Recent content by angryfish

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    Star Wars - The Force Awakens - Did J.J. Abrams and Disney Ruin Star Wars?

    Well just to throw my opinion in too, I really enjoyed it. It was fun and humorous in a way that the others weren't, without detracting from the drama, and there were some really tense and epic moments. The new characters were interesting and likeable (apart from Kylo Ren, who at least got a...
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    Recommend PC RPGs that are easy to pick up and play?

    When I have a couple of hours of downtime, I often feel like playing an RPG for a bit, but don't feel like planning a character (like I would if I were playing fallout, making sure that my starting stats are what I need in order to get all the perks that I want to have, etc.), but also want it...
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    Unpopular Opinions

    I find Monty Pithon and the Holy Grail hopelessly unfunny. Sat through the whole thing and I don't think I even smiled once. (I love Life of Brian though). I prefer the Star Wars prequels to the originals. Jar Jar is annoying and the dude that plays anakin can't act to save his life, but the...
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    Dark Souls 3 leaks

    I'm a massive fan of Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter, but only their unscripted stuff like the podcasts and let's plays. Their news platform and all of their shorts and other scripted stuff I find uninteresting at best. On topic, I'm excited for any kind of souls release, but I'd rather...
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    Poll: Which would you prefer to play as?

    Hi all, Here are 2 characters (designed by Keith Thompson and Dave Mckean respectively). I was wondering, if they were each the player character in their own indie puzzle/platform game, which would you prefer to play as / which game would you prefer to play? I'm currently writing a...
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    What would you do if every videogame franchise just ended?

    Excited about finally maybe getting something new. The only franchises that I particularly care about have been stuck in development hell and haven't had a release for years (Unreal Tournament and Timesplitters in case you're wondering)
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    Naruto is finally over. after all these years...

    I started with the anime, then switched to the manga when the flashbacks got too much. I remember when I was rereading the manga and my sister just happened to be watching an episode that I'd just read - when Sasuke fights Orochimaru in shippuden, there's a sequence in the anime that lasts...
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    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    OH MY GOD! It is! Thank you!
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    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    I remember playing a game, I think about 13-16 years ago, I think on an apple computer but it could have been a pc, and you played as a dinosaur equipped with a gun, and you had to shoot other dinosaurs. There were powerups, and it was a completely open world but I think you had an arrow at the...
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    Bosses that you JUST. CAN'T. BEAT.

    The final level of Unreal Tournament 2004 (Malcom/Xan/Clanlord). I've spent so many hours in this game, definitely my favourite game of all time, but Jesus Christ, this level. The game has a pretty good difficulty curve until you get to that level and then it goes through the roof. In the...
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    Recommend me a fun PC shooter

    Unreal tournament 2004 remains my favourite FPS of all time, maybe even favourite game (and if not definitely in top 3). It has virtually no story whatsoever, just fast-paced shootiness. All the things I dislike about modern shooters it leaves out. Only has hip firing, essentially no...
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    Protagonists you just can't stand.

    Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach is a very easy choice. I really liked the first 60 or so episodes of the show, and enjoyed the manga for a little while after that, but it took a horrible downwards spiral after that and to me Ichigo was the personification of the drivel that the series turned into...
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    Playing a PS4 Through an Xbox One is... Not That Bad

    Sorry if I've missed sarcasm, but you do know that you can already install Windows on a Mac right? Mac has a thing called bootcamp so you can have the Mac OS and Windows installed at once and when you turn it on it asks you which you want to use. I do still think it's cool that you can do...
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    The most useless superpower you can think of

    We had a thread like this a while ago. My favourite from that one was "Invisibility that only works when you're playing a trombone." I will say the same thing I did last time - any power that requires secondary powers to work (that you do not possess)...
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    Returning to WoW

    I've returned to wow recently after a year or so, but haven't bought mists, just leveling some alts while I remember how to play / get used to the new changes. I'm not a huge fan of the new talent system, I liked having 31 points to put into specialising, rather than 6 to put into very specific...