Recent content by conmag9

  1. conmag9

    What Games Scare you?

    It's not a game as a whole, but one of my favorite mods for Skyrim is Clockwork Castle. It's a story/home mod that involves (among a lot of other things), a ghost antagonist. Unlike every other ghost in the game, this one's played for much better scares because: a) She's completely...
  2. conmag9

    Your favorite deity from stories

    Technically more a Titan than a god, but since they fill a similar narrative role, I'm going with Autochthon from Exalted. Imagine the Death Star scaled up to full planetary size, given the personality of MacGyver, then load him up with Cosmic ADHD and magical bio-tech cancer. In setting...
  3. conmag9

    What's the Quickest You've Ever Given Up on a Game?

    Metroid Other M. I tried to give it a chance. I managed to get through the first major boss or so, but afterwards... The dialogue was terrible, the characters were off, and the mechanics didn't work for me. In particular, the swap between 1st and 3rd person with missiles made me want to hurl...
  4. conmag9

    Lies Your (Family) Elders Told You?

    My mother STILL refuses to admit that Santa isn't real. Same with the Easter Bunny. Beyond that though, my parents are pretty open with me and my brother. That, or they are phenomenal liars that don't give any indication that they are lying and undergo vast conspiracies to cover up any...
  5. conmag9

    Who is your favourite fictional character and why?

    Autochthon from Exalted springs to mind quickly. He's the Deathstar (actually several times larger, but still, giant metal pseduo-sphere with planet busting power) with the personality of McGuiver and a bad case of ADHD. Invented the concept of invention and, as primordial super-entities go, is...
  6. conmag9

    Do you like love and Romance in video games?

    In almost every case, no. I've almost never seen it done properly or worth the time to go through with it. It feels empty or artificial and really, really sudden. The only romance I can actually remember liking in a video game was in Bravely Second. Yew and Magnolia's development was gradual...
  7. conmag9

    Poll: What is your appetite like?

    I have a pretty strong appetite, unless I'm on the computer (which seems to suspend my need to eat, sleep or do pretty much anything else, for some reason). I'm tremendously picky about how I indulge it, but mercifully the small number of things I'll eat are usually very simple to prepare/buy...
  8. conmag9

    Bethesda: No More Remasters in the Elder Scrolls Series

    Personally, I'm happy with this. This way, they have fewer distractions from an eventual Elder Scrolls 6: Somewhere That Isn't MMO Land. It's pretty rare that I think Remastering is anywhere near worth it, but even more so from a series with such an active (encouraged, even!) modding...
  9. conmag9

    #154: Speech Check

    Or a bitterly sarcastic giant crystal who reveals himself to be the main villain after all. Or at least a Necron-style "where the hell did that come from" ending. To be honest, Daedalus reminds me more of Kuja than Sephiroth anyway, sword notwithstanding, so it would fit.
  10. conmag9

    #145: Gloat Time

    Beaten to the punch several times over, this was my first thought. My money's on only him and Captain Crystal still standing (the latter, perhaps buckling a bit) in the next few seconds. Loving the look on Althea here.
  11. conmag9

    fallout 4 1.7 patch

    Kellog's key is one point. The first thing that made me think "okay, yeah, she'd clearly telling the truth" was when said she'd seen me "leaving the ice box" and that it "wasn't my world". I hadn't explained to anyone by that stage that I'd been frozen for 200 years. The other points don't...
  12. conmag9

    Favorite Opening and Ending Themes?

    Pretty much the only intro I've NEVER skipped.
  13. conmag9

    fallout 4 1.7 patch

    Out of curiosity, what makes you hate her? Marcy I fully understand, and Jun I can sorta get (even if I don't find him annoying personally. They've both been through terrible situations, but at least Jun doesn't lash out at the person who saved him). Is it the voice? Attitude? The psyker...
  14. conmag9

    Glorious War VS War is Hell

    I honestly can't think of a single good thing about war. Absolute best case scenario, it'll be used to stop some terrible injustice...but the only things bad enough to maybe justify a war are themselves either other wars or mass crimes of similar scope. Pain, death, dehumanization...
  15. conmag9

    Poll: Windows 10- Worth It?

    I've had no mechanical problems with it personally ever since it was shipped to me (it was supposed to be 8.1, but I got a free update, it would seem...). Runs fine, design is acceptable. If it weren't for the cooked in telemetry and other bullshit spyware, it'd get my full approval. That sort...