What is with the asian\indian men obsession with white women?


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
DizzyChuggernaut said:
(the best part when people chat me up is when I reveal that I have a dick and they recoil in horror, never gets old).
I can't wait until society gets to the point where we can accept that some guys will have vaginas and some gals will have dicks.

Not that it should even be relevant to the general population, but some people get really hung up on the tackle people are packing in their pants.

OT: I'm not sure I could give a satisfying answer, as I've never really been exposed to the opinions of Asian/Indian men. But I guess, like other people have said, that it would probably fall under the same umbrella as "white guys are obsessed with Asian women"?

I'm too dumb for this sort of question, though, so I don't even know why I'm in this thread.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Asked my Chinese fiancé.

Her response was that white people are simply more attractive. Whiter skin, better manners, generally look more handsome and less likely to have a flat face. We also tend to be more likely to accept house work, more equal in our relationships, and don't mind if the women works or makes more money. Whenever we post on social media, it is full of women (and a few men) who are vocal about the benefits of mixed children.

As for me, it's not that I prefer Asian or whatever women, it's that I won't date a white (Anglo or American) lass. Very self-entitled, always comes with a massive amount of baggage and issues, huge past, no focus on family values unless you go hunting for it, usually quite lazy, easy and overly reliant on make-up. Unlikely to be in good shape, even if they are thin they are flabby and untoned (skinny fat if you will). Too afraid to be feminine. Not the kind of person I'd want to raise a family with.

But this is only British women, I've met some charming Germans and French lasses. I know I'll probably get bitched at, but I don't visit the site often enough to care.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Seriously though...what's not to love about asian women?


Perfectly normal. Some folks just have a preference in terms of physical looks. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest, nor is there anything fantastical about such a revelation, no matter what race/gender the people involved happen to be.

We're all people, ya know.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
heroofheroin said:
A lot of the asian and indian bros I know will 'settle for nothing less than a white woman'. Why is that? Hell, i'm white and to me a hot chick is a hot chick.

Come on guys, get off that there internalized racism.
Status, a lot has been written about it over the years. At the end of the day a lot of men want trophy wives, and part of it is not so much just having a gorgeous babe, but having a girl that other people envy. Most "white" nations are extremely prosperous with high standards of living. What's more within these nations the "beautiful people" can enjoy pretty high status and get a lot of things just on their looks alone if they know what they are doing. While it is NOT 100% true, the idea is that when it comes to Asian, indian, black, etc... women even in nations that are fairly developed if your fairly successful you can arguably have your pick, with women virtually throwing themselves at you. Especially seeing as women's rights are not quite what they are in the truly civilized world and women in a lot of these areas for all pretensions otherwise are conditioned to play second fiddle to men and want to settle down. In comparison women in the US and a lot of Europe are more empowered, and have more opportunities. To get some hot American girl to marry you, you need to have something going on, even if it's just a ton of wealth in getting a gold digger. An Asian or indian guy marrying or getting with a girl of his own people is pretty much expected, anyone can do that, but if you can land a white girl it means more.

Indeed this is one of the big gimmicks behind human trafficking and "white slavery" throughout the second and third world slavery isn't as abolished as we'd might like to think. At the end of the day someone in India, China (or a lot of Asia), Africa, or The Middle East, can effectively own another human being one way or another whether it's officially accepted or not. For someone to say have a member of one of these countries as a sex slave is a matter of just showing up in the right place with the money, I mean if you have the wealth and connections you can pretty much just grab someone who strikes your fancy off the street, and even if officially illegal nobody is going to do much about it, especially if your in the government or have tons of money. On the other hand whites come from countries where such things are not practiced, even as an open secret, and what's more most white countries are not only pretty powerful but have pretty effective law enforcement and the like. You can probably buy say a 15 year old Asian girl from her parents easily enough if you have a mind to in some parts of the world, on the other hand to have a 15 year old girl from an English speaking country like the US, that shows you have power to have had one kidnapped, and shipped over seas, and being able to "handle" a girl from a nation a lot of these parts of the world don't like represents a display of power.

