Recent content by Animyr

  1. A

    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    The whole point in my last post is that it's a choice they're encouraged to make, pushed to make. Fathers, meanwhile, are not encouraged to drop from the workforce, though their children need them just as much. Except the wage gap appears for most women even before they quit to raise children...
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    Speak for yourself. I also notice that you added like six qualifiers in there. You could, maybe, sometimes, usually, possibly be right about some women occasionally. Also, I like how you imply that men inherently don't care about raising children.
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    On your evidence of female dominance; A cursory web search shows that that study has been widely contested by a number of scientists. Firstly the survey didn?t simulate real hiring processes at all, and secondly it was obviously testing for gender bias, leaving open the obvious possibility that...
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    But it also often is, yes? I don?t see why you wouldn?t have added the ?often? qualifier if you didn?t agree with me on that. Again, you?re basically just saying that feminism must be opposed, and it is reasonable to do so because it genuinely and unjustly threatens men. I fail to see how my...
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    And yet here you are, helping fulfill them. You didn?t contest my assertion that MRAs are oriented around anti-feminism; you just argued that antifeminism was justified. In fact, you went further than I did! I merely asserted that in practice many MRAs end up being anti-feminist; you say...
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    That's because much (not all) of it is. As several other people (including the OP) have alluded to, many supposed "MRAs" only bring up men's problems in response to women's issues, and as part of an effort to silence a discussion of them. It doesn't help that some prominent "MRAs" have...
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    Offhand, I'd say the women who support a return to gender inequality--women are supposed to be subservient to men, there is no greater honor a woman can achieve then loyally serve a man, they're incapable of being equal or better anyway, and futile attempts to assert themselves as such are...
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    Male problems only ever come up as a counter-argument

    Because not even other men care about the problems men face (speaking generally, of course). They don't find them all that threatening or troubling, really. They just want others--usually women--to stop complaining. Things are fine the way they are! Look at us men; we have it sooo baaad--as bad...
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    Video Game Voice Actors Vote In Favor of Strike

    I want to add to this that part of the reason that many of the top voice actors (Nolan North and so forth) are so prolific is because they're cheap, and remained fairly cheap even after making it big. Make of that what you will.
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    No, you don't date rape/gay erase a character in Fire Emblem Fates

    I don't. This was exactly the difference I was referring too. My concern is that the end assurance that homosexual affections are for the young is the same (and I notice that you did not contest that). The japanese version gives far less wriggle room for what "homosexual affections" is permitted...
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    No, you don't date rape/gay erase a character in Fire Emblem Fates

    Congratulations for pointing out that they're present in different ways, which I already conceded. The basic idea of same-sex affections being something to be outgrown in favor of heterosexual relationships, which are presumed to be mature, is the same. Thank you for providing my rebuttal for...
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    No, you don't date rape/gay erase a character in Fire Emblem Fates

    I already went over this. I never claimed that the idea was present in exactly the same way in both cultures. Merely that it was present in both, at a basic level. They don't have to do jack, I was never promised jack, and I never said otherwise. As much as you seem to wish that I had. All I...
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    No, you don't date rape/gay erase a character in Fire Emblem Fates

    I must beg to differ. I see that while I was away from the forums, you decided that the matter was decisively resolved. That's fine, but you said some things that I feel compelled to respond to anyway. Firstly, the game text says pretty clearly that she consistently finds women more attractive...
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    No, you don't date rape/gay erase a character in Fire Emblem Fates

    Are you saying that fiction can't say anything meaningful? Or only that Fire Emblem isn't saying anything meaningful? Except there is a popular perception, commonly held among people who still oppose the social acceptance of homosexuality, that ALL "gay" people are indeed like that. They are...
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    Steam Summer Sale 2015 after action report

    I picked up-- The Witcher 2 collection Tomb Raider 2013 Wolfenstein: The New Order/The Old Blood Killing Floor 2 Insurgency A bunch of dlc for Payday 2 Games I wanted to get but passed on this time-- Alien Isolation Batman Arkham Origins Vanishing of Ethan Carter Far cry 4 AC...