Recent content by Alssadar

  1. Alssadar

    Why do you still come to the Escapist forums?

    So this will be the second post I've made since leaving the site in 2013 (my other post was in a history thread a few minutes ago). It's kinda strange that I can still recognize the avatars of big names that ignored me while I posted from 2011 to 2103. To be honest, I never really felt like I...
  2. Alssadar

    History buffs, strut your stuff!

    I had a class about Pre-Modern Europe, and I recall a particularly fun lecture about the papacy during the late 13th, early 14th centuries, involving a lot of internal struggles between kings and popes, and 3 popes all being pope at the same time. It all kind of goes down like this: so, during...
  3. Alssadar

    Game of Thrones Season 4 Director Hints at Daenerys' Future in Season 5

    I wonder if they're going to stretch out Daenarys' proclamation emancipation boogaloo for the next couple of seasons.
  4. Alssadar

    Luftrausers Isn't About Nazis But Vlambeer Is Sorry Anyway

    There is no problem with liking the Wermacht. They were an efficient fighting force with the willpower, technology, and support staff to engage in a war across Europe. In fact, the worst thing to happen to the Wermacht was Hitler, as his political decisions screwed them. One can respect the...
  5. Alssadar

    Crimea's Attorney-General Inspires Anime-Style Fan-Art

    I'm just not going to read the comments because of shitstorms and say she's an attractive woman. Some of the artwork is pretty good, and, I'll admit it, kinda adorable.
  6. Alssadar

    Game of Thrones Actors Voice Opinions on Who Should Rule

    Rob Stark wanted individuality and to no longer have to pay fealty to the Southlands; an individual North that no longer was ruled by another, who was removed from the worries of the North. Renly saw his brother as incompetent, and seized. He was no more than an opportunist with a large army...
  7. Alssadar

    Game of Thrones Actors Voice Opinions on Who Should Rule

    Stannis the Mannis! "Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must...
  8. Alssadar

    Zero Punctuation: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Did someone say tolberone?
  9. Alssadar

    Wisdom teeth stories

    I've heard strange things about others and their wisdom teeth, but mine went totally fine. Sat in the chair, put the needle in my air, breath through the nose mask. Woke up some 45 minutes later with 4 less wisdom teeth, and I go sleep for the next 5 days. Having just come from a 6-week...
  10. Alssadar

    Doraleous and Associates Hits YouTube With New Season

    I haven't watched a single episode since the Escapist pulled it, so I'll be glad to re-watch the adventures of Doralingus...Doralean....Dora the Explorer... Doraleous!
  11. Alssadar

    Shippers of the Escapist, do you ship Yahtzee and Jim Sterling.

    I have to say... What the fuck. I'm not sure how serious any of you guys are about this Nonetheless disturbed.
  12. Alssadar


    Something that may be helpful is to notice your choice of music. Ask yourself the main question: what are you listening to? During my depression phase, I was listening to Simple Plan and bands where they ragged on about how life sucked and how shitty everything was. To be honest, they were some...
  13. Alssadar

    The 'Beautiful People' in media, Why does Hollywood/Media still sexualise nearly EVERYTHING.

    One thing I have to offer is that most actors' selling points are their appearance and acting ability. Some can manage without the former, but most can't manage without either. Guys who take military roles chose to buff up because they need to portray soldiers who have muscle. The idealized...
  14. Alssadar

    How would your life be different...

    I'd be on /v/ most likely. I all ready frequent /tg/, so I see why not. I wouldn't have all those Miracle of Sound albums, that's for sure. I also might be possibly dead, as this site actually became a huge source for me to make intellectual posts (and never get responses) about games and...
  15. Alssadar

    Disconnection from a Game's Narrative.

    I stopped caring over Tales of Symphonia:Dawn of the New World. Mainly when they started talking about the Gigungagap.I mean, sure, in Norwegian or Icelandic it might sound like a normal word, but in the context of English? It's nonsense. Also, Marta left the party for some arbitrary reason...