It probably comes from having such dominant cultures for so long, but as a general rule whites don't tend to be as concerned about displays of status and power (exceptions exist of course). Indeed if anything the white peoples tend to be all about understating things compared to others who feel the need to express themselves by being flashy. To someone of another ethnicity it means something to be able to show your banging a white hottie. To a white person where that's "normal" it doesn't mean much, and being "at the top" or at least so far up as to be comfortable whites tend to be more interested in simply having a beautiful mate as opposed to being as concerned about what kind of girl it is. Your typical white dude having no real preference about what ethnicities they get together with.

Probably not a popular point here though. I can't point to any real websites that analyze this particularly and spell it all out, but over time if your looking for it you'll see a bit here, and a bit there.

Of course understand this is not exclusive, not everyone cares that much about status or how they are viewed.

Also I'm not getting into the whole bit about Russia and Eastern Europe as well, as that's another conditional thing. As a general rule when it comes to this kind of thing and "ethnic trophy wives" Russians and Eastern Europeans are usually excluded due to economic conditions and the fact that they are more "obtainable", both in terms of being easy to "land" by the generally successful, and also relatively easy to purchase as far as human trafficking goes. The Russian mob will probably be more than willing to sell someone from The Middle East, India, or Asia all the Russian vagina they can handle with minimal risks on their end. As a result it doesn't have quite the same prestige as an American (still the dominant world power for the moment), Brit, French, or German for example.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Tt's because the world was colonised by white people, which means that us white people have set the standard of beauty ever since we started to enjoy genocide.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Animals get most excited by novelty, us being animals we will respond much the same.
So if you live with X race your whole life people of not X race are far more exciting, someone from another country is more exciting, someone from another town more exciting, someone speaking a different language is more exciting, someone with a different lifestyle,...

That list goes on and on.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Lightness of skin has always been seen as a symbol of beauty and/or divinity in a lot of Asian cultures. Maybe it has something to do with that.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I imagine it's mostly due to how "exotic" they might seem depending on the person in question. Just like how it seems to be fairly common for white men to like asian women and just like how I find asian and (some) arabic men attractive. It can also happen with accents as well since my sister has a thing for men with (I think) a southern English accent.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
So I asked a few of my Chinese bloke friends who I knew wanted to date white lasses why. Here are some responses.

1) Less materialistic. You see, in China, it is required you have the three musts: House, Car, Good Job. Western women, they believe, don't mind as much. You certainly don't have to buy them a house.

2) Less clingy and more independent. Chinese girls are apparently hugely clingy (not disagreeing from my experience) and have fewer hobbies besides shopping, KTV or eating. Westerners tend to have their own thing going on. More adventurous and likely to travel (hey, they came to China, right?)

3) More beautiful. White skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, bigger tits, more likely to be good and less embarrassed in bed.

4) More likely to make good money. Many Chinese woman get a basic job and then live at home and wait for a man to wed. Westerners get their own stuff.

However, they all agreed that Chinese woman make better wives, as Westerners don't understand their culture and won't be stay-at-home mothers.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Evil Smurf said:
Tt's because the world was colonised by white people, which means that us white people have set the standard of beauty ever since we started to enjoy genocide.
Then why are Asian woman typically considered to be more attractive then white women? This doesn't add up.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
My wife is Iranian and she has always said that she knew dozens of Iranian girls/women who all wanted to marry white men because they were supposedly nicer, more willing to let them have jobs, more willing to let them publicly express themselves (Iranian men stereotypically are more than happy to let women express themselves, but not when non-family/close friends can see them), and more willing to help out with children and domestic tasks. But an equal or even greater number of Iranian men wanted to marry or date white women since they were supposedly more willing to have jobs (status symbol and also takes the pressure off of the man as the sole breadwinner), better in bed, and oddly enough more "feisty" or more willing to argue in public and to be generally less docile than Iranian women would be.

So while Iran is very different from India I imagine some of the same reasons exist, of course exoticism and status also factor into these things a lot (not to mention the fact that the entire world consumes white-dominated western/American media and so sees white people as a bunch of sexy actors and models).


