What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Started playing Spyro 3. Beat Spyro 2, and like Spyro 1, no, I didn't 100% it. However, short version is that Spyro 2 is easily better than Spyro 1. Less open, but more focused, with more characters, and more content.

Spyro 3 itself is kind of a mix of its predecessors. Because on one hand, you've got the hub world setup from Spyro 2 (a few hub worlds, with sub-realms with no consistent aesthetic) and the 'goal setup' of Spyro 2 as well - go through the level and accomplish a key task. However, it brings back some of the exploration features of Spyro 1, namely replacing dragon statues with dragon eggs, and leaving it up to you how best to approach it. Not to mention the return of the egg thieves. This is in addition to extra characters and even more variety in mini-games, even if they can be hit or miss.

Having played through the Reignited Trilogy, it seems fair to say that the trend right now seems to be:

-Spyro 1: Most open-ended, lightest story

-Spyro 2: Least open-ended, heavier story

-Spyro 3: Middle-ground in terms of exploration, heaviest story, most variety in gameplay, but more hit or miss.

Guess if I had to rank them now, it would go 2>3>1. Which, incidentally, is how I ranked the N. Sane Trilogy as well...


Senior Member
Escapist +
Mar 17, 2010
Alberta the land of snow snow and sometimes sun
All this talk about metal gear five has been really tempting me to go down the metal gear rabbit hole again. Especially since 2 4 and I think 3 are on PlayStation now....

OT: I dropped FF12 for a bit, as much as I enjoy the story and world and battle system, the license system was starting to tick me off a bit. Honestly don’t know why but it does. So I switched over to some of the rereleased Atelier games to distract me in between school and work. At least until the new Nier game comes out on the 22.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
So I started my ng+ of ds1, did it kind of rushed because I wanted the extra souls and difficulty so I just linked the fire, it was getting a bit too easy by the end where I was 1/2 trying bosses (Gwyn and the crystal dragon were 1try, Nito was 2 but the first time I had just 1 estus cause I missed a bonfire and decided to try him anyways lol). Now my goal is to get enough END that I can remove the havel ring, almost there. It sure is a lot of fun to blast through early game content and remember all the shortcuts and stuff. I ringed both bells in like...an hour and a half tops after starting the ng+ thanks to this. (though I did forget that there was a key that locks the blighttown door so I ended up going backwars out of it only to find the giant door locked and having to trek all the way back XD)

Been using the gravelord gratesword to great effect. You can do a single combo with it that kills the taurus demons down in the lava pits, so much fun XD. Also the black knight greatsword legit blasts dudes away, I was hitting assholes off the edges in blighttown from super far away with the heavy attack.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Playing Monster Hunter Rise. it's now extra weeb. About 3 hours in, 2 of which were spent customizing my character, and another half hour on my pets. Anyway, been a good while since I played World, so gotten pretty rusty, and it throws a lot of mechanics at you out of the gate. Doesn't help that the controls are a little different, and as far as i know not customizable, so it'll take a bit to relearn everything. Also, I hadn't considered that online played would be locked behind a paywall, so I guess I'll be doing this full solo.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Just played "Grip" that I got in a Humble Bundle. I think if you divy the bundle price by the game gotten it was $1.25. Was $30-40.

I think the game a hoot. The simulated speed almost gave me a nose bleed.



Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Gah. Dug out Field of Glory 2 again. Turned based wargame conversion FTW to pass away a few a hours.

I was wondering about Field of Glory 2: Medieval, but I'll wait until there's some DLC with additional nations.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Just tried to get into a match on Star wars Squadrons, a minute later, I went to twitch, and found out that no one plays it anymore. I am starting to regret hating the game

Also, War Thunder did something cool which was as an April Fools event you get to play future-based tanks and aircraft. Great, but it needs to be in the game. I didn't play it, but watched the gameplay of it.

As for Genshin Impact, I am still waiting on the Childe, and Rosaria release, also nothing to do in the game.

The lack of games on PS5that match my taste is killing me, where are the games?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've been playing Panzer Dragoon Remake (Switch). I like the game. Simple, but fun classic Sega arcade style rail-shooter. I recommend you play the game with 0.80 sensitivity, classic aiming cursor, play with the classic soundtrack, and turn off performance mode. I am on episode 5 currently. I'll finish the game either tonight or tomorrow. I am glad this game got an update patch as the game runs and plays so much better. The loads time are atrocious and something the patch did not fix. I am not sure if it's faster on PS4 (Pro), but I doubt it. Hopefully, we get a remake of Zwei and Saga too.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
The 1.2 patch came out for Cyberpunk 2077 so I've gotten into that again. Also still playing more Smite then usual since there is a battle pass I want all the stuff from. Also still working on Legend of Grimrock and need to finish up Record of the Lodoss War Wonder Labyrinth.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint This game was terrible on release. 1,5 years of updates has removed most of the bugs and added some things that ought to have been in an at launch, now making it about on par with Wildlands (which is to say that it is a perfectly fine Ubigame for those of us who get a kick out of raiding map markers). More then anything it is the Guy-version of playing with dolls. The customization options for Nomad and his/her squad mates are crazy extensive, with like 40 different head wears, 20 different gloves etc. to choose from and then some odd 60 or so colors and camo patterns to apply to them. If you always dreamed of playing dress up with military gear and feel you pulse racing when you hear 5.11, Helikon and Crye then this is almost certainly a game for you.
Is it worth it to play solo? That was one of the main reasons I didn't bother with Wild Lands.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Just bought Disco Elysium so I'll be starting that tomorrow. I've been holding off on buying the game while waiting for Final Cut to come out, so I'm pretty excited for it.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I bought Monster Hunter World a few years back, insisted on using a gimmick weapon that was so far detached from my normal selection of weapons, and subsequently, I didn't really enjoy the game - so I dropped it.

