Recent content by CrazyGeneral

  1. C

    Joining The Defence force

    when I grow up I have thought about either becoming a marine a scout sniper or a M*A*S*H* doctor I decided to that I would rather be a hospital doctor because I do not want to go to a desert I hate spiders and scorpians and I will go awol before I go there.
  2. C

    The Extent of your Fighting Abilities

    when I was little I took something called om yung do it is like a combo of judo karate and tae qoun do and a bunch of other stuff, I figured out that my size is my only real advantage so I just try to tackle the guy and beat him on the ground till he gives up one guy tried to pull a gun and I...
  3. C

    What is the purpose of smoking?

    well I can't speak for most people but my dad started smoking because his friend got some hash oil and later on in life he became a chronic pain patient and started smoking to relax and due the nature of his pain it helped with the pain(basically he grinds his teeth and because of his jaw...
  4. C

    Groin Attacks Are Not Funny

    oh god I know what you mean man, last week my cousin got pissed at me for saying that he is immature his mature response was to do a full on running punt to my balls once I was down he tried it again this time he missed and did a full 180 flip and landed on his ass and kicked himself in the head...
  5. C

    Apple topples Microsoft's throne.

    MEN WOMEN CHILDERN RUN RUN TO YOUR HOMES KISS YOUR PETS GOODBYE IT IS THE TIME OF THE STARBORN ONES WHEN THE GREAT PS3 RISES FROM MOUNT ARMAGEDDON YE SHALL KNOW THE END IS NIGH. now that is over good for them but I still hate apple so much because while the ipod is good the ipad and their...
  6. C

    Poll: is he ignorant or does he have a point

    I think if that if you want like a 22. for target shooting,
  7. C

    Book Recommendations?

    anything written by orson scott card and Aurthur c Clark two of the greatest writters of all time, oh and j.r.r. tolken.
  8. C

    Poll: What's Your Gaming "Power"?

    I would say either aiming stealth or driving, in halo three I am either sniping or driving a warthog directly into the enemy base while the gunner turns them into confetti.
  9. C

    Poll: If you could live in any Science Fiction Universe which one would it be?

    Shame on everyone here for not picking star trek your the nerd founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.
  10. C

    Poll: Is Anything Possible?

    there is a pshyical law that says anything is possible it is called the uncertainty principal the basic idea is even if the chance is one in a hyperbillion chance of you opening a door on earth and ending up in the center of the sun if you kept opening doors and walking though eventually you...
  11. C

    The best bands nobody seems to have heard of?

    Da vinci's notebook the best comedy band of all time, .
  12. C

    If you could own ONE pokemon

    of me it would be either arcanine machamp picachu or staraptor, Arcanine is just badass Machamp could do all my physical labor and I could get into fights and just watch him break the dudes spine picachu because it would fun to throw at people and watch them get shocked and starpator...
  13. C

    Your favorite Conspiracy Theory

    my personal favorite is the Gemstone File, it is like the ultimate in stupid crazy conspiracy theories (link: )
  14. C

    Bullshit Game Moments

    me and my friend had a bet about who could build the biggest army in empire total war and an hour before we stopped I had a bigger army until my game crashed and my saves got corrupted, and that children was the day my keyboard impaled the neighborhood cat.