Recent content by Austin Merida

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    MMORPG Manifesto

    Warning: EPIC WALL OF TEXT below MMORPG Manifesto The idea of a virtual fantasy world, where one can be and do whatever they can imagine, or, at least, do things they can?t do in reality, or where one can go to new and fantastic lands, seems like it could be one of the greatest...
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    General Unpopular Opinions

    I believe that God is Female, and that Her name is Eris.
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    You've got a time machine

    Time travel is impossible. You can't travel through a social construct.
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    The single most destructive phrase...

    I never said people couldn't do what they want, just that that phrase annoys me to no end, and people who use it are not people I want to be around or to interact with in any capacity.
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    The single most destructive phrase...

    "end of". Even if I agree with the person saying this, it gives me the urge to immediately change my views. close second is "I hate politics". One may as well say "I do not care about, or am too stupid or lazy to understand, any problem anyone on the planet is having, nor do I care about...
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    Poll: What is Your Alignment (Escapist)?

    I really want to be chaotic good, but in my actions and daily life i'm more like lawful neutral. i.e., i self-identify as an anarchist, i write online posts about social issues, etc., but i've never broken a single law or rule, and I don't really go out of my way to help or harm anyone in real...
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    Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism

    I just started replaying Mass Effect recently, and realized that I had yet to play as a female character. So I did. But I also noticed something odd: females in Mass Effect have NO MUSCLE AT ALL. This is supposed to be one of the better games for gender equality, but every single female in the...
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    Which goal should i focus on?

    Yeah, I've researched this, and looked at some other forums to find out exactly how to do it. My first steps would be to start a simple exercise routine, and then start practicing landings (how to roll, etc) before doing anything difficult. I have concluded a few things today: 1. Don't try...
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    Which goal should i focus on?

    I understand that either will require dedication and passion and a lot of hard work. I know that I will have to make significant lifestyle changes (though I don't play WoW or other MMORPGs that often), and I am prepared for that. I admit that I am rather lazy as it is, but I am trying to change...
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    Which goal should i focus on?

    Currently, my main goal in life is either to make art or to become a practitioner of parkour. Right now, i have little skill in either activity. I am fairly lazy, and have the body that comes with spending all of my freetime playing video games. I also haven't practiced any artistic skills for...
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    Why I think the "friend zone" is a load of crap.

    at least people who are friendzoned have friends... [insert forever alone guy here]
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    Opinions and Critiques on a Story Concept

    Recommendation from a senseless idiot: don't politicize it too much. For example, I would avoid describing the "paradise" sectors too much, as it could put off many readers if they disagree with your idea of paradise - for example, an anarchist might take issue with a work that espouses...
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    Crushed by your own dreams

    I've had some dreams that made me feel pretty awful afterwards. For example, i had a dream once about a girl in my astronomy class who I considered WAY out of my league (more mature, intelligent, and attractive than me), but in this dream, i was in a very crowded urban setting with very muted...
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    So, lets talk about racism for a minute

    I believe that there is merit in the ideas behind affirmative action - certain races were undoubtedly forcefully held back from success, and that should be addressed - However, as an anarchist, I don't condone government influence in anything. The government probably caused the problem in the...
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    Poll: Jim sterling VS Extra credits

    You people are all missing the real problem with EC - the f***ing annoying voices they use! it sounds like some 5-year-old in a helium-filled room talking into a voice changer! I only watched one episode a while ago, so I'm not sure if they have changed this, but seriously, that s*** is painful...