Recent content by cenebi

  1. cenebi

    E3 2010: Final Fantasy XIV Hands on

    So the only real complaint I've heard about this can be summed up as: "It's not WoW." You don't criticize a game for not being like another game. If this was more like WoW, you'd all be calling it a crappy WoW clone.
  2. cenebi

    Monster Hunter Tri

    If the tutorial takes you 10 hours, you're doing it wrong.
  3. cenebi

    Zero Punctuation: Monster Hunter Tri

    As much as I like Yahtzee's reviews, he's just not suited to reviewing RPGs. He ends up reviewing the genre, and not the game. Do I blame him for not playing through more than the first half of the 1-star offline quests (Which took me less than an hour total)? No, he's a fairly busy person...
  4. cenebi

    Have you ever gotten so angry....

    Getting that angry for ANY reason is a pretty good sign you should see a therapist. Seriously, getting so angry at a video game you vomit? You might consider laying off the games.
  5. cenebi

    How necessary are those wrist-strap things?

    Being grounded is something every tech knows they should do, but generally don't think about unless they're working on a system they don't own. It's usually enough to just make sure a part of your skin is touching a metal part of the computer case or something, but there really isn't any excuse...