Recent content by Azkar Almsivi

  1. Azkar Almsivi

    Own 10 Or More Games On Steam? You Are Too Core For Many Developers

    *puts developer name next to Bioware on the eternal boycott list* All in all better than expected.
  2. Azkar Almsivi

    Blizzard Reveals Warcraft Movie Trailer

    I know right? I am obsessed with Warcraft lore and played back when I was little all the way up until quitting WoW in WoD. I'm hyped as all hell for this. Even more so than Starwars.
  3. Azkar Almsivi

    Here Is Your First Fallout 4 Trailer

    More desolate arid American terrain. Looks like Fallout 3 re-textured. I know the history of the Fallout games is obsessed with America but still. Couldn't we get one based in Alaska? Asia maybe? Europe? I guess all these American monuments and such just don't appeal to me after several games...
  4. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - Group 2 AKA 'the undesirables' As Ysenelle focused upon the ship the cold of the ground started trying to seep into her flesh and her clothes. The psychic imprints upon the ship came with it filling her mind. There had been an altar to a long forgotten god in this chamber where the...
  5. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle, Derelict Ship, 'Undesirable' Group The lithe Eldar slid gracefully out of the hole made by their would be craft and landed silently on the floor next to the Kroot, ignoring it. "Do you know whats going on here? Do you know of Chaos?" The alien woman merely sighed as she stepped...
  6. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - hurtling through space in a metal tube The Eldar harelquin sat calmly, strapped into the torpedo as she attempted to feel her way with her mind as they were in transit. Very cautiously probing and feeling with her minds eye in an attempt to grasp what was giving her a faint feeling...
  7. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - The Valiant Light - Undesirables Docking Bay The shorter Eldar just shook her head at the Biel'tan ranger. ("If he was even partially corrupted I would have already killed him. There was another presence besides the chaotic taint and the very feel of this ship puts me at unease.")...
  8. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - The Undesirables Docking Bay The Harlequin graciously gave a little bow at the two Kroot for being so understanding. Really the situation had occurred because Ysenelle had lacked focus, getting lost in her little explanation. Being able to convey a hint of her lifestyle was...
  9. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - 'undesirables docking bay' Ysenelle was taking in the series of questions from the two and weigh up her responses. "I'm a member of the ancient and powerful Eldar race! Once long ago the very stars themselves lived and died at our command!" She paused for a moment, becoming...
  10. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - 'undesirables docking bay' "What... What was... That uh... That thing you did." The Eldar woman sighed. Touching Jack's mind was enough for her to see that he had barely had any sleep. Ignoring the Eldar lifestyle nudging into the back of her mind she firmly grabbed him and sat...
  11. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - 'undesirables docking bay' The Eldar absent mindedly focused on humming a tune and mucking about with the various runes and items on her person as she waited for the Kroot to stop hissing and clicking at each other. She noticed the angry mon-keigh that had shot at her was still...
  12. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Sharing a comfortable room with the human had been a bonus, it did take them a few days to stop being stuffy around each other but after that wall was broken they had practically been in their own little world. Ysenelle didn't leave to fetch anything though as crew altercations were not a pass...
  13. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - Shuttle Bay The Eldar took the shorter woman's hand and gently shook it. "Well that's a surprise from a flithy mon-keigh, maybe you'll be further surprised by a filthy xenos? Only time will tell. I can assure you that our continued cooperation easily satisfies the interests of...
  14. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - Shuttle Bay "ELDAR! FRONT AND CENTER!" Ysenelle stopped for a moment and looked back at the angry little mon-keigh shouting out like some form of ape. The Eldar took in the uniform and managed to hold back her assumption that it was a bored teenager specifically bred for breeding...
  15. Azkar Almsivi

    A Decade on the Edge (Game Thread: Closed, Dead)

    Ysenelle - Shuttle Bay Ysenelle just nodded at Jack as she focused on not letting the man become a bloodless sack of meat. The Eldar shrugged her shoulders at her fellow would be medics as the wounded would be assassin got carted out and very large Kroot clambered in upon landing. Ysenelle...