Recent content by CptPanda29

  1. CptPanda29

    Rumor: Johnny Depp Starring in Doctor Who Movie

    How would this even fit in? The doctor only has one regeneration left after Matt Smith, and I highly doubt that they'd burn it on a movie. And then spoil Smith's final episode. Tragically I can see this happening just as much as I think it's false. If it's true then I've lost a lot of...
  2. CptPanda29

    Game anagrams!

    HAHA Lost Planet 2, Latent Slop 2. Erm... it's the same game.
  3. CptPanda29

    WBC to picket funeral of Ronnie James Dio

    It's impossible to reason with any religious extremist. They've already thrown any kind of thought out of the f*cking window. Best thing we can do is ignore them until the "Most hated family in America" die, complete with their bastard children. No joke, their main spokeswoman has a son...
  4. CptPanda29

    Poll: Frankie Boyle challenged over Down's Syndrome joke

    Frankie has already had backlash from the BBC, the channel that made him one of - if not THE most well known comedian in the UK, for taking the p*ss out of the queen. Christ all it takes is ONE person to get "Offended" by something for the press try to ruin a comedic genius' whole f*cking...
  5. CptPanda29

    You can't hit me, you're the woman!

    Men can't fight back. Those are the rules, and nothing is going to change them.
  6. CptPanda29

    The best experience you've ever had in a movie theater?

    My idiot friend laughing loudly at all the bad jokes and everyone else in the room laughing at him about a second after. Pretty much any movie.
  7. CptPanda29

    Real life abilitys.

    What Jason Mewes has in "Zack and Miri", look it up.
  8. CptPanda29

    What's Your favorite SF IV Character?

    Mighty Bison, all the way. But Cammy's pretty fun too, and getting a Bison costume in SSF4. I couldn't ever play SF on a keyboard... It just doesn't make sense. I had enough trouble learning a stick, let alone dozens of buttons.
  9. CptPanda29

    Poll: Escapists and World of Warcraft

    I got a Human Paladin to around level 41, got bored out of my skull. Could never find a team, got sick of how long it took to get anywhere and then realized I was playing the same 4 missions over and over. Might give it another go when Cataclysm comes out using a trial or something, but I'm...
  10. CptPanda29

    Commercials you're tired off

    the "Put all you gold in a bag marked GOLD and send it to us in the LEAST SECURE way in existance and then we'll send you a enveloped marked CASH in return" ones
  11. CptPanda29

    Alien Vs Predator

    I liked it, but my two biggest complaints are when you "Stun" someone it's unbelievably easy to get them in a Stunlock, which immediately make me think 90% less of a game. Also the spawns are retarded, I appreciate an alien can get across the map in about 5 seconds, but spawning me immediately...
  12. CptPanda29

    BioWare Kills Mass Effect 2 PS3 Rumor

    PS3 will probably get a Trilogy Boxset or something like that, but I'm just happy pressing the "Make Shepard do something outrageous" button...
  13. CptPanda29

    5 artists/groups you'd recommend to anybody.

    1. Tom 2. Sawyer 3. By 4. Rush 5. There is no #5.
  14. CptPanda29


    What runs around a field and doesn't move?
  15. CptPanda29

    A good F2P MMO.

    One I used to play way back when was RF Online, it used to be the standard MMO fee but it's free now. To say it's free and quite old now it's quite a pretty game.