Recent content by Aigaion

  1. A

    Sexism in gaming, do we really give a f**k?

    This thread is absolutely appalling. Yes, sexism anywhere is a huge deal, we as people who love games need to drag our medium past these juvenile tendencies. The fact that you call GoW "fucking faggy", and say that gamers are socially inadequate shows your ignorance. It's pretty ease to say...
  2. A

    Ladies, how about you?

    I would absolutely never not play a game simply because the main character is a female. I judge games on their ability to deliver a story and immerse me, not what sex I play as. If I told my friends that I didn't play Tomb Raider because Lara is a woman, I would be ashamed. The same goes for...
  3. A

    Marijuana Legalized in Two States

    I live in Washington State and it has not actually been a huge fanfare here. Although we are all excited that it passed, it's mostly because the tax revenue goes to schools and it will keep people who are just harmless casual pot smokers from having a criminal record. We are all really...
  4. A

    Killed by a Ridiculously Underpowered Enemy

    I remember years ago when everyone played Runescape (man those were the days), all my friends wanted me to join so we could quest together, and after getting the tutorial done and getting a bunch of higher level items from my friends, I was murdered by a cow. Needless to say, I quit the very...
  5. A

    I think EA/Bioware are blatantly trolling now.

    I see so much anger and threads about Mass Effect 3, and so few of them are positive, it makes me kinda sad actually. I loved the game and thought that Bioware did and amazing job. They made these three fantastic games that have honestly changed how I see RPG's and all anyone talks about is the...
  6. A

    The last way you died in a videogame is how you are going to die IRL

    Smacked to death by a Gatherer in Amnesia. Well that's gonna suck.
  7. A

    Circumcision: a Pillar of American ignorance

    I'm circumcised and almost everyone I've ever talked to is, and it's not like you can possibly remember it so stop calling it 'torture'. Besides, if you are old enough to understand it and understand why it would be done, there's no way anyone would want to. It's just a thing, and it's not that...
  8. A

    Why all the complaints about Skyrim?

    As much as I love Skyrim and Bethesda, it's currently unplayable with the glitches. And I'm on the 360, I'm not even getting the lag.
  9. A

    Conflict of Interest

    Go into these things with the best outlook you can, I think, and that'll help considerably. By that I mean don't fear that mentioning anime or video games to a girl will immediately turn her off to you. What Lara had meant when she wrote that Love FAQ was that if your only difining...
  10. A

    What is The Escapists' Peoples' work out/exercise routine?

    I rock climb 3 times a week, and row 2 or 3 times a week. Then, running or weight lifting whenever possible.
  11. A

    Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?

    Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it. I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit. I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it...