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Eddie the head said:
Evil Smurf said:
Tt's because the world was colonised by white people, which means that us white people have set the standard of beauty ever since we started to enjoy genocide.
Then why are Asian woman typically considered to be more attractive then white women? This doesn't add up.
There all sorts of information floating around and this may not be necessarily true but it could be one answer.

Asian women tend to have softer and smaller facial features which is seen as feminine.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Boris Goodenough said:
Casual Shinji said:
Well, what is it with white guys and their obsession for Asian women?

Probably the fact they just look way more exotic to them.

The grass is always greener on the otherside.
But why aren't other "races"/ethnicities represented in these obsesions?
They are. there is also the "big black dick" stereotype and whatnot. people have different choices and obsessions. some of them include racial limits. nothing new here really.

I wouldnt say its because of exiticism though, more of the personal sexual preferences of people (though ive been told im racist for having them).

its big chope said:
it's not racist to not be attracted to a race of person any more than it's bigoted to not be attracted to fat people or short people if you think about it
according to users in this forum - not being sexually attracted to certain races is racist.


New member
Oct 6, 2014
I don't know why I find white women so attractive or why other Indians find them so attractive
It could be due to western media, could be due to some parts of India lighter skin is considered more beautiful, could be because of a forbidden fruit kind of thing cause most Indians especially their parents are super conservative and would probably flip if they even dated outside of their caste, It could just be personal tastes I don't exclusively want white women I just find them generally hotter
But OP how FOB are your friends? It may explain why they're so obsessed if they are completely FOB due to like culture shock and shit
And are people seriously arguing that biological attraction is somehow bigoted seriously unless you were put through that sexual normalizing therapy towards a certain type sure I could see how it could be but come on people are into shit that they never hear about until they come across it on the internet are you saying that was socially programed or whatever the hell you think happened?


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Rosiv said:
I am not Indian, but I look of Middle-eastern decent due to a phenotype resulting from un-pure African and Asian like decent. Aside from that, I think the appeal is due to media depicting white women in general. People of color(sorry if that offends any one) tend not to be popularized as much outside their own regions. Maybe some cultures historically value white phenotypes, since white can correlate with cleanliness or purity, while darker skin correlates with the working class.
I have heard stuff like that. It's probably most common in hot climates, where dark skin subconsciously hints at tons of menial labor outdoors in the hot sun, while lighter skin implies having the luxury of being indoors, away from the sun.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Strazdas said:
Boris Goodenough said:
Casual Shinji said:
Well, what is it with white guys and their obsession for Asian women?

Probably the fact they just look way more exotic to them.

The grass is always greener on the otherside.
But why aren't other "races"/ethnicities represented in these obsesions?
They are. there is also the "big black dick" stereotype and whatnot. people have different choices and obsessions. some of them include racial limits. nothing new here really.

I wouldnt say its because of exiticism though, more of the personal sexual preferences of people (though ive been told im racist for having them).

its big chope said:
it's not racist to not be attracted to a race of person any more than it's bigoted to not be attracted to fat people or short people if you think about it
according to users in this forum - not being sexually attracted to certain races is racist.
Yeah. That is pretty ridiculous. The way I see it, if being a certain race makes someone look more attractive to you, that's fine.

The only way I could see it as potentially being racist is if the reasons for finding a certain race attractive are connected to the stereotypes they conjure up subconsciously, and I wouldn't condemn someone for that, since it's not something you really notice without plenty of introspection. I'd certainly support anything to dispel stuff like that, but it doesn't cross into the realm of offensively racist for me until they start talking about non-physical reasons for attraction based on race (Example: "I only date white girls because they've got class").


New member
Nov 9, 2009
manic_depressive13 said:
its big chope said:
it's not racist to not be attracted to a race of person any more than it's bigoted to not be attracted to fat people or short people if you think about it
How aren't those things an example of prejudice? Do you think short men would be considered so unattractive if not for how height ties in to our cultural perception of masculinity? Would people be so dismissive of fat people if they weren't conditioned to see fat as gross?

