Recent content by Abize

  1. Abize

    Poll: Which God is the best God?

    *sigh*why do heretics always resist... I've got places to be sadly, so I'm just gonna have to leave it to the IG to clean up your mess. The Emperor shall defeat the chaos 'gods' and the Imperium shall rule all!
  2. Abize

    Total War: Warhammer trailer.

    If you are talking about Eternal Crusade, there isn't going be the IG. It's going to mostly work like Guild Wars 2, buy in, no sub needed but they are making the ork boyz f2p (Free to WAAAAAGH, as it were). I agree that it does look like it is teetering between success and failure, I'd...
  3. Abize

    Poll: Which God is the best God?

    Well in a thread like this, there is really only 1 way for me to answer.
  4. Abize

    Become an Assassin in Apotheon and Get the Staff of Hermes

    Interesting idea, but if they are going to make a habit of it I'd say make a Hints/Walkthrough section at the top so people can easily find/see what's available.
  5. Abize

    Future Weapons: ?Wait a minute, this is the future. Where are all the phaser guns?? ? Simon Phoenix

    To nitpick, the Sororitas power armour [] (and imperial power armour) does work like you describe and is only used by the elite amongst non-astartes forces, who are usually trained significantly more than your average...
  6. Abize

    If You Had a Persona...

    The mighty Emperor of Mankind, because who needs chaos when you have the Emperor's Truth
  7. Abize

    Rebuild of Superpowers Getting Thread Oh the trolling that could be had with this XD
  8. Abize

    League of Legends Beginner

    Haha, sadly you can't, I meant the camera. I probably should've made that more clear =S. Would be awesome to move the character with WASD though....
  9. Abize

    League of Legends Beginner

    I found swapping the keys made my life a hell of a lot easier (being a big FPS player rather than MOBA). WASD for moving, 1/2/3/4 for skills and ctr+1234 to select a skill to level and Q and E for my summoner spells. As for champs, just use the weeks free champs till you find a role...
  10. Abize

    Nuclear Energy?

    It may be because a magnitude 9+ earthquake followed by a massive tsunami aren't common occurences anywhere in the world and the fact that the plant's physical structure withstood both of these and if only the flood water hadn't knocked out the backup generators to the cooling things would have...
  11. Abize

    Nuclear Energy?

    Taken from the journal "Although previous results could be reproduced by the current study,the present status of radiobiological and epidemiological knowledge does not allow the conclusion that the ionising radiation emitted by German nuclear power stations during normal operation is the cause...
  12. Abize

    Nuclear Energy?

    Citation needed, surely there would be a heap of peer-reviewed scientific papers discussing this and calling for stricter zoneing plans for areas around a nuclear plant. Do you have accurate background radiation readings for your area and an exactly identical area without a nuclear plant...
  13. Abize

    Poll: Dovahkiin vs. Nerevarine

    Ignoring the mechanics of the game (which should be ignored as both are based in the same universe and where only changed for "balance" purposes by the devs) you are comparing a super-soldier to a super-general. In a 1-on-1 fight Id be placing my bets on the Dovahkiin, because the Thu'um is hard...
  14. Abize

    Any Good Youtube Channels?

    I love FRANKIEonPC [], he does some good work that Frankie
  15. Abize

    Porn Stars Start Topless Gaming Site

    Am I the only one who is actually gonna give them a chance to release a review rather than mindlessly saying they are "fake gamers" and that they are just blindly grabbing for cash. Can you atleast give them some credit, is this any different to Naked News? They saw a niche and jumped for it. I...