Recent content by BmoreAkuma

  1. BmoreAkuma

    Mystery And Controversy Surround Slavery The Game

    hmmmm it can lead to a stealth game of the slave escaping.
  2. BmoreAkuma

    Poll: Female babysitter charged for having sex with 14-year old boy.

    sighes once again posts of "wish I was in that situation"
  3. BmoreAkuma

    The Big Picture: Skin Deep

    But then you use the "African had slaves" card so unfortunately your point is just as mute as his. When a discussion of racism comes about many (including you) be so quick to use it as a defense for their argument. What you have also failed to noticed that he agreed that it is a double standard...
  4. BmoreAkuma

    Escape to the Movies: Paul

    I have to agree as soon as they said "from the creators of superbad", I already knew and was waiting to hear his name. I mean for christsakes, can't the Apatow choose someone else in these films? I think he appeared in either the lead role or as an supporting character in just about all of...
  5. BmoreAkuma

    The Big Picture: Groan Saga

    Im sorry but I have to agree about how crappy the 90s were This song actually was popular in the mid 90s. I shit you not.
  6. BmoreAkuma

    The Big Picture: Correctitude

    That is an ideal fantasy when comes "words and their meaning" If that is the case then what is the point of a dictionary? Why not just change all words in human language with different meaning then it would lead to confusion on the person "intent" or "meaning"
  7. BmoreAkuma

    The Big Picture: Correctitude

    The "sticks and bones may break my bones but words will never hurt" Is almost lying to your kids about bullying. In most cases it doesn't work at all. If someone say something hurtful about you, your wife, sister, mother, sexuality or whatever don't try to pretend you wouldn't get upset. That...