Ghosts of Tsushima and Fallen Order to fall in price secondhand for PS4 so I can finally get to them.

I'm not even actually sure what kind of game would have me think I need a PS5. I loved Spider-man, but then I waited 3 years after launch before I played it and I can totally just do that again. I like Uncharted, but unless the gameplay is somehow just completely mindblowing, I don't see myself dropping that kind of money just to play it.

EDIT: Oh and obviously whatever Xboxes that came out are completely irrelevant to me, for so many reasons.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.

6 months and I somehow still have never seen a PS5 or whatever the new XBox is called and I don't know anyone that has them, are we sure they're real?
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Why you lie to me? It hasn't even been 3 years since that game came out. It's barely been two.
2 years and 5 months I guess, but personally I think 2020 should have 1.25 multiplier.
2 years, 7 months.
Okay now I'm thinking it should be 2 years and 6 months and I am also now doubting my ability to count.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Still kinda salty I need a ps5 to play the Yuffie DLC but at least they put ffviiR on ps+ so I won't have to buy the game twice due to getting a physical LE for ps4. Other than that, the best thing next gen has to offer is a ps3 game's remake lol. (DS)
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
2 years and 5 months I guess, but personally I think 2020 should have 1.25 multiplier.

Okay now I'm thinking it should be 2 years and 6 months and I am also now doubting my ability to count.
Game came out September 7 2018, so it'll be exactly 2 years 7 months next Wednesday.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I mean, the 6 gen consoles are so absurdly rare that I haven't bother to even that thinking about which one I might want to save up for, and the only exclusive bit so far I'm even mildly interested in is a piece of DLC and a Final Fantasy game that's probably still 4 years out...

So, I'm not feeling any different than 6 months ago, gaming wise