Recent content by ConjurerOfChaos

  1. C

    Immersion in Games: Are You Into It?

    Then again, there are things where the 'context' is important; in fact, I'd say 'context' is most important, or rather 'cohesion', i.e. how all the different aspects of the game (or piece of art in general) work together to create an experience (whether it's the one the producers wanted or not)...
  2. C

    Most Stupid Plotline

    Well, as much as I loved that game (unless I ran into a bug that caused it to be unfinishable and that even the wiki for the game doesn't fucking know) the "plot" of Fallout: New Vegas is somewhat ... stupid, for reasons of absence. Maybe it was my playstyle of taking over 35 hours to travel to...
  3. C

    Miracle of Sound: Half Man's Song (Game of Thrones)

    Erm, correct me if I' wrong, but there was a comment here about the Night's Watch being associated with the 'whispering ravens' from the lyrics; aren't the members of the Watch referred to as 'Crows' in the books, never as ravens, because ravens are simply Westeros' equivalent of carrier pigeons...
  4. C

    Miracle of Sound: Half Man's Song (Game of Thrones)

    Long time listener, first time poster. My thought process: Game of Thrones on Miracle of Sound? Sounds rad, let's check ... aw, come on. Tyrion?! Really?! Hasn't he been worked to death because we ALL love him. Anyway, let's give it a try. And this better be good, because I friggin' love...
  5. C

    Zero Punctuation: Half-Life

    I haven't played the first one, but I'm currently sitting on the second one (actually just stopped playing for a few minutes to watch ZP ...). And what strikes me as odd is that many of the things Yahtzee complains about in "modern", "realistic" shooters actually come from HL2, a game he...
  6. C

    Loading Time Returns!

    Maybe this is just me, but everytime I watch LoadingTime, after a time between 30 seconds and 4 minutes, the video just ends and I get to see the "pick-another-video"-thing that comes after your current video is finished. Today, it happened once after about one minute, then I reloaded and it...
  7. C

    Feed Dump: Girls Dump

    All I can hear is Kathleen's monotone drone as she begs for help. "I scream. I scream. I scream. I scream. ..."
  8. C

    Jimquisition: Will Grand Theft Auto V Have No Balls?

    Well, what about that? The last few weeks I always thought that the Jimquisition made valid points (not always entirely new, but valid) but this week, something was wrong. And that was his mention of Red Dead Redemption. The main character of that game was a mentally five-year old...
  9. C

    Feed Dump: Live Birth Webcast

    Very funny one, again. Feed Dump now has officially surpassed ZP on my "List of things to look forward to on Wednesday". By the way, Kate was not only in some of the Phäilhouses but also in some LRR videos and played a rather important role in the first season of CommodoreHustle, going so far...
  10. C

    Feed Dump: Mexican Sex, Dolphins & Nudists

    I knew Andy was damned hilarious from the stuff he did with the "normal" LRR (seriously, go watch "The Writer's Room" and "Street Value" if you don't believe me and OMG he wrote "Cursing"????), but this was about the best performance I've seen from him thus far. I'll now go and watch all the...
  11. C

    Games you found unbearably long

    Well, I think first answer would be Red Dead Redemption which I actually stopped playing after Dutch met his demise (not even at my hands) and then, instead of getting a proper end sequence, the game wanted me to ride to the ranch of ole Bonnie MacFarlane, at which point I decided that the game...