Recent content by A Weary Exile

  1. A Weary Exile

    Google Your name + The Hedgehog = pic?

    EDIT: Girlfriend's name is apparently already a character that exists in the Sonic Universe, but holy crap my gay best friend's name: [image width="400"][/IMG] He HATES Sonic. I am going to torture...
  2. A Weary Exile

    What's the deal with men/women?

    I must be really really really lucky in this regard because my girlfriend is just as blunt and upfront as I am. She's a godsend compared to the nonsense I had to deal with in my last relationship. This is kind of a really broad topic so I guess I'll just give the random thoughts rattling...
  3. A Weary Exile

    Heroes you yelled "YOU IDIOT!" at.

    Totally agreed on the last two.
  4. A Weary Exile

    Games that have great replay value

    I've been playing Medieval II: Total War on and off for around...five years now. Mods take that game to a whole new level.
  5. A Weary Exile

    Current favourite game?

    It would be Killing Floor if it weren't for all the half-retarded level zeros and ones clogging up the servers, which wouldn't be a problem if they weren't playing on hard, but they do for some reason beyond my understanding. The summer sale event also seems to have brought back the level sixes...
  6. A Weary Exile

    I'll just kill Alduin n-

    I ran into this same bug. Reloading saves sometimes fixes it. The penultimate and ultimate battles with Alduin are really disappointing IMO. Overall I felt most of the big "Set pieces" in Skyrim were really underwhelming. Should have just kept derping around the wilderness, that I enjoyed...
  7. A Weary Exile

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    Thisthisthisthisthis. There was an article here on the Escapist that rang something to the tune of "How to make games for women". One of the suggestions was to have "Deep and relatable characters and story." The implication being that men do not enjoy such things. I wanted to throw my...
  8. A Weary Exile

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    Yes. Because she's assuming that we're all the former, when a lot of us are the latter. As for the liquor ad: members of the same gender are often as responsible for reinforcing these gender rules we have set up. Women do it as well. I go back to Twilight as an example: a "romance" written...
  9. A Weary Exile

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    But I like complaining. And I want to complain about both. :P Pandering to either gender like that is just stupid and a problem that is encouraged by both genders. Did you know a lot of book stores have sections dedicated to "Paranormal Teen Romance" (probably) as a direct result of...
  10. A Weary Exile

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    Nah sorry, bro. I was too busy working on my vintage muscle car while lifting weights and making cat-calls at passing women. Now give me your bropardons while I take my leave and go perpetuate the patriarchy by looking at massive boobies on my favorite porno sites. *Brofist* Captcha: In the...
  11. A Weary Exile

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    I like how she's supposed to be pointing out hypocrisy in gender relations, but then the videos in the side bar are titled "What liquor ads teach us about men." and "The real reason guys should hate Twilight." like there's some sort of dudebro hive-mind that we're all a part of.
  12. A Weary Exile

    I'm the creepy ex-boyfriend

    Considering what's been said here (though you're right, it might be totally one-sided) that just seems like she's shifting the blame to him because she knows he'll accept it and she won't have to deal with him anymore. I don't see how someone in OP's position could feel "Used" especially if...
  13. A Weary Exile

    I'm the creepy ex-boyfriend

    Okay, one thing that is really bothering me in this thread is people telling him to "Respect her choice." No. Her choices were stupid, insensitive, and done in a way that left our OP here with no closure and it was that lack of closure that led him to act as he did; I've experienced that...
  14. A Weary Exile

    I'm the creepy ex-boyfriend

    She sounds unappreciative, shallow, insensitive, and, frankly, not someone that you should spend an ounce of thought on. You seem like a pretty nice, sensitive guy. Plenty of other better girls out there. I've been with my current girlfriend for nearly six months now and she surpasses my ex in...