Recent content by CiferForLiberty

  1. CiferForLiberty

    Sony Smash Brothers Confirmed?

    which is something the Nintendo aren't able to do. At least to my knowledge.
  2. CiferForLiberty

    Sony Smash Brothers Confirmed?

    You do raise an excellent point. I guess, if that's the case, then there may be a lot more third party involvement. I imagine the roster people really want though would be a bit more than Sony will deliver. Although considering it's a modern fighting game, they do have more room for more fighters.
  3. CiferForLiberty

    Sony Smash Brothers Confirmed?

    Haha yeah I guess so. The thing is, Sony has to use all of it's own first party games for the game, so I bet a lot of third party games will be left out.
  4. CiferForLiberty

    Sony Smash Brothers Confirmed?

    I want it really bad just to see how fucking ridiculous it is. Like having Sackboy fight Cole McGrath while Snake fist fights Crash Bandicoot. The only thing is that it is kinda hard to imagine a lot of these characters in a fighting game sorta universe. It'd have to be very unique and appealing...
  5. CiferForLiberty

    What is your favorite game of all time and why?

    Well, I love a lot of games people have already listed, and more recently, Deus Ex: HR was a contender, but none stayed my favorite. My favorite game of all time has to be Fallout 3. I love the setting, the gameplay, the weapons. Honestly, the best part for me is the setting. The desolate...
  6. CiferForLiberty

    What is your favorite signature weapon?

    It's hard to choose. Mine would probably be Soul Edge from the Soul Calibur series:
  7. CiferForLiberty

    Anyone got any funny D&D stories?

    Okay, so my very first time I played D&D, me and my friends did a basic game. I played a half-elf ranger, one played an elf wizard, dwarf warrior, etc etc. Well, the adventure was basic too. Save fat guy from goblins. Easy enough. We go into the cave, kill the fuck out of the goblins, come out...
  8. CiferForLiberty

    The protagonist in the last game you played is hunting you.

    Welp, Nico Belic is after me. I'm pretty sure I'm screwed. Well, maybe not, my Nico has the tendency to jump off buildings and miss the fire escape right below him. Oh well.
  9. CiferForLiberty

    Poll: What is your favoured type of male underwear?

    Boxers. Much more comfortable then briefs.
  10. CiferForLiberty

    The last movie you saw combines with the last game you played and the last book you read.

    My last movie was Final Destination 5 My last game was Dragon Age Origins and my last book was Neuromancer Sci-fi fantasy where everyone dies while trying to stop a blight? Hell I don't know XD
  11. CiferForLiberty

    Trailers: Assassin's Creed Universe

    I think what bugs me the most about the Assassin's Creed series is that it's story is stuck with Ezio and Altair. Like they're too afraid to let them go. I mean, their main media is games, and they just want to stick with these two characters five games in. I want to see a game taking place...
  12. CiferForLiberty

    What? No Catherine Rage?

    Apparently no one really cared. I think it might be because the game didn't get much publicity, or maybe I just haven't seen much for it. Another reason might be because it's a Japanese game and it's the stereotype for those kinds of games.
  13. CiferForLiberty

    Threat has been detected

    I use AntiVir and haven't gotten anything from the Escapist.
  14. CiferForLiberty

    Poll: How do you name your game characters?

    I use the default names for games without customizable characters, like say, Final Fantasy 7. In games like Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I'll usually make a lore-friendly name.
  15. CiferForLiberty

    You are killed by the last weapon you used in the last game you played.

    I get crushed by block since it's one of the only things that can kill you in Catherine.