Have you ever gotten so angry....


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Getting that angry for ANY reason is a pretty good sign you should see a therapist.

Seriously, getting so angry at a video game you vomit? You might consider laying off the games.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
dont really have anger issues until i comepletely loose it like for example
once at school some kid making fun of me for about idk 2 hours then all of a sudden i just snapped chased after him hes just screaming in fear and beat the royal shit out of him (3 broken ribs 4 broken fingers fractured leg and he shit himselve like actually had crapped in his pants) well i got expelled and all cause HE pissed me off...


New member
Feb 17, 2010
my friend got mad and he has anger management and being an idiot said he sucks
he almost broke my nose when he through the xbox controller at me
he still gave me a bad bloody nose and it was purple for a week


New member
Dec 16, 2009
FirstToStrike said:
I must have some really sever anger issues.

Let me explain it all for you.

Typical Sunday for me:

Wake up at 9 in the morning, splash my eyes with cold water and get right on the Xbox to play some Mw2. Well about 3 hours into the bliss, I started to suck.


My teammates were sucking, the enemies were being campers and dropshots (Don't even get me started on them) and it was on my best map, Skidrow.

Well, I got so angry that I threw my controller out the window into freezing snow, screamed so incredibly hard until I felt the capillaries on my face break, and I ended up vomiting everywhere in my room because I got so ticked.

So have you ever gotten so angry at a game, that you have had a similar experience to the one above?
You sir, are hilarious.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
FirstToStrike said:
I must have some really sever anger issues.

I ended up vomiting everywhere in my room because I got so ticked.
Not to be a jerk, but why all over the room? Why not in a trashcan or something? Was that part of the anger?

I recommend stopping playing if you get that angry in the future. I get pretty ticked off myself when playing TF2, and when I get angry I usually try just going outside to put things in perspective.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
The most angry i've gotten was a few years back playing warioware touched. I couldn't beat this shooting gallery level and was getting pretty frustrated, then i got within 1 point of my goal before losing and I started chewing on my DS in rage.
Nowadays if something in a game pisses me of I just turn it off and sit there for like 2 minutes, then do something else. In extreme cases of, say, MW2 dickery, I MIGHT throw my controller on the ground, but i have carpet so its not a big deal. I would never do something to cause lasting damage to my electronics, I'm too protective of them for that.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
I try not to get angry at all. It's usually a complete impediment. The only situation in which it offers an improvement is if you require raw intimidation... and I'd have to be a complete meathead to think intimidating somebody is a good thing to do. I can still get angry if backed into a corner enough, say if some young forum sophomore won't stop arguing me over something after I told him I'm not interested, but it still doesn't do any good.

Besides, computers are never intimidated. Losing your cool just made you (a) play worse and (b) shell out real money to replace your broken computer hardware. Blowing up is a completely futile gesture, you should curb that habit. Not even many psycholgists believe "expressing your repressed emotions" does anything other than throw more fuel on the wrong emotions anymore.

(Actually, computers might react to a bad mood [http://www.impactlab.com/2005/08/07/jinxed-computer-users-self-prophesize-thru-their-own-bad-vibes/], but not in the desired method of making you win the game. No, they'll just crash - you could end up with a premature Red Ring Of Death. I'm probably just being superstitious, but I've had computers manifest sudden and strange breaking when I happen to be in a bad mood often enough to wonder.)

The bottom line is if a game is frustrating the hell out of you, stop playing it before you go over the deep edge. Hint: you're not enjoying yourself, and enjoying yourself is what you're supposed to be doing when you play a game.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Only once, i learned my lesson, one time i got so incredibly angry at a game i started hitting the couch, it turned out there was a loose nail head under the very thin pillow.

Now i just hurl a barrage of abuse at whatever pisses me off.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
colonel_alzheimers said:
camokkid said:
I was playing pokemon ruby and I lost a beauty competition for the 3rd time in a row and I bent the screen of my gameboy, and then it didn't work anymore.