I'm not saying that people should force themselves to have sex with people they aren't attracted to. But I don't see the big deal about acknowledging that maybe the bias you have for or against certain people is influenced by your social and cultural environment. I'm not attracted to fat people but I'm not going to pretend that it's innately just, like, my preference man. It's more than that, and yes, it is prejudiced.
Attraction is principally biological. Fat isn't healthy and is therefore unattractive. I wasn't brainwashed to think that way. Women don't fibd short men attractive because it makes them look less capable of defending them.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Westaway said:
Attraction is principally biological. Fat isn't healthy and is therefore unattractive. I wasn't brainwashed to think that way. Women don't fibd short men attractive because it makes them look less capable of defending them.
Attraction is principally social and cultural. The problem with evolutionary psychology is I could take a modern day phenomenon and pull any unverifiable bullshit out of my ass to normalise it by pretending it's a genetic imperative.

For example the nuclear family is an incredibly recent invention. Yet evolutionary psychology, which may I remind you again is completely unscientific, assumes that the modern nuclear family existed for all eternity, with one woman as caregiver and one man as breadwinner. That's why hypotheses about what women find attractive always revolve around whether the man looks like he could protect and provide for her child.

But archeological and anthropological evidence suggests that early humans lived in tribes where, when a child was born, it was considered a child of the entire tribe. Hunters would hunt for the whole tribe, not just their own children. It was collective and communal, and hoarding food was one of the worst crimes you could commit.

On what basis then would women be biologically compelled to be attracted to the "provider and protector" male archetype if that wasn't even how we evolved?
Sep 13, 2009
Fox12 said:
My big question is what is Japans obsession with a woman who can cook? Seriously, every anime I've seen involves a woman cooking a boxed lunch for her crush. Persona 3 built an entire social link around learning how to cook (snore). Persona 4 used it as a recurring joke. Most countries dropped the whole "the way to a mans heart is through his stomach" bit in the 50's. It's not even about gender stereotypes, I just think it's weird.
I've got this second hand from a number of sources so take this with a heaping handful of salt, but...

I've heard that Japan still has a very much "Woman does the chores and housework, man makes the bread" culture. At the very least in regards to married couples. It's fine for a woman to have a career while she's single, but once she's married she's supposed to settle down and be a house wife. I've heard that this is a lot of the reason why there's an increasing number of single men and women in Japan, the women don't want to forgo their career and have to settle down.

This might be why, because when you get married to a woman they're going to be responsible for food, cleaning, etc... and you want to be sure they're good at it. A professor of mine lived in Japan for a number of years and a lot of people he knew there were dumbstruck when they saw him doing the dishes, asking him what he did to make his wife angry


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
The Almighty Aardvark said:
Fox12 said:
My big question is what is Japans obsession with a woman who can cook? Seriously, every anime I've seen involves a woman cooking a boxed lunch for her crush. Persona 3 built an entire social link around learning how to cook (snore). Persona 4 used it as a recurring joke. Most countries dropped the whole "the way to a mans heart is through his stomach" bit in the 50's. It's not even about gender stereotypes, I just think it's weird.
I've got this second hand from a number of sources so take this with a heaping handful of salt, but...

I've heard that Japan still has a very much "Woman does the chores and housework, man makes the bread" culture. At the very least in regards to married couples. It's fine for a woman to have a career while she's single, but once she's married she's supposed to settle down and be a house wife. I've heard that this is a lot of the reason why there's an increasing number of single men and women in Japan, the women don't want to forgo their career and have to settle down.

This might be why, because when you get married to a woman they're going to be responsible for food, cleaning, etc... and you want to be sure they're good at it. A professor of mine lived in Japan for a number of years and a lot of people he knew there were dumbstruck when they saw him doing the dishes, asking him what he did to make his wife angry
I keep hearing this. I didn't realize Japan was so... I don't want to say backwards, but certainly conservative. It does make me view ghibli and madoka in a more positive light, though, since they were evidently trying to make a statement.