After Monster Hunter Rise has come out for the Nintendo Switch, and my friend has not shut up about it, I figured I should give World another bash.

I really regret dropping it, in the first place.

In my first playthrough a few years ago, I went for the Gunlance - because it is both a gun, and a lance (who knew!) - but, I usually go for magic, and if that isn't available, I go for something ranged, and if that isn't available, I go for something fast. The gunlance, despite its name, is barely a gun, and because you are lugging around a massive pole, and a humungous shield, it was far too slow for my tastes, so I just was not enjoying the game, because of my stubborn insistence.

This time, I decided to reach for the Light Bowgun. Ranged Weapons in Monster Hunter World use different ammo types, with different properties. One ammo type turns your gun into a shotgun. Another, into a sniper rifle that pierces straight through a monster's body, causing more and more damage, depending on how far the bullet travels through the target. Others have elemental effects, or status effects like Sleep or Poison. You can also place mines around the arena, that explode when damaged by monster attacks, or when shot, dealing a comparatively large amount of damage.

I would have liked to have used the Heavy Bowgun, due the the increased damage, and extra depth with the inclusion of artillery ammo, and a sniper or machine gun-style alternate fire, but I found the heavy gun to be too slow to enjoy, as a solo player.

In Monster Hunter, you hunt monsters (who would have thought?!). Each monster feels unique from one and other, and they feel like a dungeon or raid boss from an RPG or MMO. Its really fun tracking a monster to its lair, then engaging it on its own turf, and coming out triumphant - then wearing its skin as armour. The entire game can also be played solo, at least so far, which is really nice as someone who doesn't really have friends who are interested in these kind of games.

Its just a really great time.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
After finishing a long Easter weekend holiday, a long-distance family member loaned me their copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4; I played a little bit of it at their house and was pretty impressed by the performance even on a standard PS4, though I didn't play enough to really get a feel for the systems. Everything I've heard about the story (mainly in this thread, from reading spoilers before I expected to actually be playing it) has left me very interested, though I didn't go for Grand Theft Auto 5 much and I barely played the first RDR. Still, high hopes for this one.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I finished Panzer Dragoon Remake. The last boss is easy as fuck. The stage preceding him is harder than him. Then again, the final episode is a boss only level, so I am not exactly complaining. You can unlock a cheat code after beating the game once. It's called Pandora's Box. My overall accuracy was 77.3%. I was given the rank of Seeker. I'll come back to this game for another round later, but I am either going to play Puyo-Puyo/Tetris or Super Mario 3D World next.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I bought Monster Hunter World a few years back, insisted on using a gimmick weapon that was so far detached from my normal selection of weapons, and subsequently, I didn't really enjoy the game - so I dropped it.
Yeah, you can bounce off Monster Hunter really hard if you start with a weapon that doesn't suit your tastes. Began MHW with the Longsword since iirc it's the default starter, but thought it was kind of boring. Switched to Charge Blade. Way more my thing. Tho I later returned to Longsword and found there is way more to it. Same goes for all weapons btw. There is way, way more mechanical depth than can be seen at first glance.

Sadly, the WHM Gunlance doesn't have Boost Dashing. It's a move where you fire shells behind you to launch yourself. They brought it back for Rise tho. Guess who's gonna practice his rocket jumps? This guy!
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Abe's Soulstorm Odyssee! For free!

Well, not that free, but as free as one can hope for.

I have no opinions so far. Other than they're all very adorable. Bit more "videogamey" than previous entry. Easier to control. Wait...those were opinions! Fuck! Ok, forget I said anything. Can't even commit to one simple claim. I have never heard of these "videogames" you people speak of, stop hassling me about them!

Phew. Tracks professionally covered like a solid snake splinter c...errrm, movie secret spy agent bond type thing.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Yeah, you can bounce off Monster Hunter really hard if you start with a weapon that doesn't suit your tastes. Began MHW with the Longsword since iirc it's the default starter, but thought it was kind of boring. Switched to Charge Blade. Way more my thing. Tho I later returned to Longsword and found there is way more to it. Same goes for all weapons btw. There is way, way more mechanical depth than can be seen at first glance.

Sadly, the WHM Gunlance doesn't have Boost Dashing. It's a move where you fire shells behind you to launch yourself. They brought it back for Rise tho. Guess who's gonna practice his rocket jumps? This guy!
That looks like of dope, and to be honest, is exactly the kind of gimmick weirdness that attracted me to the Gunlance in the first place.

Rise looks like a cracking time, but as someone who decided to learn MHW with a Mouse/Keyboard, getting it on the switch, and needing to relearn the game with a controller, sounds too much like reinventing the wheel.

I hear the game is coming to PC at some point next year, so I will probably jump on it, then.

From what I can tell, im about 2/3s of the way through World's story, so I haven't even touched Iceborne, yet.

Im sure between the expac, grinding for gear, and trying out different weapons, im sure there is enough content to keep my hands full, for a while.