I shit you not.
This is my favorite story, because it's a beauty contest for pokemon.
How did you bend the screen?
It was a gameboy advance SD, the one with the flip up screen.

I bent it and then there was this weird black tree shape on the screen.

It happened when I was about eight years old.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
primitivescrewhead said:
FirstToStrike said:
I must have some really sever anger issues.

Let me explain it all for you.

Typical Sunday for me:

Wake up at 9 in the morning, splash my eyes with cold water and get right on the Xbox to play some Mw2. Well about 3 hours into the bliss, I started to suck.


My teammates were sucking, the enemies were being campers and dropshots (Don't even get me started on them) and it was on my best map, Skidrow.

Well, I got so angry that I threw my controller out the window into freezing snow, screamed so incredibly hard until I felt the capillaries on my face break, and I ended up vomiting everywhere in my room because I got so ticked.

So have you ever gotten so angry at a game, that you have had a similar experience to the one above?
You sir, are hilarious.
When I saw your post, I imagined it in a Top Cat voice.

Try it.

[sub/]I am so



Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
While not really related to games - I got so pissed once I accidentally insulted this girl's dead grandfather.

15+ people are still hating me for it.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
AC10 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah, I had to quit COD online because my flatmates thought I was crazy wiht the constant 'FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK? I SHOT HIM SIX TIMES IN THE FUCKING FACE!' and so on...
I really don't understand how you can get so frustrated at a game. If I find myself becoming bored or hopeless I just shut the game off.
Good for you.

Have you ever played COD online?


Apr 28, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
AC10 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah, I had to quit COD online because my flatmates thought I was crazy wiht the constant 'FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK? I SHOT HIM SIX TIMES IN THE FUCKING FACE!' and so on...
I really don't understand how you can get so frustrated at a game. If I find myself becoming bored or hopeless I just shut the game off.
Good for you.

Have you ever played COD online?
CoD 1-4 I played a lot of online, yeah. Didn't play 5 a whole lot. I didn't even buy MW2.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
AC10 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
AC10 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah, I had to quit COD online because my flatmates thought I was crazy wiht the constant 'FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK? I SHOT HIM SIX TIMES IN THE FUCKING FACE!' and so on...
I really don't understand how you can get so frustrated at a game. If I find myself becoming bored or hopeless I just shut the game off.
Good for you.

Have you ever played COD online?
CoD 1-4 I played a lot of online, yeah. Didn't play 5 a whole lot. I didn't even buy MW2.
And you never found yourself becoming frustrated at them?

You're a more patient person than I, obviously.


Apr 28, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
AC10 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
AC10 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah, I had to quit COD online because my flatmates thought I was crazy wiht the constant 'FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK? I SHOT HIM SIX TIMES IN THE FUCKING FACE!' and so on...
I really don't understand how you can get so frustrated at a game. If I find myself becoming bored or hopeless I just shut the game off.
Good for you.

Have you ever played COD online?
CoD 1-4 I played a lot of online, yeah. Didn't play 5 a whole lot. I didn't even buy MW2.
And you never found yourself becoming frustrated at them?

You're a more patient person than I, obviously.
Getting spawn killed in games frustrates me, but I never verbally or otherwise show it. If I find myself irritated at the game I simply walk away :)

Like I said before, play some of the 8 bit games like ninja gaiden and silver surfer, you'll be a much more tolerant person :D


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
I've had the same day as you, full of dropshots and really bad team mates. I just get frustrated, not angry. In fact, my friends and family regard that as one of my positive qualities. It takes alot for me to rage enough to punch somebody.



Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
AC10 said:
Getting spawn killed in games frustrates me, but I never verbally or otherwise show it. If I find myself irritated at the game I simply walk away :)

Like I said before, play some of the 8 bit games like ninja gaiden and silver surfer, you'll be a much more tolerant person :D
I grew up on those games, I'm from the NES generation. Mario 3 and Battletoads used to make me an angry little kid...

But it's twice as annoying when you know it's a real person beating you. Not sure why, it just is.