Maybe if raising children wasn't a first class trip to financial ruination more people would be on board? I have no interest in kids to begin with but my cat costs like €50 a month to feed.
Okay, so there's only so much Icke, Jones and Musk I can listen to so I'll be giving that a miss. And I heard about Elon calling in pretending to be someone else but... clearly that is Musk speaking, please tell me that's not him pretending to be someone else and that is just a clip of Musk as...
Hey guys wouldn't it be weird if a person previously claimed that deontology and consequentialism are basically the same thing while claiming to be a deontologist but it was pointed out that their stance was actually a consequentialist one but they couldn't admit they were wrong? Wouldn't it...
Y'know what's wild? The amount of people here in Ireland who give a shit. Like I know I'm a Republican and feel more strongly about this than a lot of people but if there's any country that should collectively think "fuck the British monarchy"... Well actually that's a lot of countries, but we...
Trump literally called Ted Cruz' wife ugly and he still sucks up to him. For all their macho pandering every single one of them is a raging fucking pussy.
I would also assume, god I hope I'm right, that there's also an age limit on owning a firearm right? So presumably his parents had to claim it was for them when they bought it?
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