Recent content by Adaephon

  1. Adaephon

    My Fellow Misties! Your Favorite Episode!

    My three favorites have always been Jack Frost, Prince of Space, and Godzilla vs. Megalon. I am also very partial to Boggy Creek 2, the Molemen, and, of course, Pumaman.
  2. Adaephon

    Disney Announces The Rocketeer Sequel-Reboot

    Actually the province of British Columbia also did the internment camp thing, and it took just as long to make the feds or the province apologize in any way. Interesting side note it was the state of California that did America's Japanese internment camps so neither country's federal government...
  3. Adaephon

    What do DC fans like about DC?

    Well the way I see it is that while the Marvel way is probably how most people would react to a superhero the first couple of times they saw them, in a universe where Superman pulls your cat out of a tree five times a week people would be able to realize what a proper procedure for a major...
  4. Adaephon

    What do DC fans like about DC?

    I don't know if you ever read it, but the JLA vs. the Avengers crossover between Marvel and DC did something like that. Basically the Avengers materialize in Metropolis and save everyone and get mobbed by civilians, then when they're discussing how to escape, the civvies just start asking for...
  5. Adaephon

    What do DC fans like about DC?

    I think everything I love about DC can be seen in the weekly series Trinity that ran 2008-2009. It may not have been the best written story they ever did (although I would argue that it is up there with the greats) and it certainly wasn't the best drawn but it captured what their best elements...
  6. Adaephon

    How is Heroes 7?

    I bought it pretty much on release (I've been a die hard fan since 2) and then I got to try out the steam return policy for the first time about a week later. I found the entire thing to just feel.... unfinished basically. It felt like it got rushed out with no budget to try and cash in on the...
  7. Adaephon

    Why isn't Superboy Prime heralded as one of the greatest villains of all time?

    Because his most memorable acts all came out during Infinite Crisis where he was at almost all times under the control of Alexander Luthor. He did not, and probably could not, do any of his big feats on his own. Granted he had some good scenes in that book. The fact that he always broke out of...
  8. Adaephon

    The Jungle Book Live-Action Trailer Is Visually Astounding, Unnecessarily Gritty

    My big question is are they going to do the reversal of bagheera/baloo from the books to the animated movie (in the animated movie Mowgli ran away from the strict bagheera to hang out fun loving baloo, whereas in the book he ran away from strict/boring baloo to hang out with cool bagheera until...
  9. Adaephon

    Poll: Skyrim: Empire or Stormcloaks?

    Empire for two reasons: First, I've always played Argonians so frankly the Stormcloacks can go to the harshest realm of Oblivion for all I care for the injustices done to my proud and noble people. Secondly, because Brunwulf is the single most sympathetic and likeable character in that...
  10. Adaephon

    College student wants class' graphic novels "eradicated from the system"

    The weirdest thing about this to me is, I read all of these books at one time or another, and I can't comprehend the mindset to hate ALL of them at the same time. Each individually I get, I don't agree mind you but I can understand. Someone wants to ban Y the Last Man? Well I would assume it...
  11. Adaephon

    Welcome Back Commander: XCOM 2 Invades Your PC In November

    Oooooo yesyesyesyes. One big question/wild prediction though, is that scene in the trailer where the xcom guys stun the human stormtrooper-meets-overwatch guy supposed to show that the human enemies are just mindslave puppets under alien control? If so that would be pretty sweet because then...
  12. Adaephon

    What do you think of Galactic Civilizations III?

    I've been playing it pretty heavily the last few days and I gotta say that it is really good so far. While the visuals and the interface haven't changed much since Gal Civ II I think the few tweaks have been pretty good. I like the resource system where you have to build starbases to mine...
  13. Adaephon

    What is with the asian\indian men obsession with white women?

    My wife is Iranian and she has always said that she knew dozens of Iranian girls/women who all wanted to marry white men because they were supposedly nicer, more willing to let them have jobs, more willing to let them publicly express themselves (Iranian men stereotypically are more than happy...
  14. Adaephon

    Ghost in the Shell Casting Shows We Need More Than White Feminism

    One thing this kind of debate always makes me wonder is just how many shades does this issue have? What I mean is a lot of people wanted Rinko Kikuchi to play this part but since we have no reason (that I know of anyways) to believe that she wanted to do the part or even tried to audition for it...
  15. Adaephon

    How do you feel about "inconvenient" protesting

    My wife almost died because protestors were blocking off the only road that leads to the hospital and she was going into labour, so frankly I think the so-called inconvenient protestors all deserve to be run over and die gasping on the side of the road. And the dumb part was that I did 9and do)...