Recent content by chikusho

  1. C

    Ubisoft to Punish Players Who Exploit Glitch in The Division's "Falcon Lost"

    I would find it highly amusing if Massive decides to punish glitchers. You know, considering actual hackers are still running rampant on the PC, with a 3 day ban being the worst punishment they receive. Whatever punishment they dole out will probably be negligible, or they shoot themselves in...
  2. C

    Why are people treating James Gunn as if he is some "talented director"?

    Being a talented director and making bad/mediocre movies are not mutually exclusive.
  3. C

    Blizzard to Remove "Sexy" Tracer Pose in Overwatch - Update

    A bold developer decides to follow artistic vision despite complaints from the oversensitive, thin-skinned masses. Looks like GamerGate finally worked!
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    With Encryption Battle on Hold, Burner Phones Now Targeted

    The purpose of pre-paid celllphones is to do phone stuff.
  5. C

    The Division Breaks Ubisoft Sales Records

    I had the opposite impression of the beta - an excellent third person shooter with loot (which is a plus) and enough tough challenges to be really rewarding to play with friends.
  6. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    I look at from the opposite perspective. Nathan isn't in crazy because he's in isolation, he's in isolation because he's crazy. He can't deal with human relationships, and inventing the AI's is basically his way of creating a person he has complete control over. And sure, Nathan gives the...
  7. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    They're not though, and that's my point. Nathan isn't screaming at and abusing cars, or any other technology. In fact, he seems to have true reverance for all technology that isn't shaped like a human woman. I'd argue that we see from the time-lapse footage that he CAN'T build AI an robot...
  8. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    Then how come the only night he isn't drinking is directly after he's seen Caleb explicitly say that he will take advantage of his drunken stupor? Besides, the day Caleb arrives, he's doing his daily hangover cure and is trying to compensate for the drunken stupor he got himself into the night...
  9. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    He stops drinking suddenly because he's onto Calebs plan of getting him black-out drunk. The last time he did black-out, Caleb found the video footage of Nathan explicitly abusing and destroying the robot women. Also, he's being clearly abusive towards Kyoko throughout most of the movie. To...
  10. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    More through his actions than through his words. He lied to Caleb when he arrived, he could have lied to Caleb when he revealed his "true purpose", but most of all, he could be lying to himself. That's why I said it was an excuse, even if Nathan wasn't explicitly concsious of it himself. It's...
  11. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    Yes, she kills Nathan, and yes, she leaves Caleb behind. But from that we don't know she has disregard for human life; we simply know that she has disregard for Nathans' and Calebs' lives; Nathans' more passionately so. That she leaves Caleb behind could just as easily be out of necessity rather...
  12. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    You know, it doesn't necessarily have to mean that she "has no regard for human life", but rather, she may have seen Caleb as just another extension of Nathan. Remember, Caleb is just the second human being she's ever interacted with, and she quickly becomes a similar object of desire for Caleb...
  13. C

    Ex Machina Questions. Spoilers within.

    I don't think AVA was programmed to want to escape, and I don't think Nathan wanted to test her AI using Caleb. I think the whole Turing test thing was just an excuse for Nathan to get validation for his own feelings towards the women he built. The women who he simultaneously wanted to own and...
  14. C

    Is it fair to criticize or praise a game because of the options players may not take?

    No, you don't need to know the intent, because you can never truly know the intent. Also no, you don't need to know the intent because something can be communicated without it being intended. Yes, you can use your understanding of intent (claimed or otherwise) in your own speculation and...
  15. C

    Is it fair to criticize or praise a game because of the options players may not take?

    Why would you ever need to surmise the intent of the developer? I mean, possibly aside from an academic perspective trying to understand the creative process, or what works and what doesn't. Either way, if you do, what does that get you exactly? For example, the developer might intend for...